Showing Posts For Frederick Vael.6293:

We don't like Trahearne *Spoiler Warning* [merged]

in Personal Story

Posted by: Frederick Vael.6293

Frederick Vael.6293

Umm OP, It is true that most games don’t allow you to be the hero people talk about and build statues for the player, and we made do with the fact that at least we know what we did, we know we’re the true heroes and that sort of stuff, but Guild wars 2 wanted to CHANGE that, it WANTED to make us the hero, it promised that it would make it so, if this was just another MMO, this thread wouldn’t exist. So think about that.

I thought about that, a lot. And do you know what did I realize? That they lied. They lied, or maybe they didn’t know how to do it, and only disappointed us. Or maybe they were so delusional that they actually thought they accomplished it.

I bid for the latter. And it sadden me. Dear god, I wanted to like this game so, so much… Why, Colin? Why?

(edited by Frederick Vael.6293)

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: Frederick Vael.6293

Frederick Vael.6293

You talk as if crafting were usefull right now.

You can almost buy an crafted exotic armor for the same amount that it cost building it. And the price difference wont compensate the lost money to get to 400.

Crafting, right now, is plain useless.

Black Lion tools - "extremely inefficient"?

in Crafting

Posted by: Frederick Vael.6293

Frederick Vael.6293

It’s called probability.

A tool could have a 99% probability of giving you double drop rate, and you could still get none in 10 tries in a row.

Less soul /account bound items please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frederick Vael.6293

Frederick Vael.6293

Not being able to sell it is the real porpuse of that.

What they should do is to reduce the number of soulbound/accountbound on adquire. Those tonics should bound on use, not on adquire. And what they did for weapons and pets in GW1 was really cool: pets dont soulbound, but they are wasted when you use them to unlock an achievement. Weapons dont soulbound, but do +15% dmg if you soulbound them. I dont think it will destroy economy, as if you want to use a weapon regulary you will end up soulbounding it, and it will add more pets to sell.

Human Female Laugh BUG

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Frederick Vael.6293

Frederick Vael.6293

Am i the only one having this problem? Because i look and look on this forum, but i cant find it, nor in the entire forum using the search.

When I laugh with my human mesmer, it sounds like this:
Which is frankly horrible. There is a way to solve this? It has been happening since the release, but i remember back in the BWE that it was different.

Anyone knows how to fix it, or if its a general issue?

Crafting can actually make you gold for once?

in Crafting

Posted by: Frederick Vael.6293

Frederick Vael.6293

I want to make something clear, because it seems that nobody in these games seems to realize it. It happened in WoW and it is happening here.

If you go to farm something, to use that farmed material to build something, even if the material were “free”, you are still losing money. Those materials still have a value, and they can be sold. Thinking that a helmet that is sold for 5coins, that is built using mat A wich can be sold for 2 coins, and mat B that can be sold for 2 coins, the helmet only gives you 1 coin of profit, even if you farmed the materials. True, you also get the other 4 because it was like selling them together, and in this example it is a good trade, but keep in mind that materials always worth money, even when farmed.

I has seen a lot of time in WoW people selling crafted good cheaper than the required materials “because they farmed them”.