Showing Posts For Froggeen.2913:

How to defeat power ranger

in Engineer

Posted by: Froggeen.2913


i couldn’t win to power ranger .

when i use zerker rifle build.

need any advice.

some good rangers never let me close distance when i use toolkit

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Froggeen.2913


After seeing how many SBI are in eternal, there’s no reason for you guys to be losing this bad. You guys are just terrible, learn to WvW please and don’t complain about “outmanned in Home BL” because all your numbers are in Eternal.

Commander Evilzara of BP

This quote is from last week I found today. She is a commander of [Soul]

You [Soul] and [WAR] have no number to 15v15 us? I saw like 30 of you guys on the field most of the day. [Soul] and [WAR], are you guys too scared to face us to GvG? We had people waiting for hours and you say “we have no number.” You think we have so much time? Everyone is busy for their own reasons but we keep promises when we make them. “Learn to WvW?” Why don’t you learn to keep the promise and not make so many people wait for you.

Any of you who say SBI is so bad, message me and we will crush your guild. You probably are just key board warriors. Challenge us in GvG. Talk only after proving that you are better than us.

I’m not a commander of Soul I’m just a commander who joined Soul last week. I have nothing to do with GvG’s that they are in.
You know what’s funny? The most Soul/WAR fields is 18-20 people. The roster only contains about 50 people. Everyday they raid with 10 people max. If you saw 30 Soul/WAR, you must be stupid or blind.

If you’re really serious about GvGing [Soul], visit and post a thread in the WvW section.

I’m real curious to see how a server full of karma train pros would do in a GvG.

um. There is no mention of keeping promise and apology
I wasted my time cause of you guys..