Showing Posts For Frostwolve.2916:
I am way more kittened off than this than I should be. I would love to rant and rave, ask for a refund and swear I will never be back. However I am too busy enjoying another game to care right now. I rarely post about anything but I was on the ledge between which game to spend my time on for the last few days and now the decision is clear to me.
I know 1 person makes no difference, but this post isn’t about you this post is about me and I don’t care if you care. If you read this than my opinion will be on your mind for a bit and I will not be viewing any replies deal with it. I may be back in a week or month or never.
and then what? they take over the world?
All bosses instead waiting in a large room separate from others, join all into the same room and wait for adventurers.
Yes when you log into lions arch they will be there waiting for you to spawn so they can kill you and loot your corpse.
I am leaving for archeage myself. I don’t like the way this game is going. A lot of people don’t. This is not the first step twards self destruction for this game. I am afraid the changes I did like are a little to late. Giving the timelines the changes I really want will not ever come.
What was so wrong with the system back when we got our trait points at level 11? The patch that changed the leveling system then sucked terribly. Needing all those skill points to unlock traits and not getting any traits till 30. After that patch I said nothing. I figured ok, it sucks but I will adapt. I personally haven’t tried the new leveling system but if it isn’t better, Why did you make it worse? why waste your efforts on something the players didn’t ask for or want?
How much drugs it takes now to enjoy this game now? I certainly cannot enjoy leveling now or much else in the game. you know what I quit.
flame me all you want.