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Flamethrower, Juggernaut Trait Bug?

in Engineer

Posted by: Fuuyu.9210


Hey! it’s not only with The Juggernaut, it’s also bugged with “Deadly Mixtures” that’s supposed to give you a 15% increase, gives you a 15% decrease in PvE and PvP

I monitored them both in PvP :P with and without having the FlameThrower

Engineers and Sexy Weapons~

in Engineer

Posted by: Fuuyu.9210


Both my engis looks really great with leges. Its all about make gear fit to weapon not weapon to gear:-)

No doubt they both Complete each other in a way, Hell I wouldn’t be complaining if my Hobosack at least looked Sexy, It would be awesome to at least keep the Footfall and make kits a little pouch on our lower back that way we can see our stowed weapons/awesome backpieces as well…and ofc if they’re lazy just Toggle ON OFF =_="

Only 1 move reminds me that I have legies and it’s on a 30s CD, but it looks kitten when unleashed! Wouldn’t Kill to have the effects Stay the same and Projectiles changed!

P.S Love the PIC!! Hip Asuran attracting Quaggans with his own version of Milkshakes, MUST BE FUN AT PARTIES!

(edited by Fuuyu.9210)

Engineers and Sexy Weapons~

in Engineer

Posted by: Fuuyu.9210


after 5k+ hours of play time on my engi… i have predator and frenzy permanently equipped and i do not think we need a buff to legendary visibility.

a warrior does not see his [twilight] when he has his [zenith hammer] out.

now.. legendary kits? sure. thatd be sexy.

Wouldn’t you think it’s better if you at least had the Projectiles/Aura/Footfall applied to them ;0 It would make you more special than a lvl 2 Engie with a Hobopack, AGAIN it’s all about the looks when you’re lvl 80 …unless you camp the wep…

(edited by Fuuyu.9210)

Engineers and Sexy Weapons~

in Engineer

Posted by: Fuuyu.9210


All classes deserve to be able to see their weapon skins, I agree!

Yep, I think we all deserve to see them sexy weps we made because everyone knows that, this game is all about Looks when you Hit 80!!

Hobosacks are so last season!
Also last thread about them being changed around was 1 year ago that’s why I wanna push this! CHANGE MUST HAPPEN!!!

Engineers and Sexy Weapons~

in Engineer

Posted by: Fuuyu.9210


Hey Errreeeboooddyy,

I know this has been discussed over and over, and a lot of posts have been put up, but the only way to get something through is by spamming it (like the Shawshank Redemp. Guy when he wanted to expand the library!…WATCH if you haven’t)

Legie…As an Engineer I adore the class way more than any other classes so I decided to make all 3 legies it can have, but sadly Wep/Device kits keep me from actually seeing my legies 97% of the time. We cant keep the Aura or the Footfall once we switch to those, and that alone is depressing.

Without Legie…A lot of us have spent much time, effort, and money making Sexy Weapons just to barely use/see them…why can’t the BIG UGLY SACK on our back just be a little pouch/pouches on our sides!? (That way the back piece will show, 1 stone 2 birds )

P.S people QQed about spending much time on an Eternity just to have throw skills be rocks/and it looking a lot like Sunrise/Twilight and not special…and they got what they want WE STILL HAVE HOPE

(edited by Fuuyu.9210)

Aura Stacking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fuuyu.9210


Not anymore sadly, that has been removed :c Recently too

"poorly designed" versus easy/hard

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fuuyu.9210


Love how you took time to write this, Totally Agree with all of it, but soon enough we all have to give in to the “If you can’t be them, Join them” thing except for we don’t wanna be them we wanna change ’em.

But Majority wins buddy :c
We all know it’s us and not the Design, but people have the tendency to not like blaming themselves.

A Little Dungeon Idea

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fuuyu.9210


alpha already does this, fyi

It’s hard to realize things with Stack to win Bosses, so it would do a diff if the new jeebus skill they gave was actually noticable.

A Little Dungeon Idea

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fuuyu.9210


Little Idea about making the same mob and fight a bit more interesting in each path.
Ex: CoE’s subject Alpha that you encounter in all paths, and Arah’s Lupi, Kholer (if any1 still does him, L00tz!)

It wouldn’t kill to give the same fight something special to it on each Different Path, like at least give Lupi 1 different skill in each path to make his fight a bit unique and not repetitive, it might get us interested for a day!!

If 1 skill is too much to ask for then we can still dream on!!~

Fractal Anomaly Boss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fuuyu.9210


Hi, I really don’t know if this is a bug to place it under bugs or if it happened because of the update even though nothing was mentioned about that Fractal changing.

I just realized that as a Mesmer my Phantasms were doing 0 dmg, some Engineers said their turrets dmg did 0 too, idk about Minionmancers, but I would like to know why the only part of me that can dps, criticals at 0 now?

I know they don’t want people to just huddle in a corner and send crap to kill it, but it’s kinda unfair, mesmer Phantasms are like useless in a lot of places sometimes they randomly just stand there anyways.

so Bug or Update? :S
And if it’s happening to some1 else can you please say! hopefully it ain’t my account only.

(edited by Fuuyu.9210)

Q's about Eternity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fuuyu.9210


Hi, I was planning on making an Eternity, I already have Sunrise and I got everything for Twilight except for the Pre, but I can always Switch gifts!!

so I wanted to ask if they fixed the issues that people had with Eternities,
example: Skills that threw Sunrise/Twilight now throw a plain sword instead of an Eternity, or during downstate, classes that threw Sunrise/Twilight now throw Rocks and not an Eternity.

I don’t wanna craft an expensive kitten GS and then poop normal Swords and Rocks~, unless they fixed that.

Thanks and Have a nice day!

Why can the instance owner be kicked still?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fuuyu.9210


Every story related stuff needs to go so GW2 can become better. =]

Hmm Story stuff is nice, but I guess it would be way better to just have to do it one 1 character and have it unlocked on all, there’s no point in having your warrior/thief/mesmer/etc. do the same story 4 diff times~ esp Arah its long and gets boring ;0

Note: Most people at least have 1 or 2 buddies to rely on to do Arah/Fotm that they can trust, and usually those people have the dungeon done on at least 1 char~

(edited by Fuuyu.9210)

Why can the instance owner be kicked still?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fuuyu.9210


Even though it doesn’t happen much, I’d like to point out that “griefing” is assumed to be a fun activity to do now and most those people wait for that golden opportunity to mess up your progress on things like Arah/Fotm/etc.

Whenever they see a “Selling Arah p4” or “49 Fotm, 3rd Fract” they’d be sure to attend, if they don’t want to fix the “Dungeon Owner Kick” they can at least keep track of people who just team up to grief and ban them from even entering parties for a while, I’m pretty sure other people Reported griefers, but still they continue what they do.

This game is there for us to have fun with it, and not get depressed about how our time and effort went to waste.

Dredge Fractal "Fix"

in Fractured

Posted by: Fuuyu.9210


My God this is hilarious, so Basically if we pug a lvl 44+ Fotm rolled for ages and got no swamp so we stick to water (its time consuming) , then get dredge (they fixed the lovely time reducing hax :P), then get that Molten alliance thing or that Aetherblade one, + the mistlock instabilities….and god forbid we get the Easy Maw…it’ll take about what 5 hours?
I use to run 48s with pugs and it took about 2.5hrs sometimes and sometimes more…but complaining about how long that dredge was…yielded 2 more time consuming maps…that involve those darn aetherblades that appear in everything

Alone in the Guild Bugg.... Again

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fuuyu.9210


Guild Bugg shows am only 1, and LFG doesnt work, and Shows every1 in my Friends List as Offline when they’re online.
SBI Stormbluff Isle