Showing Posts For GM Talon.4851:

10 mins commanding FR zerg and being reported

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GM Talon.4851


GM Talon.4851

i assume the perpetrator in question will get the ban hammer

Does anyone know if Dhuum shows up and kills the character of someone who gets banned? I know they used to do this in GW1, I thought it was a rather amusing way to do a ban.

There’s no animation effect that plays when an account gets terminated in Guild Wars 2 at the moment.

I mean I know developers probably have access to similar things a these new official GM’s do, if needed, so besides it being clear distinction between the two technically not that much has changed.

Actually, ArenaNet has been pretty clear that developers do not have any special access on their live accounts. They can rep the ArenaNet guild to show the tag, but otherwise, they have the same options as we do.

That is correct. Developers do not have access to GM abilities. They play the game just like everyone else, without any sort of special in-game commands. Our non-GM accounts do not have access to GM abilities either.

(edited by GM Talon.4851)

10 mins commanding FR zerg and being reported

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GM Talon.4851


GM Talon.4851


I’ve attached an image that shows what a whisper from a GM looks like for further clarification.


No Dragon Coffer in BL chest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GM Talon.4851


GM Talon.4851


We will be sending out Dragon Coffers equal to the number of Black Lion Chests that a player opened during the time frame in which the Coffers were not being granted. This will come in an in-game mail from the ArenaNet Support Team.

Are you calculating per character or per account? I have opened a lot of BL chests on different characters that i eventually ended up deleting

Also, when are we getting this?

The Coffers have been sent out to those eligible to receive them. For clarity, it was for Black Lion Chests opened during this time frame across the account as a whole.

No Dragon Coffer in BL chest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GM Talon.4851


GM Talon.4851


We will be sending out Dragon Coffers equal to the number of Black Lion Chests that a player opened during the time frame in which the Coffers were not being granted. This will come in an in-game mail from the ArenaNet Support Team.

No Dragon Coffer in BL chest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GM Talon.4851


GM Talon.4851


We’re looking into this issue.

Customer Support and the Feature Pack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GM Talon.4851

GM Talon.4851


Hi everyone,

I know a lot of you may be concerned with the length of time it’s taking for us to address your refund requests, but please rest assured that we’re working around the clock to get these addressed as quickly as we can. In the meantime, thank you for your continued patience!

EDIT: Please refrain from submitting duplicate tickets, as doing so will increase the amount of time it takes for us to address each ticket. Thanks again!

(edited by GM Talon.4851)