Showing Posts For Gabrielle Vesper.2154:

Kasmeer Meade Armor Skin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gabrielle Vesper.2154

Gabrielle Vesper.2154

I wanna know what armor skin is that, and if its in-game. We couple we a few extra revealing heavy armor.

Lucky us; it’s in game now! My Sylvari Necro, Gabrielle of Vesper, is the lucky character wearing this armour, and it’s GORGEOUS! 800 gems in the gem store. The Aetherblade armour is unattractive, but this piece is wonderful.


Armor skins not available in PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gabrielle Vesper.2154

Gabrielle Vesper.2154

As of now there’s a number of armors or pieces of such armors which are still entirely missing from PvE, …

Commando gloves (entirely missing)

I hope this gets bumped. I want to get my human thief tier 3 cultural armour. I love the top, shoes, and legs, but I don’t show mask, and I’ll be using different shoulders than are available. The tier 3 gloves are hideous to me, and the ONLY gloves that really look good with the outfit are those which are labeled as “Commando” in the PvP locker. In my case gloves DO matter. I don’t mind waiting until a high level to get the skin, but I DO want to be able to get the skin, and I DO want to be sure I’m going to be able to get them – especially since I am going to be making a decent financial investment (for me) in the rest of the armour. C’mon ANet, help us out here. Don’t let Fara go with ugly gloves.


I want to buy gems online.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gabrielle Vesper.2154

Gabrielle Vesper.2154

You’d think that would be easy, right?
Wrong. I input all my card information and at the end I am told something to the effect of the game not being able to verify my card. The card has a high credit limit, and a low balance. I tried a different card. I got the same message. The only thing I can think of is that the card is Canadian, and I’m down in the US, where I spend more than half my year. It’s not like this is the first time I’ve used these cards to buy things for my Guild Wars games. I want this fixed. I don’t WANT to have to trek all the way over to WalMart to get my gem,s so I can take advantage of the sale on bank tabs.


No rewards or drops in Defend Shaemoor - entire.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gabrielle Vesper.2154

Gabrielle Vesper.2154

OK, so even though the event succeeded I won’t receive anything but the shiny gold medal until I kill the elemental?

By the way, thanks for all the replies, it’s appreciated.

No rewards or drops in Defend Shaemoor - entire.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gabrielle Vesper.2154

Gabrielle Vesper.2154

I made a new human thief, and took her into the starter area. She saved a bunch of villagers by sending them to the inn, and she killed a large number of centaurs. She got NO drops, and NO karma for that. Went into the inn, and was sent to the garrison. Despite getting gold in both attempts at fighting the centaurs until the gates opened, I received no karma, xp, or cash. All I got was the gold medal and “Event Succeeded” below it. It was as if I was doing an event I’d done before.

WHAT GIVES??? Anyone else experiencing this? I’m kinda sad now.

Hall of Monuments Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gabrielle Vesper.2154

Gabrielle Vesper.2154

I don’t know how many have had this happen, but it appears my email is linked to the wrong GW1 account…. Did some research, and discovered that my GW2 account is linked to a different GW1 account. … So I try logging onto GW2 with my actual GW1 account, and somehow an account was made under that email.. but no access to GW2.

Yeah, that’s most of my issue as well. My HoM is holding 40/50 points. I cried. My issue was that I used my main email which was also used for all my GW1 purchases. I have quite a few GW1 accounts. I thought I was using the email they associated with my main account. What a mess. Can’t use my names; can’t use my treats, and I feel heartbroken for the people who have been hit with all this stuff. It should have been a celebration (I made Sangria!), and instead it’s a heartache for the GW2 team, and for all the other people who are going through hacks, and losses, and not being able to play. I know GW2 will get sorted at some point, and most of the people will be happy (bound to be someone whining). Just Oooohhhhmmmmmmmmmmm.

Updates are done. I’m going back to … whatever I was doing.

Hall of Monuments Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gabrielle Vesper.2154

Gabrielle Vesper.2154

I’m having convoluted issues with my GW1 and GW2 accounts linking. I sent in a ticket.. ooh ages ago. I knew my issue wasn’t as big a deal as some people (those who can’t even play), and I’m willing to wait as long as I don’t lose out on anything. The thing that made it much easier (the wait) is that someone/thing sent me a message a few days later saying they were still looking into it, and to know that they hadn’t forgotten about me. Much appreciated.

ArenaNet on Bank Watchlist

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gabrielle Vesper.2154

Gabrielle Vesper.2154

Im unable to unstore my CC details in the gem shop.
… Oh and also, we spoke about the fact that the gemshop also stores the CVV2 code, which isnt legal, and Visa actually straight out prohibits it.

Interesting. Now I am concerned. I’ve already been through issues with someone stealing my CC info and using it (through a game my son had, but did not use). I purchased gems to get my extra three character slots. The gem store is getting errors in my game ATM. I want to check. If I’m ever ASKED if I want to leave my CC info on a site I say no. This never occurred to me.

WTH do I do with the 200 stalks of account-bound celery NOW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gabrielle Vesper.2154

Gabrielle Vesper.2154

Spent a bunch of karma to make some dye for my toons… yellow no longer requires celery. It’s the ONLY reason I got it. I want my &^%# dye, or I want my karma back. Also: to watch the amount of basil needed for purple (which doesn’t make sense with blueberries, BTW) go from 50 the day before to 75, and then 100 within an hour of each other is annoying.
