Showing Posts For Gadian.4792:

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Gadian.4792


Ohhh, I’m so looking forward to seeing a blob fall from the sky after a sneaky cap or being late rushing to defend!

I think this will make defending more fun aside from siege wars and see this spawning up new tactics and I love to see crazy new tactics. I’m glad they stated it will be a test tho but I hope it works out!

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]

Defeating Self Doubt

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gadian.4792


I got the achi with my berserker mesmer (domi/insp/duel) on sword+sword / sword+pistol. Had ethereal heal and foods to give me constant healing to make it trough the fight until 25 stacks. After that I kited and waited for sword#2 to come from cd, destroyed all the clones to get the buff to wear down and hit with sword#2, brought out clones I could, rinse and repeat. Didn’t really bother about breaking the cc bar, it only ceases the attacks but doesn’t affect the buff.

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]

Upcoming changes in Spring Quarterly Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gadian.4792


I will look forward to seeing the alpine borders again. Thank you for listening to the www community.

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]

Your top 5 priorities for WvW-Overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Gadian.4792


On short term basis:
- Bring the alpine borders back for now
- Revert the stability change to the way it was before
- Make the proof of heroics accound bound
- Increase money reward from caps slightly

Long term suggestions:
- More effects for the undermanned buff, like more durability to guards, siege needs less supply, increase supply carry capasity, the things that affect the whole map and give fewer players possibility to achieve more against bigger numbers.
- After some fixes in desert borderlands, bring them back in rotation with the alpine borders or something and maybe at some point make some new www maps to add to the variety.
- Give us a www specific armor set/wings/backpiece/weapon set or something to work for (purchaced with badges, proof of heroics, and maybe add some other loot from www that would be needed)
- WWW season!
- Skill balance / world populations balance etc.

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]

Potential Change to Reset Time

in WvW

Posted by: Gadian.4792


Yes please yess! The previous reset time was good.

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]

Guilds: Activate Recruit Mode!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gadian.4792


Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]

We are a Desolation (EU) based guild that was formed in 2013 by merging several smaller Finnish guilds.
We are always on a look out for more finnish speaking players above the age of 18.

We are PvX, offering our members

  • PvE: dungeon runs, guild missions
  • WWW: events commanded by our veteran commanders in finnish
  • PvP: fellow PvPrs and occasional custom arena
  • Other: special events like you have never seen before

We have a large guild roster and are most active on the evening, time zone GMT+2. Our guild is also a community and we occasionally play other games together as well as GW2. We allow our members to rep other guilds as well as us.

You can contact us by sending a message to one of us: Skythace.2345, Targuil.3741, Gadian.4792

And then to the Finnish part:

[TLA] Thousand Lakes Alliance on suomalainen tonttupeliyhdistys. Kokeneet vetäjät johtavat taistelua quagganien hirmuvaltaa vastaan pelin kaikilla osa-alueilla. Liity kamppailuun!

Tarjoamme jäsenillemme:

  • Pelikokemuksen suomalaisten pelikavereiden kanssa.
  • Suomeksi johdetut WvW-eventit 2-4 kertaa viikossa
  • PvE: dungeoneita, guild missioneita, fraktaaleita ja omia erikoiseventtejä pitkin viikkoa.
  • PvP seuraa, custom areena tarpeen mukaan
  • Peliseuraa myös muissa peleissä, mm. ARMA 3, Battlefield 3, Minecraft, Terraria, Prop hunt, Killing Floor… Ajoittain killassa pyörii myös omia servereitä näille peleille tarpeiden mukaan.

Jäseniltämme odotamme:

  • Huumorintajua, tiimityöskentelytaitoa ja rehtiä asennetta.
  • Täysi-ikäisyyttä, killan keski-ikä on n. 26 vuotta.
  • Valmiutta kommunikoida vilkkaan (no, niin vilkkaan kun nyt suomalaisilta voi odottaa) kiltachätin lisäksi Teamspeakin 3:n kautta. Teamspeakin käyttö (ainakin kuuntelu) on pakollista guild missionien ja WwW-eventtien aikana.

Meihin voi tutustua:

Kaikki rekrytoinnit tapahtuvat foorumin “TLA Rekry” osion kautta.

Jos sinulla on kysyttävää, voit olla yhteydessä johtoomme:
Skythace.2345, Targuil.3741, Gadian.4792
Parhaiten meidät tavoittaa whisperillä tai in-game maililla.

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]

(edited by Gadian.4792)

[EU] Gold League Predicted Rankings

in WvW

Posted by: Gadian.4792


Oh how I miss the old mu threads where there was actually nice kudos posts inbetween all the kitten…

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]


in Match-ups

Posted by: Gadian.4792


I apologize on behalf of the Deso kitten interfering duels and such at the arena last night. Some of us tried to set him straight, but you can only lead the horse to the water as they say.

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]


in Match-ups

Posted by: Gadian.4792


Tbh I don’t think anyones given up and I bet I’m not the only one who noticed the point difference started mysteriously growing after the patch last night… I’m not celebrating yet since everything is still possible and hope to see many good fights yet.

GG to [FRI] for some fine fights tonight at FSP bl (there’s always something magical in Finland vs Sweden ) and my appreciation to [ATOM] for letting us match even numbers with [DFC] for they didn’t need your help to wipe us. Great fights and great fun all around!

Love from TLA, Gadi

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]


in Match-ups

Posted by: Gadian.4792


I’ve enjoyed this match-up so far greatly because it has been so even and provided a lots of open field battles. It has been interesting to see how Deso keeps coming together step by step (and a few steps backwards every once in a while) trying to reforge itself to more united server and the fire needs to be provided for that. Gandara is really giving us a run for our money and I applaud you for it, keep giving the best you got and we’ll try to give it back! As to double teaming, I see it only as natural that you be focusing the more dangerous competition wether it be prearranged or not so no QQ from here.

Hats off for SoD, man I like your style of having fun and love dem videos!

Love from TLA, Gadi

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]

Week 3 Underworld / Desolation / Aurora Glade

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gadian.4792


I think this week has seen some really nice fights and I’ve had tons of fun. Was expecting a very different matchup and have been very pleasantly surprised aside from the que frustration. Major respect for UW for bringing it together and AG for impressively coordinated guild group fights, especially FIRE, VII and HoB. Keep rocking!

Tonights lagfest on UW was epic! Thank you all!

Love from TLA, Gadi

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Gadian.4792


Personally I appreciate that ANet offered an apology and admitted that the conduct of this dev in question was not okay. I also get that in such cases damage control takes over and the company propably denied this dev opportunity to offer personal apology so that no further mistakes could be made. However it doesn’t sit well with me that op was infracted on bringing this topic to our attention and it appears that heavy moderation has been applied in this discussion. Offensive language etc. is one thing and discussion can get heated, but this is still relevant discussion that should not be shut down simply because it’s embarrassing for the company. The way you deal with the embarrassing stuff is the way you gain our respect.

For myself, I see the GvG matches as gentlemanny and friendly sparring to improve your tactic, skills and pulling it together as a group. The rush of exhilaration and sense of accomplishment as a team just isn’t the same in conventional WvWvW gameplay. It is really a shame that this form of gameplay is not fully endorsed and it’s seen as encuberance on the borderlands. Really hope that ANet will take enabling this game mode into serious concideration and some day this issue will be resolved.

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]

[merged] Error code=7:11:3:191:101 issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gadian.4792


“We are aware of an issue currently affecting logins in Europe & working on a fix, thank you for your patience at this time.”

It seems only logical that since a lot of ppl are getting dcs, there are a lot of stress for the login server. Solving the login issue isn’t worth much if you can’t keep yourself logged in…

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]

[merged] Error code=7:11:3:191:101 issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gadian.4792


Anyone else have this error message after login?


Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]

[merged] Error code=7:11:3:191:101 issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gadian.4792


I’m havin disconnect issues also. It started today, the 30th, nothing bad in the morning but it started to escalate in the afternoon and after 5pm or so it’s just stop lag, stop lag and disconnect about every five minutes or so. When I reconnect I get also this error message about not being able to connect to login servers (which is kinda weird since I’m already back playing on the server). After 6 pm I just gave up. Now I’m just curled up in fetal position.

Finland, Desolation.

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]

Black Lion not working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gadian.4792


Update on the issue: my network told me that no ports running this game were blocked and this is not a network issue. Also, this same problem returned again a couple days ago. I think this has something to do with occasionally playing with my laptop and mobile broadband. I believe this will fix itself again eventually but just thought to let you guys know.

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]

Black Lion not working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gadian.4792


By the way, logged in tonight and everything worked fine. A bit eery since I hadn’t done anything or heard back from my network elders. But I’ll let you know when they get back to me and I know if they have unblocked any ports for my benefit. Or maybe this was just a one timer, since it has happened before.

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]

Black Lion not working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gadian.4792


AcmeFunk, I thought we had established that this is not a local problem as we can access the TP using other network or VPN. I’ve also tried deleting the local.dat file and it is not working. Also the link you provided, I tried it and still didn’t work so I checked my updates also and still not working. Good for you if you got you issues solved though and thanks for the info.

I’ve contacted my network elders and they tell me there’s been some port adjustments in our network so they are checking out wether the ports I need have been blocked. Told me they can unblock them too if major safety issues are not involved. Love my elders and love my network, and I refuse to be weary of them (you propably meant wary).

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]

(edited by Gadian.4792)

Black Lion not working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gadian.4792


I have exactly the same problem (even down to being able to access TP one day and then problems started again, and also my news feed isn’t working). Same issue with my laptop so tried changing to my mobile broadband and boom, TP and newsfeed working just fine. Changing back to my normal network, TP lost again. So far I’ve had zero problems with my network even though it’s university network, so I fail to understand what has changed so radically to cause this problem. Don’t know much about ports and stuff so I’m hoping for some assistance to help me resolve this issue but atleast I know where the problem is now and got to empty my inventory which was just about bursting.

Gadi ~ the pink norn of Desolation
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]