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[Exploit] WvW Invulnerability

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gage Cornelius.7412

Gage Cornelius.7412

Did you check out the screenshots? They may show that these players are in protected limbo. Click on the “here” in my first post, it will take you to my dropbox album where you can view the screenshots. I’ll see about making and posting a youtube video if necessary.

[Exploit] WvW Invulnerability

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gage Cornelius.7412

Gage Cornelius.7412

So there is an area, right by Bluevale Refuge in WvW Borderlands that is easily exploitable. It seems to be part of that server’s “spawning point”, so they are given the buff that makes them invulnerable to all damage. They simply have to stand there and fire away. I propose the following: If you are invulnerable, you are also incapable of dealing damage. I also propose that the section showed in the attached pictures will be combat-enabled so that enemies don’t just gather there or run there when they are being attacked. I have attached the link to the pictures on my folder in dropbox here. They show who were there exploiting, and where they stood in order for these exploits to be taken advantage of. There were at least 10 of us, to 3 of them (at first), until others arrived from atop the cliffs above. Please resolve this as soon as possible, it is a bit of a game-breaker.

Necromancer (Minion Master) Additions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gage Cornelius.7412

Gage Cornelius.7412

I think an amazing feature would be a “construct your own” minion. You can go around Tyria and collect different types of “bodyparts”. Depending on what you are using will depend on how it moves, how it attacks, its health, and its “activated” ability & cooldown. Obviously this would only work as an Elite skill, but it still might not be a bad idea.

Necromancer Minions Are Too Uncoordinated

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gage Cornelius.7412

Gage Cornelius.7412

its a mob of dead things… kind of makes sense for them to be unruly imo (though still a tad annoying)

Not quite, they may be unruly, but they are under the control of the Necromancer, they’re not just reanimated to mindlessly bash everything in sight. That would defeat the purpose of an army of the undead.

Necromancer Minions Are Too Uncoordinated

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gage Cornelius.7412

Gage Cornelius.7412

ArenaNet has stated in the past that they do not want commands like that for Necro minions because then they will be too similar to how a Ranger feels.

Serve an Elder Dragon (Corruption Factions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gage Cornelius.7412

Gage Cornelius.7412

They already mentioned in an interview or article or something that they had thought about this and came to the conclusion that your characters are trying to save the world. THEY’RE GOOD. Lore-wise I think it would be too much of a stretch to either make it that you’re evil and accidentally save the world and destroying every living thing in the world, which is apparently their aim, wouldn’t work either as it’s an MMO.
Enemy factions, while interesting, polarise the playerbase against itself.
Maybe as a mini-game though, that Branded event in the betas was a tonne of fun, just needed a little tweaking.

I can understand, most definitely, that it can be a bit of a stretch to be in any of these factions, but maybe they can (story-wise) have it so that our characters have a tolerance to the corruption and aren’t enslaved to it? But the main point I was getting to, it wouldn’t be to join one of the factions and go against the main playerbase/story, but against the other dragon factions. The lore does say that the corrupted from one faction do fight those of other factions. I guess just a little more emphasis on this, but by playing on one of these sides?

Serve an Elder Dragon (Corruption Factions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gage Cornelius.7412

Gage Cornelius.7412

I would like to perhaps see a feature to join one of the different dragon factions. So we could become a follower of, say, the Destroyers, and it would actually alter our appearances (if we desired to have it changed to reflect our ‘corruption’). So I could, technically, join the branded. Each time I reach a certain ‘rank’ of Branded, I unlock more appearance options. So say when I first join, only 10% of me has a bit of the branded markings. As I progress and go further into this personal story against the other dragon ‘factions’, I unlock more options of branded, in ‘style’, as well as in ‘percentage’. I think it would even be pretty marvelous to make a “Corruption” mode that is like WvW dedicated to these dragon corruption factions, (one for fire, ice, undeath, water, crystal, and whatever the 6th dragon is). Even if we have just the five, it would still be pretty fun, I think. Maybe even rotate which factions are up against one another. (So perhaps a Faction vs Faction, AND a Faction vs Faction vs Faction (3 factions up against each other, as well as the other remaining two against each other, but SEPERATELY). Sometimes you’re up against just the 1, sometimes you’re up against 2). Or just have the FvFvFvFvF, but I think that would be a bit much. If there is a mode that is WvW-ish with these factions, I would also like to see the land and monsters reflect the territories corrupted by a certain faction. Even if it is just a smaller scale (perhaps like in groups of 5-10 per faction, so smaller than WvW, but larger than sPvP?)

This is all I can think of for this rant, please add additional ideas to this if you can think of any!

(If it is converted to a large sPvP type scale, perhaps it could be where people start on random corruptions (any of the 1/5), but as they are killed by other factions, they convert to that faction? So the most dominant faction wins if it converts all, or the smallest faction wins if it survives long enough so it doesn’t go forever? If the size of the 2 factions is similar, perhaps the time would be extended until the difference size is significant? The countdown can start perhaps when there is a large difference in size between factions)

Okay, all done, ending rant.

Additional skills, traits, elites

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gage Cornelius.7412

Gage Cornelius.7412

I would like to see things like skills (for weapons that could be swapped out from the default ones, healing, utility, and elite as well), and traits have sort of 1 man dungeons that test a player’s ability to perform and survive by themselves. Obtaining these things would be very difficult, needing actual skill to be able to unlock these items. The ability to fight on the move, dodging, and controlling enemies in order to be able to surpass this dungeon, and get this desired item which may even be “learned” from an NPC once you reach the end (You unlock the access to the skill, and then maybe become eligible to buy it with skill points in order to use it.) So these additional skills and traits do NOT exist in your skill/trait screen until you unlock them.

Trait Pages

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gage Cornelius.7412

Gage Cornelius.7412

I love this idea, because truly how a person build is situational. Running a dungeon, I often find myself with mostly elemental guildmates, and I’m built as a hybrid of all 3 (dps/control/support) to fit whatever role I need to take, but it would be nice to have full builds where I can be dps focused, or a dominant support, rather than play 1 neutral build that could fill any of the 3 roles to some degree.

(I play a Minion Master Necro with a Cleric build for power, toughness, and healing power. The minions give me plenty of crowd control (not to mention my staff & dagger/horn) so I could fit any role required, but focusing on singular roles through trait pages should be something implemented for the sake of variety and meshing well with others).

Necromancer (Minion Master) Additions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gage Cornelius.7412

Gage Cornelius.7412

Okay, so I have a few suggestions for the Necromancer. I love it completely, but there are a couple things that I would like to see amended.

The most important thing is: An Elite Minion pet for underwater purposes. It might be best to have 3 Elite minions (1 underwater only, Flesh Golem (Land only), and perhaps an amphibious one), or you could simply fix the Flesh Golem to be able to to both, but perhaps change his “summoned” skill of Charge . Unfortunately as it stands now, underwater combat is extremely limiting to Minion Masters because we do not have an elite to aid us. We only have the Elite skill “Plague” available underwater, which is never any good to use because when you use it – - all your minions die. A Necromancer that is minion dependent, with all of his skills, traits, and abilities focused on minions – - it is never a good idea to be without minions, ever. You lose toughness, you lose power, and you lose your main source of damage. This makes hectic underwater combat most difficult since you do not have an elite skill available that would be of any use. Using plague would hurt a Minion Master, especially since plague’s use would be best when spec’ed for condition damage.

More minion variety. The only reason I ask this is because as it stands, minions masters have 1 utility skill format. The Flesh Wurm seems to be useful for me only when I am in WvW, defending the gate for a keep. (Put the wurm on top of the external portal from the wall, jump down, cause havoc, when in danger, sacrifice the flesh wurm to teleport yourself to the portal, putting yourself in the inside of the keep where you are safe). I mean sure, if I could, I guess I could swap out my Blood Fiend for Well of Blood, but that is a miniscule difference. I don’t want these other options simply “given” to me, however. I would like there to be enough minions to fill ALL the utility (and healing slots) with EITHER all melee minions, or all ranged minions. This would create a much better diversity when say a melee minion master confronts a ranged one. I would like the acquisition of newer minions to be through exploration. I don’t want to simply patch, use skill points, and be done. Allow us to go through certain maps, through events, or even event chains, to unlock the “knowledge” for a new minion. I would like to do a difficult underwater segment to get myself an Undead Shark Elite skill, so when people see it – - they know I’ve earned it. Like through a “solo”-type dungeon, where I go there by myself, and use only the knowledge and capabilities of my class to survive it, and walk out with a new minion. I think this would also be a nifty way to unlock new traits for all classes, to have to obtain them yourself, and they would be assigned already to certain tier levels. Here are a few minion ideas with the summoned skills attached.

~Summon Wraith (Utility) Melee (35 Second Cooldown): A ghostly wraith that moves faster to its targets.
——————~Shroud of Darkness (30 second cooldown): The Wraith quickly makes its way to its master (Up to 3 seconds), upon reaching him, the Necromancer becomes invisible for 5 seconds, sacrificing the Wraith. (Note: This can be stopped if someone chains the wraith, or pushes the wraith/necromancer away from each other. If the wraith fails to reach its master, at the end of 3 seconds, it explodes, and blinds nearby enemies).

~Summon Undead Shark (Elite) Melee (60 second Cooldown): Causes bleeding.
——————~Blood Frenzy (45 second Cooldown): For 10 seconds, the Undead Shark’s attack damage and attack speed are increased. It heals itself for a portion of damage dealt.

~Summon Fleshreaver (Healing) Melee (25 second Cooldown): Heals Master upon Death.
——————~Sacrifice of Blood (35 second Cooldown): Minion explodes, healing surrounding allies and bleeding surrounding enemies. (NOTE: The minion skill use adds 10 seconds to the original cooldown of 25 seconds)