Showing Posts For Galadeon.6513:

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Galadeon.6513


No we are unable to restore gold. It’s simply not something that we have the tools to do, and the account restoration system that would roll-back the entire account is not yet available. I’m very sorry for the loss, and I know we all look forward to being able to help with these issues in the future.

Sad, very sad that your programmers would not put this BASIC MMO functionality into the game. There should be a plan in place to help people that get hacked.
Note to game makers – make sure that your future CS has the tools it needs to help people.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Galadeon.6513


Same thing happened to me just a few hours ago on the dragon in SparkleFly. Got there right after it started. Killed some adds, DPS the dragon from 75% health till end. (Dragonbrand server). No medal, no reward, no loot, no Chest. Please get this fixed. Actually angered me so much I logged out of the game and played something else for the rest of the day. Not going to continue wasting my time on broken game mechanics (or spending any more money).

The Problems I have with the Sylvari Story

in Personal Story

Posted by: Galadeon.6513


I can not believe people are actually supporting this BAD story telling. Are people really that “FanBoi-ish” that their Precious can do no wrong??? This is a great game, but ArenaNet cut too many corners with the Personal Story. I was expecting more from them.

The Problems I have with the Sylvari Story

in Personal Story

Posted by: Galadeon.6513


Agree with all of this. ArenaNet should be ashamed of what they put out here.

End of story reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Galadeon.6513


Yep, very odd that they will not comment one way or the other.
Let us know ArenaNet. Don’t leave us in Limbo. If it is Working As Intended, then tell us, so we can get a Thread going in the Suggestion Forum. If it is bugged, let us know you are working on it.

Traiding post. Buy and Sell Fee.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Galadeon.6513


This is not a bug. It is the additional 10% selling fee that the T.P. takes out.

Should this be more clear when selling an item? YES. Many people do not know this, and are losing a lot of coin.

Trading Post underpricing

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Galadeon.6513


When the less knowledgeable people realize finally realize that the TP takes an additional 10% from them when their items sell, then prices will go up.

People selling items on the trade post 1 copper higher then vendor value

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Galadeon.6513


Yep, these people are losing money. Also, don’t forget that when you sell an item, the TP takes a 10% selling fee, so these people are losing even more money. Not sure why people are doing this. Guess just chalk it up to ignorance of how the system works.

Recovering the Scattered pieces of Scrap Metal for Savor Foulnight

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Galadeon.6513


Bugged on Dragonbrand. Please fix!

quest "Rumors of Trouble" works as intrended?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Galadeon.6513


This is part of a larger issue with the horrible AI of NPC’s. They. Stand. In. AoEs And. Damage. Fields. This is dumb, and should never have gone past testing like this. The npc’s should move out of AoE’s and damage fields instead of eating them and dying. You see this over and over in class quests, and dungeons. It’s one of the few gripes i have with the game, but it is a big one.

Monthly Survivor Achievement Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Galadeon.6513


Same issues here. Got to 88.400 and it reset me me without dying. I changed zones. (Did not know this would reset it)

How long are free server transfers going to last?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Galadeon.6513


Other than WvW, you can do everything you want with both of your friends (leveling, storyline, dungeons, etc.) You simply invite them to a party and join them in a overflow server. There shouldn’t be any problem. Also this feature was added by Anet to make things easier for you, and not to ‘make money off of your suffering’.

Except that Guild upgrades ARE server specific. You have to be on the SAME server to use the upgrades. Guild renown you earned is server specific.