Showing Posts For Gamefreak.4207:

Act 2 = Failed Design - Inconsiderate for low level alts

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gamefreak.4207


It’s funny because I manage to do Act 2 with my level 7 alt. If you were smart you would know you can outrun almost all of the mobs in the areas for the pages especially since the majority of the mobs are melee and not ranged. The only part that I could see difficult are the parts where you have to go into a castle or into a crypt but since a lot of people are doing the event there is usually someone of that level in these areas that you can sit behind and wait for them to clear the mobs. Also I doubt they had ALTS in mind when they made the event. I am sure people are doing the event on their main first.

(edited by Gamefreak.4207)

Halloween Events Completed is bugged.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gamefreak.4207


Is there anyway someone that works at Arenanet can either A.) Give me the achieve or B.) Fix it so the counter goes up. At first I thought that I was unable to get it because I had to wait for something to happen in game but after seeing people saying they almost have their achievement for this I am certain mine is bugged. I have done more then enough of the Halloween events to be able to unlock it or be extremely close to finish it but I have not received a single point in it. I finished carving, finished the ToT bags, finished eating candy corn, killed more then enough EVENT HALLOWEEN MONSTER, not the ones that just spawn as a trick but the actual ones that say “Kill the mummy or Candy Corn King etc.” Please help me Anet.

Edit: What Kaz said did work. I still don’t get why it has to be at that are though.

(edited by Gamefreak.4207)

All boosters are NOT useable.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gamefreak.4207


Added a Mystic Forge recipe to create Mad King Chests: 1 Piece of Candy Corn, 6 Mystery Tonics, 1 Boost (of any kind), and another Boost (of any kind).

If it is of any kind why am I unable to use Killstreak Experience booster? Fix the bug or fix the Update notes.

Gendarran Fields Bugged or nerfed?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gamefreak.4207


I did not invest a lot of time into the Guild Wars community when I use to play GW1 and I am glad I did not. You people cry about literally everything. I personally am enjoying the game and the event. “Wahhh I did not get a RARE skin from a BLC”. It seems more like people have been spoiled by what something being rare actually means.

(edited by Gamefreak.4207)

Graphic issues with Mad Memoirs and Witch Costume

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gamefreak.4207


@Leiloni you do not know what you are talking about. My book shows up fine for my Elementalist and I am using a staff. Maybe it is a bug having to do with 2 handers or with just warriors in general. As for the Witch Costume problem, I have no idea.

Will remaining candy corn in our inventory be destroyed after Halloween is over?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gamefreak.4207


Pretty much this ^