(edited by Gamefreak.4207)
Showing Posts For Gamefreak.4207:
Is there anyway someone that works at Arenanet can either A.) Give me the achieve or B.) Fix it so the counter goes up. At first I thought that I was unable to get it because I had to wait for something to happen in game but after seeing people saying they almost have their achievement for this I am certain mine is bugged. I have done more then enough of the Halloween events to be able to unlock it or be extremely close to finish it but I have not received a single point in it. I finished carving, finished the ToT bags, finished eating candy corn, killed more then enough EVENT HALLOWEEN MONSTER, not the ones that just spawn as a trick but the actual ones that say “Kill the mummy or Candy Corn King etc.” Please help me Anet.
Edit: What Kaz said did work. I still don’t get why it has to be at that are though.
(edited by Gamefreak.4207)
Added a Mystic Forge recipe to create Mad King Chests: 1 Piece of Candy Corn, 6 Mystery Tonics, 1 Boost (of any kind), and another Boost (of any kind).
If it is of any kind why am I unable to use Killstreak Experience booster? Fix the bug or fix the Update notes.
I did not invest a lot of time into the Guild Wars community when I use to play GW1 and I am glad I did not. You people cry about literally everything. I personally am enjoying the game and the event. “Wahhh I did not get a RARE skin from a BLC”. It seems more like people have been spoiled by what something being rare actually means.
(edited by Gamefreak.4207)
@Leiloni you do not know what you are talking about. My book shows up fine for my Elementalist and I am using a staff. Maybe it is a bug having to do with 2 handers or with just warriors in general. As for the Witch Costume problem, I have no idea.
Will remaining candy corn in our inventory be destroyed after Halloween is over?
Posted by: Gamefreak.4207
Pretty much this ^