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Game Crashing in new FOTM dungen.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gato.1628


Just got crash again. So the new update dont fix this issue.
The sad part is , i almost always get this fractal. :S
It makes my feel like a bad person teaming with ppl to do my daily.
Adding single line of code to just ba able to port to party would give so much more options to ppl affected my all kind of DC issues.

Ehh , finger crossed for some quick resolution of this .

PS. Btw you dont need to search for party to test is anything change. Just simply enter FotM alone. No need in flustrating even more ppl.

Game Crashing in new FOTM dungen.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gato.1628


Niceeee. They seems to “updated” the client.

Before i was only getting crash at specific place. Now im crashing right from the beggining. So " unlock chackpoint and die" technique is no longer valid. What else ? Getting crashes right after entering fotom lobby ? -.-

So apparently, we like the new gear...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gato.1628



I admit , i didint read all 83 reply to this topic , but dont you (negative) Guys thinking its enought ?.

….was about to type some long morale Bs ….. but what’s the point ?

IMO ( and i been here since the doors opened) enough is enough. If you like the gameplay ( YES gameplay not some stat ,gear tier BS) then enjoy it .
If there are some hardbone that stuck in your throat , then for the love of c***** STOP what are you doing.
There are so many interesting things in this world to look out for. This game is not worth it.
Maybe i just dont get you guys.

This is my first and last post here. But i think there is many ppl just like me that are sick of all that Ascendent (?) gear wine ,
and feel that this forum is down right gutter atm.
All i wanted to say basicly is: do what you like and leave like a man if something is not tick with your innerself.
Im not a fan of new tier ( exotic with infusion option would be 1000% better). But guess what ?
Oh well . Lifes go on. :O ( wierd i know , right ? )

Like my mentor liked to say : " Always look on the bright side of life" … and dont whine and reapete the same topic over and over and over again !! BE A MAN kitten

Sorry for my condescending AND bad english. Wish noone was offended and wish ALL good and safe weekend.


PS. Strange. After “post reply” forum format eating last letters of my post. Oh well its not like its some uber wisdom. I know its not possible , but i wish this forum community could go back to way it was. ( and it cant , by the state of things).

Game Crashing in new FOTM dungen.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gato.1628


Well. My way of dealing with this issue is to warn party members about it before we start , and politely ask if they could either reset dung (if asura fractal comes first) , or finish it while i wait at the beggining ( its not whoring for loot since i cant get to chest anyway).

Since now got mixed results . Most ppl just dont belive me , and i have to prove to them that im nut just lazy. But some understand my possition.

Sry for my bad english and cheers ^^

Event loot worth $250. Details inside

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Gato.1628


From reading OP one could get the imression that everyone that were at the event got precursor weap. With is ludicrious ( sorry but it is . Where is my 250$ !!!!) . Or me , my guild , my friends are blind and cant find ours in inventory.
True the chest was giving guarantee two exotic items. But it not equal to 100% precursor.

Anyway sorry for some ppl to miss on this event , but there are many more to come in not so distance future , so my advise , just be patiance.

Game Crashing in new FOTM dungen.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gato.1628


Seems like not many ppl are affected by this problem.

Anyone who also getting crashes in that specific place got any ideas how to counter it ? ( idk , jumping faced backwords or something ). Its tad flustrating to finish two fractals and got asura one as last one wasting good chunk of time.


Game Crashing in new FOTM dungen.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gato.1628


Same here.

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