Showing Posts For Gaz.8194:

Personal Story Difficulty Unacceptable

in Personal Story

Posted by: Gaz.8194


(I did it as a thief.)

^^this is where your “statement got bugged”

Reading the thread I see 2 obvious conclusions:

1) I did it fine on my Thief
2) I did it fine on my Warrior

that also corrisponds with the sentiment all over the forum about those 2 classes.

Q @ Anet, why did you add so many classes if its all about thieves and warriors?

(edited by Gaz.8194)

Will a new CPU help the performance?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaz.8194


yeah looks like Anet/ati/nvidia need to give us some updates to resolve thing, too many people with highend PC’s are having issue with performace for, IMO, it to be the fault of the user. Anet are aware of the issue and are working on it, however it maynot be the GW2 client and could be conflicts with other drivers etc so we have to wait on Anet, I would strongly advise against upgrading at this point unless you need more power for other things as your system is sound at the moment.
The game is still new and these performace issues/conflicts are hard to nail down but you should see improvements over time as the bug/conflicts get spotted and resolved.

Incredibly strange 1 second freezes, please help.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaz.8194


things to try if you suspect a HDD problem

1) run the Check Disk to look for and fix faults/bad sectors on the drive (

2) optional disable indexing on your HDD (slows down search functions but stops windows thrashing your HDD creating index list all the time) with your HDD I wouldnt have though this to be a major consern however.

3)optional Enable advanced performance on your HDD (device manager/properties for you HDD/Policies Tab/ check the enable Advanced performance. With your HDD i wouldnt have though this to be a major consern however.

4) Try a disk defragment, although if its a new build with hardly anything install its probably not going to be an issue yet but should be run regularly anyhow.

5) Controversial? Make sure there are no sharp bends/kinks in your sata cable, try another one if you have one. Reports of this causing data corruption/performance issues. eg if you unplug your Sata cable while windows is running it freezes and resumes again when you plug it back in, bent sata cables are bad.

(edited by Gaz.8194)

Any way to stop ALT/TAB causing keyboard to stop working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaz.8194


updated your setpoint software? I alt-tab a lot with windowed fullscreen mode. I use a Logitech Performance MX mouse.

It did need updating but still no luck with ALT/Tabbing, however i just noticed the issue doesn’t affect me when using the windows key/task bar to switch between web/game.

Hmm alt tab will be a hard habit to break……

Any way to stop ALT/TAB causing keyboard to stop working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaz.8194


Try running the game in Windowed Fullscreen mode. That works better when alt-tabbing a lot.

Nope just tried and even in windowed full screen ALT Tab still stops my keyboard functioning, Never seen anything like it in any game or program i’ve used.

Any way to stop ALT/TAB causing keyboard to stop working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaz.8194


I did a few searches and a couple of people have had this issue but not found a post with any way to fix it.

There was 1 suggestion to bring up the escape menu but unfortunately after trying this it still “breaks” my keyboard until I relog.

I have a Logitech G510, on a regular basis when i alt tab to view forums or do something else and switch back to Guild Wars 2 my key board no longer works properly. Most of the keys are disabled only the windows short cuts work. However when i click the chat screen i can type and the letters are working again but enter doesn’t work. I have to close the game and reload it to get the keyboard working again.

This doesn’t happen everytime but id say its about a 30% drop rate :-)

Anyone else had and solved this issue? Its annoying being scared of alt tabing lol

LFG Total Noob LF for UK Guild. Active Evenings/Weekends

in Guilds

Posted by: Gaz.8194


Thanks for all the replies and offers.

LFG Total Noob LF for UK Guild. Active Evenings/Weekends

in Guilds

Posted by: Gaz.8194


If you don’t mind coming to an American Server. Haha.
The Tenacious Affliction

We are a fun, friendly and helpful guild. We like to make sure all of our members are high enough leveled with great gear. We are located on Yak’s Bend. We are very coordinated in World vs World, but we do still play PvE and a little PvP. We are more of a casual guild. We do enjoy having a lot of people in TeamSpeak, even without a mic you can listen and reply in Guild Chat. We are also searching for more active & loyal officers! PM me in game or hop in TeamSpeak and have a chat! Thanks!
TeamSpeak –

Probably all be in bed when i’m online :-( but thanks for the offer

LFG Total Noob LF for UK Guild. Active Evenings/Weekends

in Guilds

Posted by: Gaz.8194


Here’s an option for you to have a looksie at:

Sinful Individuals [SIN] is a PvX, English speaking, European Guild located on the Gandara server. Dabbles in everything and adapts to the wants of our members. Organised WvWvW twice a week and dungeon runs most nights. Recruiting active players to get involved and enjoy themselves. ’

Please check our website if you’re interested for more information and details on how to join:

Good luck and happy guild hunting.

Had a quick look on the site looks good, will have a bit more of a noisy over the weekend.

LFG Total Noob LF for UK Guild. Active Evenings/Weekends

in Guilds

Posted by: Gaz.8194


As the title Says, I’m a new player had the game since wednesday. I’m happy to learn through the tinternet so wont be spamming Guild chat with “how do I equip a sword?” type questions :-)
Played WOW for a while, Warhammer Online so not completely new to MMORPG’s enjoy PvP in all its forms so ideally looking for a guild that does a bit of WvW and sPvP.
I play for fun mainly so not looking for a guild that try’s to run your life :-)
Currently on “Ruins of Surmia” but I’m open to a server switch.
Currently Playing an Ele “Ser Macros” but tried a bit of Guardian too but switch to Ele and liking it so far.

Can you create a key-bind or clickable icon for consumables?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gaz.8194


I’d be interested to know this to. Anyone have any ideas