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How many quit playing WvW since new maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Genocide.1524


Honestly I enjoy the New BL’s they are big but once you get use to the map they aren’t as bad..

Yes everyone just blobs in EBG now which is annoying cause its just a matter of whom can field the biggest blob.

30+ person que on EBG at times is silly.. What people need to do is take to the BL’s let 1 server dominate EBG whom cares. Eventually they’ll get board of not fighting anyone and relize oh our home server BL is completely lost so i would hope people be smart enough to go well since noone is around in EBG lets move to a BL and fight.

In T2, ive seen 20person que’s on one of the BL’s but never all 3… Just need to boycott EBG and play more on the BL’s yes it will be boring for a while, as all you will is PVD but sooner or later the zerg guilds will start to move to the bl’s

Everyone’s default is EBG cause they know the map and are comfy with it.
Like someone else posted we played the same maps for 3 years, we got comfy we got lazy and when things got changed everyone QQ’s about it.

I dont think ANET will revert the BL’s back. They might add the old maps into a rotation everyweek or something like that. Like them or don’t they worked hard on the maps, yes some of the PVE in the maps is a bit silly but adds a new element to it..

For all of us OLD SCHOOL players, then center PvE event, reminds me of the ORBS that in the BL’s you had to get and take back to your base.. The events only happen so often so really can’t complain to much about it. The shrines are a very nice additive to the maps.. I think the keeps are a bit to big but not to bad.. I like and dislike the fact that you can’t just make 1 set of seige i.e. catapults to take out both inner and outer. I like that the keeps have different themes and multiple levels.

Anet should just shut down EBG for weeks and thus make ppl go to the BL’s but i know ppl will QQ about it and end up just not WvW’in then suck it up and learn something new and move to the BL’s.

Only takes a few guilds on each server to stop going to EBG and feeding the Map Blobs and cap the BL’s to maybe draw the attention to the other maps..

In short, stop “WvW’in” in EoTM and boycott EBG for a few weeks and play the BL’s. Get use to them, learn them, and you will love them.

EBG is just for server blobs and ruins wvw, so try something different..

(edited by Genocide.1524)

Gliders in WvW borderlands - a suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Genocide.1524


I think would be fun to have em in WvW, or least have 1 BL set to it so you can..

Since non HoT owners can still WvW if you add gliders in , would give ppl with HoT and advantage over non hot users.

Think for aerial combat / air ground targeting would have to be something like how Under water combat is..

Haha new Air Wpns!! Like underwater wpns but for usage in air haha

How long does it take to level a rev to max?

in Revenant

Posted by: Genocide.1524


Best way is by far the labyrinth. I lvld mine from 50 to 80 pretty fast. Nothing compared to some people but.. What I did, was do events, since you gain bunches of lvls fast without doing anything, go back and explore zones. you get great xp for exploring, you will need hero points, so go to lowbie zones and get those hero points.. When you are going to sit and grind lvls out... I.E lybrinth make sure you get kill streak booster, XP Booster, food, oils (Which you get from the trick or treat bags) and if you have it a celebration booster as well.. And if you can find it a hero banner or one of the banners..

With those boosters i went from 70-80 in about 2hrs of grinding the labyrinth.
As others have said WvW is great too.. Follow the zerg and reap the karama train of capping things and such.

The real 4 main issues with the new WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Genocide.1524


I love how ppl are saying QQ not enough waypoints… 90% of the time unless a server really held bay or hills, all you would have would be spawn WP’s and garri if it was your servers map..

Yes the maps are big but really not as big as you think.. Yes they are not as open as the old maps, but you ran in to the same issue in the old maps..

You group / zerg is way down at south camp or sw tower and you are way up at spawn.. No real different from now.. Just now you have more terrain in the way..

The new maps have the shrines which can be easily solo’d to get you a 40% speed buff for 4 mins.. The old maps never had that.

I agree defending the keep for the most part is dead, since you can just retake it and upgrade everything for free, but I still have experienced zergs coming in and defending. Nothing like the old maps where they would just sit in the keep and ac you to death.. see more roaming then anything.. Where a group of invaders breaks in and then gets hit from behind by the defense squad/zerg..

HoT and new maps haven’t even been out for a week. People will get tired of PvE and comes back or quit playing either way let them.. HoT stuff is fun but WvW is just as fun. Rather then mindlessly zerg / karma train, get a roaming group and enjoy that. Yes you wont get in fights ever 30 secs and yes you could take 2-3 towers before anyone shows up.

The more people play and get comfy on the new BL’s the more they wont seem as big. You will soon find routes from one place to another that you didn’t know about at first. Youll find little cliffs you can drop off to get to areas faster.. You will find short cuts..

Think would be fun to see, is a 4 server match up. add another keep and such to the new BL’s and than maybe more fights..

Like or Dislike new WvW Bordelands

in WvW

Posted by: Genocide.1524


Soo much QQ i swear.. Not trying to troll or anything but come on dear lord..

I mean yes the new BL are huge and it seems everyone just blobs on EBG now and get more roaming groups on the other BL’s..

HoT has been out for less then a week. People are doing those maps and doing there Mastery stuff.. So like many ppl have said, less population on the WvW..

My honest opinion and Ive been playing Gw2 since launch and spent 99% of my time in WvW, lvling up 80s in sheer wvw before EoTM..
I feel the new maps are fine. I enjoy them. I enjoy a small group of 10-15 go in and attacking a keep and getting a report that a zerg is incoming, and being able to slip out of the keep and redirecting else where.. While this might not be fun as the old way of WvW where just follow the blob around and mass spam aoe’s to tag everyone to get lots of bags. Feels you need more tactic now. The keep and tower lords IMO are a nice change.. I feel they might be slightly over powered but I feel a solo should now be able to slip in and ninja a keep or tower. Just my opinion.. Think it now promotes more group based content and people have to plan things out vs just mindlessly run from one keep to the other.

I also feel like think i stated before the new maps are just NEW and thus people dont like them.. If the maps were like they are now back in the day. Playing them everyday people would like them. Change is scary Change is bad Change is the devil!!

I think people just love to complain and kitten about everything. People aren’t happy unless they have something to complain about.

If the BL’s were like they are now when Gw2 launched ppl would be use to them and probably like them.. Then with HoT launched and they rolled everything to how they were with the smaller BL’s the super easy mindly roaming around with blobs capping everything, ppl would be screaming Change them back, these are to easy to small..

Long story short. Just suck it up and find groups of ppl and go do them.. Yes the maps are big, as they should be. They are new and new is scary..

Help with New Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Genocide.1524


Just hit 80 the other day on my Mesmer , went out and bought 5 of 6 , of the Exotic Karma Armageddon armor of Balthazar and have named Cloth shoulder exotic ..

Was going for a Condition dmg build w/ staff as the main focus.. Didn’t realize that not all the Armageddon armor of Balthazar had condition dmg on it and the Balthazar runes added power instead of condition dmg..

Have mid 70th lvl condition dmg accessories (haven’t had a chance to upgrade them) Condition dmg staff..

While solo pve map completion this build worked ok w/o to much effort can solo like 4-5 mobs ..

Spend 90% of my time in WvW , most time follow the zerg around , but once in a while do like doing supply camp runs..

This is my current build , using GS and Staff

<a href=“”>10/15/25/0/20</a>

So want thoughts on this , what kind of build would work for power / condition? I seem to be able to keep 9-10 stacks of bleed on my target w/o much issue or much micro managing in PvE.

I have an old out dated PC so in the ZvZ fights in WvW, I get 1 fps , so melee wpns are really outta the question.. I like the scepter and the focus , but feel kinda kitten when using them.. The focus 5 skill is great to toss in middle of a zerg but after it’s first flurry ppl have moved out of it’s range.. Was seeing the GS , iZerger doing ~ 1.2k – 1.4k on equal lvl mobs (haven’t tried this out in WvW yet)

I read stacking power and condition dmg isn’t really good to do.. Love the additional bounce that 20 in illusion gives , so using the Staff and GS seems to work well with this trait.

Wpns I using the Mystic Greatsword (Zerker stats) , and Staff , is an exotic one with Toughness Percission and Cond dmg. (no rune in this one yet).

Now I do have 6 Sup Undead rune in my bank , is it worth re-runeing the Balthazar gear w/ undead runes , or should I try and replace the few pieces of armor that has power w/condition dmg armor then add the undead runes in.

Want to be able to dish out a decent amount of dmg but don’t wanna be a glass cannon , want survivability as well , is there such a thing as that?

Thanks for your comments!

Mesmer needs movement speed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Genocide.1524


So many posts but I agree , I love my mesmer , but trying to run away from ppl not always easy or roaming around in WvW , getting left behind.. Really easy fix , get rid of the signet that gives you a random boon , cause really don’t see many mesmers really using it , and replace it with 25% speed passive signet like every other class has..

Ele’s have a teleport just like we do , and have ride the lightning , and passive buff from specing into Air and a signet to give them speed , so give mesmers some lovin.

Change the Outmanned buff in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Genocide.1524


Sooo imo the buff you get for being outnumbered is lets just say blows lol… I mean more xp more karma and more Mf % is nice and all but really doesn’t help much …

I mean karma and xp great for defending keeps / tower but meh..

I would personally like to see , the outmanned buff be like tenacity from WoW i know i said the dreaded words but i feel the outmanned buff should be more to help the sever that gets it thus like up your stats more , you deal more dmg , your health is higher .. such like that.. and it scales for how much you are truely outmanned..

I think it should buff you up so gives you and your server a little bit of a chance to come back.

So like bonus to stats , dmg , health , regen all that type stuff that would help more and maybe even make people not completely give up when they see the have the outmanned buff which am seeing a lot of right now..

Just something better then more xp more karma and MF i mean if your not 80 going into WvW then sure this is good. But for those of us whom are 80 and not trying to save up skill points to get a legendary.. IMO i feel its a useless buff.. Sure I’ll get flamed for this but just one mans opinion.