Showing Posts For George.8192:
PLEASE after events are over and they are no longer good, reclassify them into junk loot to vender or SOMETHING so that we no longer have to store/keep them “just incase” they are a new…well whatever the blades are good for.
It is just silly the number of scarelets crap (several items from secret lair), LA invasion heirlooms/belongings that I have in inventory/bank…
If worried players will just think items have gone ‘missing’ rather then sold to npc, make a specific/special npc that will only buy those items that no longer have value.
He/She is saying if you want to give someone a gift but it’s an item that can’t be gifted, you can go buy them a visa gift card and give them the card number. If you sent them money or paypal, they will see your personal info (name, address….)
Bingo, its a safer way, in my opinion, to gift items from the gem store that cant be gifted by in game means. itll cost you a fee for activating a card but you dont have to give any personal information out.
Ah, I had not considered giving a prepaid visa card. Specifically my only thoughts were getting the 40% discount to gift. I would not be tempted a bit except for this discount (and I presume that was the thought of the original poster of thread)
I wonder if I could gift gems and then purchase gems for the discount, for that would accomplish my purpose…I presume not, but I guess I’ll watch forums before I consider that.
Well I am very glad I looked here before buying gems…. while I would buy some other upgrades, they too would be considered ‘account upgrades’ and I would not be able to gift them -_-
From the way it sounded on …even reading it again ‘everything blah blah’ … ah well
But there wouldn’t be a gift button next to the buy button to begin with. You have to gift first and if the option simply isn’t there then that stops you from doing anything stupid.
It’s gift item first, buy same item for yourself at 40% off second. Makes it tough to shoot yourself in the foot that way.
Ahh…but first I’d purchase gems from store, then having paid for the gems…I would have discovered I could not gift the items I desired (my poor shot foot)
I am not even aware of a ‘gift button’ but I will look in game next time. I guess the things you are allowed to gift are nothing that I wanted for myself or others.
If you really feel that this is your only way to show your appreciation to your friend, go and buy a visa gift card from a store and send him the information. That way he can go ahead and buy the upgrades but you dont hand out your personal information.
Ok, I am curious … what ‘personal information’ would it be that you would be giving out if you were to gift something account based?
Would it not be the account name gifting to and from only (that they would see) ? George.8192 gifts xxx to Sororita.3465 ?
Well I am very glad I looked here before buying gems…. while I would buy some other upgrades, they too would be considered ‘account upgrades’ and I would not be able to gift them -_-
From the way it sounded on …even reading it again ‘everything blah blah’ … ah well
I have come to frankly hate and despise all jumping puzzles in game. I do understand having a ‘difficult’ path to get somewhere, but this jump puzzle kind of content is not something I have ever wanted in a game that is called ‘mmo’.
The halloween one I spent WAY WAY too much time on and failed so badly (partially due to a mouse issue) was horrible. The Xmas one I only spent 30 minutes on, before I said F this.
The ‘super adventure box’ whole story actually got me considering a new game, absolutely a TURN OFF for content in general + a lot of jump puzzle crap.
I totally understand a lot of people enjoy doing, from now on I shall simply abstain from any future ‘living story’ content that will require a jump puzzle component because doing this activity because it drains all fun from playing for me. Which also means for me, I’m starting to keep eyes open for new games coming up. Not that it is only puzzles that has been turning me off, but as I decide to remove parts of the whole, the less there is to enjoy about the game.
Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: George.8192
I absolutely hate to say this, I truly do…And my apologies to the devs who have been working on.
I have no doubt now MY issues are hardware related. Three different mice I cannot understand…and only testing this on main mouse as I can PLAY now.
The mouse on this system is razer naga epic. What changed my mind was rebinding the top two buttons marked 4 and 5 to right mouse button. I still have the actual right mouse button in, but when playing I am using 4 and 5 to move camera…both buttons because it is unnatural/painful and the two are too small to be sure only 1 of them is being hit.
If I am understanding what that little script does from ‘autohotkey’ it is only causing different mouse buttons to be registered as right mouse hold, so it is a workaround because the physical mouse button isn’t working correctly for all those other people who have complaints about ‘right click losing focus’.
Blah three different mice > are right mouse buttons switches different from left? flawed? design flawed due to angle or dirt buildup? maybe because the click isn’t ‘held’ as much as left button? angle of physical switch?
Suggestion to everyone having this issue, decide on what other button(s) on your respective mouse can be changed to be a secondary/backup right click and see if it helps you.
If it does, please post so others can benefit.
Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: George.8192
Asking for others who experience this problem to…
- (next time the issue is experienced) go to control panel, mouse settings, and switch primary and secondary buttons (making left button the right and vice versa) and see if they are able to use the physical left mouse button (now seen by system as the right button) without issue
- Someone to figure out a different way in game to see if condition persists WHILE this switch is in effect. In other words, how could I/we confirm that the ‘new right button’ isn’t experiencing issues while held in game? not much sleep as I am writing this, can’t think of a way in game to test…and confused because I had thought I switched/tested this way months ago, and with different mice…three of which I experienced this issue on. I also find it incredible that IF it is somehow hardware, how it could only be the right button for SO many people that have this issue.
Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: George.8192
This is still an ongoing issue for me, but I did notice something I hadn’t noticed prior.
Just logging in today, in an area not very populated, in panning while holding right click… if it didn’t catch (and move camera view) continuing to hold and move about it DID eventually catch and move camera.
eep jorg up =p
boo trash loot
SO …when it is not lagging due to heavy graphics/ton of people on screen, if I do not let up on button at all, it appears to eventually ‘catch’ and move the screen.
I also noted while doing this that it can ‘drop’ focus (moving the cursor again) and then ‘pickup’ focus all the while keeping mouse button depressed.
In an earlier session a third ‘new’ thing I noted, the ‘1’ button on skill bar, specifically the mouse over info on the button, was apparently registering on/off multiple clicks to set auto-attack on/off. I have been attempting to watch this mouse-over info after earlier suspicions that the auto-attack targeting itself is/was partially to blame (ties in with target, target in range, F key interactions, target of cursor).
This bug needs squished.
(edited by George.8192)
? I tried, I cannot do it either ? into the game client, but with the exception of special or odd characters I have not experienced any trouble pasting into the game client…
Since you can not paste anything in at all, what thoughts I had are no longer valid, but I can say the notes wouldn’t show, or hearts…may be a way as someone else mentioned with special key codes, but can’t cut and paste those two (LOTS of odd ones I could, but not those)
Good luck with it ? (this smiley didn’t work there either)
Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: George.8192
I have come to the conclusion that all my issues with right mouse button are related to the right mouse button also targeting/selecting targets.
I suspect that auto attack complicates this when a large number potential targets complicates the issue, but I do not see any way to test/confirm this while right click can still target.
It absolutely is NOT hardware issue. Do not waste money buying a new mouse.
I believe this has caused the majority of the stress and playtime lost from trying to figure out wtf is wrong with my controls.
If right click did not target, I believe that the thread would not exist.
I am curious, are you trying to copy from GW2 client?
I have never been able to copy text from the client, but I copy and paste from a text file into game frequently. Although I can copy from in game input line (things I myself have typed/entered) and then paste.
That is, I cannot copy something said to map channel and then paste it to guild channel…but I can tab out, copy something from text file/web and tab back to game and release it via control+v into guild chat.
Can you paste in this post a verbatim example of what you cannot put into game client?
In game options > under combat/movement >
Checkbox “Double-Click to Attack/Interact”
Checking this option ONLY disables double-click on LEFT button NOT on Right button.
There has been several threads that either got merged about right mouse clicking and losing focus…the link is here for the merged ones.
I have seen other posts that didn’t make it into the merge list, but I think the crux of the problem is people are using the RIGHT mouse button to pan the camera around(as I do), which sometimes is picking up a target and/or interacting with an object or mob that is not intended. When lag is experienced, in an effort to move the camera/view, I believe I/we are also double-clicking (because window isn’t moving) and end up targeting/attacking what/whoever is on our cursor at the time…which is also causing the camera to lockup at times. The UI option in question I have had checked since I noted it (end of beta if it was there then), I was unaware that it did not have an effect on the right mouse button.
I am hoping to either have the current option INCLUDE the right mouse button, OR a new option to disable it separately in regard to attack/interact.
I hate to cross-post anything, but I believe it is a game/client issue and wanted to ensure it got recognized as a non-hardware issue.
Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: George.8192
Double clicking on RIGHT button will attack/interact with mobs and whatever else is in front of you or near you !!
This is the major problem. For me it doesn`t matter, if I´m in the center of a massive zerg or event. I still can target / interact with NPCs or enemies even if there`s nothing around.
I am quite convinced now that if this isn’t the direct cause of the issue, has to be related. I am tempted to cross-post to bug forum.
Client options needs to be able to turn off the double-click right mouse button to attack/interact. The current option doesn’t specify but only disables left mouse button.
NOTE this threads NAME
Seen several mouse brands/models listed in this thread – it is not a mouse issue.
Out the door to work -_-
Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: George.8192
My prior thought on why this might be happening, I have been unable to reproduce on command… mostly personal playtime limitations and being in conditions I had set up to test.
HOWEVER I did notice something else that COULD be partially to blame or Crosses fingers totally to blame.
Simple as this, right double click targets and attacks/interacts.
While in the options there is a check to disable double-click to attack/interact, it ONLY affects the LEFT mouse button. Double clicking on RIGHT button will attack/interact with mobs and whatever else is in front of you or near you !! I never thought about this prior because I, having the option off, didn’t think it could be related.
My guess is that in heavy lag, myself and others with experiencing the problem, are right clicking several times to try to get the camera to move. The client is trying to interact with who KNOWS what is in range/view. I expect it occurs more often in lag filled WvW and anything with intense graphics…as players we note the slowdown and try to move/swivel the camera around…with WvW there are LOTS of targets the client has to decide which target to attack/interact with.
Thoughts? Way to test and confirm or rule out?
Edited > WITH auto attack on!
Will try to reproduce now with that thought.
(edited by George.8192)
Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: George.8192
- Others who are experiencing this issue, does this reflect your experience too?
- If so, do you use wasd to move? (I expect qwes, strafing players, would not experience)
- I habitually hold control down in wvw and/or when exploring to highlight item/player names, if you experience this issue, do you too?
lol posted 6 min after tech support posted above message
I can mimic the frustration how this bug affects my client, and I wonder if in areas that lag a lot (large group combat, graphic intense areas) if the example isn’t related to a cause.
Right now, do control a
Here in browser, right now ctrl+a
control a being windows hot-key to select all
Now while a left click will release and your back ‘normal’…however, if you right-click and HOLD and MOVE MOUSE…
THIS is how it feels in game when bug occurs. It also mimics how I have been able to get back control (not always quickly, and then occurs more frequently)
Now that I have had this thought, I will attempt to duplicate in game when in big lag areas later. I tried briefly before posting this but was unsuccessful to reproduce yet.
- Question to devs :
In games past, things like control+a have often been blocked or was not option to select as a game command. I noted in GW2, control+a still turns you. I am wondering if in heavy lag/cpu cycles (whatever) if WindowsOS isn’t seeing the control+a instead of the GW2 client and causing this issue?
hah first time I have used all these italics/bold/spoiler/bullet things in a forum post anywhere
Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: George.8192
Having this problem as well.
Things will be fine for anywhere from 5 minutes to a hour or so, then any time I try to use mouse look I’ll get stuck without a curson and the keybouad will become unresponsive.
I’m been looking at my I/O overflow while this is happening and it fills up, ie, GW2 stops asking for or accepting keyboard I/O commands when this happens, it’s not just “lag”
Makes the game completely unplayabe.
How are you watching/looking at your I/O overflow? How might I go about checking this on my system for next time I have the issue?
Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: George.8192
This has also been an ongoing issue with my client. I hadn’t connected the issue until I found this and other posts on the forums.
My system is rather old and a bit of a Frankenstein, so unwilling to do testing/tweaking on my end(again).
Someone in a recently joined guild mentioned he was having the issue, went to see if anything was updated, and saw last post was rather old…
So this IS still an issue.
Something I have noted, this DID have a similar thing happen to me in SWTOR too…between my memory and the specifics, I can only say now it has to be same issue. I have since that time, completely wiped system, re-installed windows (vista x64 ) and that had no lasting effect. Intermittent problem that I wasn’t able to nail down.
I also switched mouse as others have done.