Showing Posts For Georgeffz.9146:

Ele casting skill while dodging in combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Georgeffz.9146


my asura ele has the problem so might be asura only thing idk

Borlis Pass may be the right pick for you...

in Looking for...

Posted by: Georgeffz.9146


BP best server NA

Connection Error(s) Detected. Retrying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Georgeffz.9146


I have the same exact problem, but for me it started 2 days before the patch.

Dec-6: EB, CD, BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Georgeffz.9146


Kill count while on BP BL with my ranger repping Borlis Bag Killers [BP]
72 BP dead, Multiple 1vXs, Zerged multiple times just because they need to send a zerg to finish me off.

This guy may be a huge forum warrior, but he definitely can fight better than 95% of ebay and bp players. He gets some respect from me for that.

(edited by Georgeffz.9146)

Gilded Infusion Question

in Crafting

Posted by: Georgeffz.9146


simple question: Does the gilded infusion for ascended amulets work on wvw gold drops from players?

(edited by Georgeffz.9146)