Showing Posts For Gervhart.4035:

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Gervhart.4035


Bump to the anet’s public fail. Second on my memory after gs-signet kid build sharp used. Actually i demand more screens of anet’s failures.

Twilight Arbor Path Forward Up

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gervhart.4035


Up. Anet, where are you?

Is legendary armor coming out

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gervhart.4035


Wait wait wait wait wait. Didnt anet state previously that there will be nothing ascended-like except jewels/back? And now even legendary will have ascended stats? Another way to make people get back to good ol’ grind? You did like that people are farming cof so you wanna make it into Grind Wars 2? What are you thinking with?

They made it very clear back when they announced Ascended Gear that there WILL be items for all slots in time.

Legendaries will have ascended stats simply because Legendaries should always be on par with the highest tier. And it would be increased until Ascended weapons are added.

So to have best stats in wvw/pve you will need to grind for legendary weapon and ascended armor. Gear threadmill, no thanks, ill better go and play something else if this thing comes out.

By the way if someone will give a link to Vayne’s Manifesto Clarification thread, i will be very very very gratefull.

Is legendary armor coming out

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gervhart.4035


Wait wait wait wait wait. Didnt anet state previously that there will be nothing ascended-like except jewels/back? And now even legendary will have ascended stats? Another way to make people get back to good ol’ grind? You did like that people are farming cof so you wanna make it into Grind Wars 2? What are you thinking with?

Gates of Arah at Gandara (EU)

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Gervhart.4035


The event when you lead a couple of NPCs to settle a forward camp in Gandara is terribly bugged. At the front of NPC path there is a group of undeads (like 20 or so) with aoe which instakills your humble NPCs. And if you try to intervene you will be killed instantly as well. The worst thing is if you try to pull them one by one with scorpion wire or engi magnet thing, it wont help. Undeads will just come out of nowhere and reinforce the losses. Here is the screen.
Anet, its not even funny. Your game is 9 months old there is still that sort of bugs. They arent even minor you see. If you are not about to do anything with the game, neither with bugs nor with class balance, state it officially and end this chapiteau.


Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Gervhart.4035


Thread up, thats how devs balance warrior. “We dont want to turn it into unstoppable killing machine”. With SIGNETS, HAHAHA! Hilarious, isnt it? Anet, you serious about that?