(edited by Ghana.5204)
Showing Posts For Ghana.5204:
The boss isn’t in line with the other bosses of its level, thats where the issue is. Its much more difficult which means, in my eyes, it needs nerfed. Just bad game design to have one boss of the same sets of dungeons that is brutal compared to the others.
That said, you could always roll a guardian makes life much easier.
I was going to start a topic such as this. It’s pretty obvious in my eyes the loot has been nerfed. I used to do dailys at level 10 and get lodestones rares exotics. Since the last patch I worked my way up to level 20 and the ive been getting blues and greens in the end chest, ohhh i forgot, I got a filty pile of essence aswell. Seems weird that for a the amount of effort and time you get rewarded with useless tokens I dont need anymore and worse loot. I’m sure it will be ‘RNG’ but why would my fractal 10 drops be better than my 20??? Surely the rng will be more favorable the harder the fractal, if not whats the point in continuing?
Hey looking for a guild in Aurora Glade.
I’m looking for a guild that is wvw orientated ! hopefully some are recruiting on these boards.
I have 3 level 80’s and 2 alts i’m working towards being 80. Take directions well and have mumble ! If you like send me a message on here or in game to ‘Ghanha’
Thankyou muchly !
anyone else experienced this?
When taking stonemist standing in the blue circle I get no exp or any karma what so ever. Like it never happened
Is there criteria I need to fulfill unlike the other towers/supply?
Twice this has happened now.
Well I dont know what the plans are but im very concerned. An ele without good AoE??? whats the point then, they are already so squishy.
However I really think they need to buff 100 blades.
I’m confused, why are they nerfing aoe when i’ve not heard/seen one complaint about it. However everything that is a problem didn’t even get touched upon. If this goes through I think it’s time to go for me because its obvious no one is listening to what the players want.
If this goes through as believe it will it will castrate both my ele and nerco.
Still having issues with this. All i do on this game is dungeons or things within group situations so this is really stopping me enjoying the game.
Any answer or people with the same issue would be great.
Already made this topic in the main forum as I wasn’t aware on this one so that can be deleted
Everytime I try to get a party together or join one, even if im in the same zone or overflow they still appear as black on my screen. aka a black outline as if im not in the same place. This means i can’t enter dungeons or whatever. This has truley annoyed me as I like do to a fractal run before work.
Anyone else came across this and know any way to fix it?
I’ve restarted my game and computer, so many bugs.
Yeah i could see them as blue dots on the map and they could see me but it was like i wasn’t there.
Everytime I try to get a party together or join one, even if im in the same zone or overflow they still appear as black on my screen. aka a black outline as if im not in the same place. This means i can’t enter dungeons or whatever. This has truley annoyed me as I like do to a fractal run before work.
Anyone else came across this and know any way to fix it?
I’ve restarted my game and computer, so many bugs.