Showing Posts For Ghostwhisper.7921:

WvW Change Suggestion : GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


My suggestion is simple in theory ( asuran logic inc ). Change WvW into GvG. Worlds (servers) are pretty much non-existant as far as the rest of the game goes since mega servers merging all people together. Everything is possible to do with a party in your guild of many worlds except WvW. Explaining to a new person that we cant wvw because you are on a different server but we can do everything else breaks the experience for some new people. It just doesn’t make sense from a logical perspective but only from a pure TECHNICAL perspective on anets end.

Some suggestions on how to implement GvG.

*Each Guild gets assigned a color based on size and guild rank in GvG similar to how WvW rates worlds.
*Each Guild member is given a color the same as whatever guild they are representing.
*Guild members changing representations do not change colors until the next reset of GvG.

I think this pretty much covers all of changing WvW to GvG. The benefits are playing with guild mates and making the game seamless for everyone. Also added benefits are there is a more personal rank tied to guilds as opposed to worlds. Being on a zerg World wouldnt award you with auto wins and would allow a better color distribution on all hours. Im admitting there being high technical limitations to this change but i think it would be to the better for everyone.

Gem shop feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


I know that most of the things sold on the shop are for convenience only and are earnable in game through various methods. My only real feedback is that some of the character only upgrades should be account wide and one per character not one per account.

Example here : starter kit with bag in it that is 18slot.

I thought it would be one per character that binds to the character, in practice it wasnt. It was one bag total. Sure it fit the convenience bid but to ask me to pay 3x or 6x for that bag just falls into annoyance. If you want to charge more for something more practical great but atm it leaves me with a bad taste in buying anything else like it.

Another example would be character bag slots being opened, I thought they opened for each character at first, i clearly see that isnt the case but after i already decided to spend some money on the bag slots. This doesnt bother me as much because 600gems is cheap, it however falls into the same category.

Then we have our account bound gathering equipment. Which is great but… having to trade them between characters to use neutralizes the convenience factor. Asking me to spend another 35$ per character just seems spendy and not respectful to my wallet. I have a good paying job but i cant be just throwing money at nothing.

I finally want to close that the lions arch boxes/keys seem to be a much better spot than when i played 3 years ago. Im glad you took the feedback and made a much better fair system to those people who wish to get skins from boxes. I was one of the people originally veyr upset about the first holiday keys and i quit over the matter as my money spent wasnt respected.

~ old, new player who figured he would give the game another try with the expansion i like the changes thus far keep up the good work. Please continue working on understanding the different types of online shoppers you have and their feelings about digital purchases.

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


did i say if the game was successful or not? did i say complaints will make it unsuccessful ? no stay on topic or leave thanks

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


your wrong those who arent complaining will forget

those who are complainign will never forget and all those i tell wont forget either of what i think of a company that does this and doesnt rectify the problem as i know there are others who feel the same way as me

jeez i hope the elder scrolls mmo is ok…

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


i have something to show for the chests that i bought its called the receipt of gem purchase

Save this e-mail for reference. If there is a problem with your purchase, Customer Support will ask you for your order number.

Order number:zzz
Order date: 10/23/2012

Total: $50.00

Gems are delivered automatically in game to your account. If you do not receive your gems in game, please contact Customer Support.

def didnt get what was advertised

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


to those saying they only promised chance… misintrepret that.. They have seen the player plight and decided instead to add free salt to the wounds… AWESOME

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


your wrong you buy gems in chunks you prepay and no you cant be refunded. i.e 50$ = 4000 gems you clicka couple times figure its bugged click some more and then are like WTF? then youkittens talk about chances and rare and how your making bank off the tp? i dont want to make bank i want what i paid for or a refund… Simple i dont want to “gamble” where are these words on the site where are the odds where at the chance ratios they are not… you say do research? how about give what was advertised… dont small print us away and say pictures do not represent whats inside… its bogus

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


i could show you screenshots but not worth the effort of giving you three sites showing what in basic english translates to hey look you may have to mulligan for stuff or trade around for what you want but not get jack kitten… sorry mate and then baiting and switching it then saying look its themed now… still woudlnt pay 50$ for consummables in a game period

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


I suggest clicking the link and filing a complaint, i asked for a refund and it got banned for being inflammatory and got infracted for it… basically they put it in the PLAYERS HELPING PLAYERS section so now since apparently asking for a refund is against the terms just filled out for something that matters in the real world

To the person above me and NO we didnt know they were rare it was not advertised that way nowhere is the words used it says one of six skins discover the secrets of the blc. The only secret was they were scamming people, us mad people agree with you we wouldnt spend 1$ on a chance to win something

(edited by Ghostwhisper.7921)

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


wrong patched in after the purchase. enough said and its not what was advertised period. bait and switch not even the same thing

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


this isnt what was advertised PERIOD we have tons of reason to still complain… yeah i got halloween tonics now instead of mystery tonics … would i spend 50$ on tonics???? no way in hell. am i spending another dime on this game if im not refunded for my 50$ in keys no way in hell. you may think its all fine on your patch of grass looking at me on my patch… i dont so go kitten off

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


Why does everyone expect to get a RARE dropping item, its like everyone expecting to win the lottery. Guess what if everyone gets it, the item is no longer Rare by definition.

Everyone now has a chance to get them without buying keys (adds more actual $ fairness to the player base and the ‘newer’ players that have not amassed enough gold to buy the gems), and gets ‘please play again’ opportunity to those opening regular chests (and also adds some value to mystery tonics and boosts), any more access devalues and changes the RARE state of said items. And also, you know what happens when EVERYONE wins the lottery, everyone gets a bit annoyed that their hard to get grand prize is now everywhere it no longer is winning the lottery, take that Spanish lotto a while back where the city held a lotto and due to a glitch everyone won, and thereby won 1 Euro… but hey you won the lotto so you wouldn’t feel cheesed now would you…

Anet wants you to see someone with (eg) the Great Sword Saw and be in awe that they’ve got one, in sort of a slightly more common Legendary. And as far as the “I didn’t get anything” arguments, you get the horns, Act 1 you can get the book, you get food, recipes, theme’d mats, FOR FREE or with little to no work… and odds are you got some holiday items in that mix of stuff you did get, just not that one Rare (there’s that word again) item that you were hoping for… next time you buy a lottery ticket and don’t win (guess what you have a 99.99% chance of that happening!) go storm the lotto office and see if they give you ANY concession other than having security throw you out the door.

If there are Rare items, I want them to be Rare. They rightly should be either very low drop rates or stupidly hard to craft (if at all)… Why? so I can say I’ve got something a bit truely exotic, that won’t be seen every day. I played an MMO years back that had UNIQUE items, as in 1 per realm EVER, someone got it and destroyed it or quit, its gone, done… too bad, and traded for years of work worth of gold. Resulting, they were without question absolute best gear and would draw people to follow a holder around just to see it, you’d be all over your guild chat and forum with ‘doood I just saw some guy with ’X’, it was Awesome!’ … If I have a Rare, I want someone checking my char out and drooling at it, not going ‘meh I’ve got 6.’

We werent advertised rare. we were told one in six chance of skin + random shoulders added. one in six does not = 1 in 50, 1 in 100

its one in six pull your head out of your kitten its pretty clear what was expected and what was received are very different

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


I just opened up literally 62 Mad King chest and got 1 severed dagger skin.
Guessing drop rate still 1-2% at the most. But meh, thanks anet for listening and making an effort

They HEARD but did not listen. Its like those responding who see what we type but do not see.

Overall these stupid boxes should say HEY for 50$ you get some transmute stones ( 40 )… Worthless to me

28 repair canisters ( worthless )

8 ( bank crystals ) worthless

1 black lion trade box ( worthless )

4 black lion ultra salvage ( not worthless but will take me an eon to go through so eats up bank space )

3 ress orbs ( worthless )

5 kill streak boosters ( worthless )

5 boosters you cant use with anything ( worthless )

some crafting mats for things that cost too much to make ( almost worth something but the effort makes them worthless )

tonics ( really worthless )

and candy corn ( gee more worthless )

oh also got stupid lion trader mines/picks/whatever… MORE WORTHLESS crap and its all in the bank CAUSE YOU TOLD ME TO KEEP it all and it would abae fixed EFFFING GIVE ME A REFUND

(edited by Ghostwhisper.7921)

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


ITS A CHANCE??? a chance really? noone played the slots 10x we spent real money on this garbage for things that arent in these boxes. im not goign to beat that horse again .

you guys dropped the ball and im officially done with this game its terrible you people who put the change in the game are terrible.

Why didnt you jsut send us “opened bl chestc” in the mail if you wanted to rub it in our faces that you planned on changing nothing , again would not have bought keys to a chest for parts of crap i dont want or need. especially not when the same gold would have bought the skins outright.

I want at this point… a refund….

AND If i dont get a refund…

theres no CHANCE…

in hell you will get one dime from me ever again or a good word about your game/games.

a fixed issue would have resulted in many more $$$.. instead nothing and a tarnished reputation as anyone is in earshot of me

What a disgusting insulting crappy implementation of garbage

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


I Thank your team for discussing this over. I plan on spending another xx$ on things i would have bought had the chest thing been even remotely accessible. So yeah ill wait for the changes for whatever your doing then ill see if its still going to be a game i continue to pay for/play for. If you guys do chest thing well , ill happily buy the witch costume/minis like i originally intended on the first

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


no we didnt get anything even remotely resembling halloween in the boxes, much less the one in six weapons as advertised or as the dev who responded so snarkily its a change at a one in six chance so less than 1%. Shoulda wrote that on the page that the chances for gettting nothing are higher than getting ANYTHING related to the event.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


1) Can i get a refund for the poorly designed falsely advertised chests

2) Are you even debating how you plan on dealing with the angry people towards your "fun, festive – event "

3) If you are debating the poor implementation/false promised one in six skins in a chest box…. Are you going to compensate everyone who bought keys? Perhaps Sending us One random skin Per five keys bought seems on par and fair through the mail

4) Who best do we send concerns to for this game and how we feel? Is it here? Is it twitter? Is there a specific dev we are supposed to complain to?

5) Are you willing to accept the fact you have permanently tarnished your reputation regardless of who you decide to please at this point?

6) Can you admit you make mistakes as far as advertising and PR? Saying something si random and slapping us in the face with a blunt kitten is not a good way to go about things

7) Was anything learned here?

8) Do you take the steps to go on the path towards reearning our trust/faith?

9) Can you go the distance and do one better? You know that thing you talked about when you were first making this game with all those videos people like to pull up and throw in your face?

Finally im sorry for having jaded double edged questions but im very unhappy im out fifty bucks and now im looking at playing WoW or some other game where at least i know what im buying. I really liked your pvp design i liked your questing… i just dont like how i feel playing your game on somethign that should be fun. Please help me be happy with you…

A sad fan boi ( dervish )

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


spoiled brats because the odds are astronimically lower than advertised? Because we worked and want to spend money on a hobby? It isnt even the same thing as going to a casino. Its a video game, i view it as part of the sub or non-sub hobby. The ignorant stupid trolls who probably dont work who are calling us spoiled brats is just mroe fuel to the god forsaken kitten fire. Seriously anet you would have easily gotten hundreds of dollars from me for this game but now no… zero chance ZEROOOOOOO. If i had a gambling problem or viewed this as “gambling” id still be playing the card game. So to all you kittens thinking that we are gamblers take your head and pull it out of your kitten. YEAH IM MAD AND I HAVE A RIGHT TO BE AND I DOTN CARE IF THE KOREANS DONT HAVE THOSE RIGHTS OR YOU STUPID LIBERAL WISE-a kittens. I have the right to spend my money elsewhere. Im done ranting and ill check back at the end of halloween and maybe by then anet will pull their kitten head out of their kitten hole and compensate us for terrible terrible game design

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


to those of you who say we have a gambling problem. you can kitten off. to anet you can kitten off. This is worse than diablo three market system,. Grats you make that game look awesome compared to this, and you know what you jack kittens wont even fix it cause you have your heads too far up your kitten holes you kitten loving pieces of kitten . Tricks on us you kitten loving piece of kitten company

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


50$ spent and no skin, sorry but you have permanently lost a customer and a player . Fix or see ya.