WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
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WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
Dude Storm I’m sorry but it’s already been discussed and obviously said it wasn’t the numbers. Numbers IN WvW ACTUALLY Wvwing? Maybe, sure, I’ll give you that, but it wasn’t SERVER population for various reasons already brought up in the past. The reason for Kain’s giant surge is because we did in fact move up, a server kinda gets demoralized after losing for 2 months, now they’re giving it a go again since we left, Kain always had the numbers it just quit trying and decided to wait until we weren’t here anymore.
WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
I say this a lot but it’s actually a pathetic claim you have because it’s called generalizing, you’re saying a server is "meh" for 1v1ing a few people in this server, that’s cute. That doesn’t represent the entire server. If you 1v1’d every single one of us and won at least 51% you could have the right to say that. Oh and there’s hardly anyone in my guild that’s capable of losing 1v1’s, and last but not least we could probably care less since, we’re still stomping hardcore, the server victory is what matters in the end.
WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
@Divrocks, yeah that or pretty close to it.
WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
To be honest, I observe and predict statistically and DR is likely to not meet too much of a challenge until at least T5, this is to my fellow Devonians and even others saying what’s going to come. These current lower tiered servers move up and down and have on and off weeks, Dev has been pressing hard for nearly 2 months and has never lost and there’s motivation to keep that and the only hard pressing servers where we’ll meet similar objectives from them are in T5 in up according to Mos.m. In reality if SF even had the capability of pushing more later there would not be such a consistency of 600+ potential points for us, it shouldn’t even be possible. Anyways, Hf in WvW guys.
WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
I’d rather be able to keep the thread so.. remember what the Anet Admin said guys.. I just know since he/she posted there’s been less, but I saw still some negative posts. I’m not gonna say I haven’t jabbed that’s hypocritical, just let’s keep it cool!
WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
See guys, he’s at it again! Hahaha, personal experience..hahah. Funny.
And @ bubO, yeah most of them or my guild were over at bay defending the endless onslaught of kains and we were like hmm let’s go check on hills it has white sword, and even orange for a moment, I get over there and on wall and am like..ooh..mortar..in zerg range.. XD and then was doing that and our commander arrived shortly. You guys almost had it though!
WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
So far this week props to ferg for bringing some dang good fights and numbers!! But seriously where did Kain go? They just aren’t really showin up this week! I’m not even really tryin to chest beat I just literally have not seen so much from Kain yet, like Dred said though, hope you guys are doing alright! Oh and props to a guild in fergs tagged [Np] They are freakin beasts, saw so many of them and they had some good fighters, they brought it on Saturday against running with PRO. Here’s some action pics of Ferg showing what they got. The last on is us at Kains spawn, they couldn’t even come out, that’s why I’m askin where they are, I’m just saying normally we shouldn’t be able to do that you know?
WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
I just have to say.. from reading everything on the last thread.. Kain would just say "Well, we win during Primetime which is what says who’s better, on the weekend." Kain didn’t even show up tonight on reset. Literally though, I’m actually curious as to what happened lol.
Anyways, here’s some fun pic’s of tonight’s reset. PRO Basically single handedly took Kains BL and although at the latter half of it there wasn’t a lot of resistance, there WAS a lot of push by Kains alliance in some of the first pics, they killed our zerg about twice? On bottle necks and ambushes, but every open field fight our guild alone destroyed their 5+ Guild alliance. But! They have some freaking amazing fighters in there! We were held at Bay for quite a while, but then you guys disappeared.. Oh and props to fergs because once we went over to your BL there was a ton of nice big fights. We tried taking Bay and go to Lord but got pushed out and I hid and portaled us back in to take down inner gate But you guys had it all sieged up and we got pushed again. Nice work. Well, fun day of WvW. GL This week.
WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
^I’ll take that, you win the battles but we will always win the war. Which is what matters in the end. Maybe Dr will see you guys in the higher tiers. If you ever move up that is.
WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
^ Lol he’s not going to Kaineng. That whole thing made me laugh. He even said I’ll see you (Devona) When you make it to the next bracket.
WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
Once again, "they" refers to our whole guild, and I can’t speak for everyone but I can for a lot of people that never do that. I don’t. Heck, we took all of kain with 10 people the other day and it wasn’t just Npc’s.
WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
Saying that happens with PRO everytime you see them and for every member is very subjective. You shouldn’t speak of what you do not know or what’s not entirely true. I can’t flat out deny that’s a lie because maybe sometimes that’s happened? But I can say that in many situations I can say the exact same thing you are, I’ve been in 2 to 1 odded fights and the group I was with, especially my guild crushed them. I happen to WvW everyday for hours and whenever I’m there with my guild I’ve never seen us run or abandon to spawn points. We hold if we can and if not we die and come back. Some of you people need to go take a chill pill or come up with like actual videos of proof. I wanna see you 1v1 some of the people in PRO Chaede.
WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
Our lil [PRO] Squad ninja-ing all of kains with around 10 people! Later to be lost though by those 2 freakin resets. But anywho, Nihilisma really needs a commander icon.
WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
Totally agree^ and I need to put up some awesome pics now of me and Nihil and some others Ninjaing the whole map of kains with like 10 people haha
WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
Props to everyone in DR for getting quite a lead back during the day mostly never going under 300 points! And then Kain coming back later in the day capping everything, intense day of WvW.
WvWer in Protocol [PRO]