Thanks for working with the players in this way, it means a great deal to many of us.
My personal list is this:
1: Guild Raid content
Reason: I’ve seen many guilds are currently struggling to keep players interested in running together. As is, guild missions is just about the only thing guilds can run together (excluding maybe a server than can actually participate in WvW) and while it was a step in the right direction it was only difficult and thus engaging for the first few weeks after each mission type was unlocked, the guild had to work together to figure things out and then do it. Now guilds who have been working them since release have become so familiar with the content it’s less engaging as most of them are very easy and require little communication.
2: Harder content
Reason: The majority of the updates have appealed to the more casual players which by itself isn’t an issue what-so-ever. From what I can tell the majority of the player base would consider themselves close or not far from being casual. The issue in my eyes comes from a lack of harder content being released over the past year. When I think about it I can only come up with two significant updates with content that would appeal to the more hardcore community. Fractals and the Queens Gauntlet, one of which was temporary content. I feel like the Aetherpath for Twilight Arbor was trying to fill that gap with some of it’s harder mechanics which is good but it brings me to my next point.
3: Risk Vs Reward
There nearly isn’t any system of risk vs reward currently in the game and it seems to be killing it in areas. The areas there is an issue currently in my own opinion is the champion farming trains. They have essentially no risk involved but the greatest reward in the game (in terms of gold). I don’t think the drops need to be nerfed necessarily as simply killing a champion alone feels worth it now but their ability to be farmed is concerning. Where Risk Vs Reward is NOT so much of an issue is in fractals as there are unique skins that appeal to most people where there is actually a risk involved. What I really appreciate about the reward system in fractals is that even though it’s RNG based, the greater the risk the better chance at the great reward. BUT this does not limit getting the skins to only high risk scenarios. By allowing the skins to drop around level 20, those who do not have the skill level to do 40+ are still given a chance at the skins but at a lower drop-rate. It gives them a reason to want to progress for a better chance at the reward but if for whatever reason they cannot, they’re not completely shutout of the opportunity.
These are my big 3 things. Honestly, I don’t believe I hold a majority’s opinion on this but I do believe that those who have put a lot of time into the game will agree with these points.