Showing Posts For GoneBatty.9048:

Triple Trouble Bug! (WURM)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


This bug has been happening consistently. It happened this morning and once again in the afternoon. The boss only spawns three times a day, so that’s 2/3 bugged raids. An average time of 49 minutes was spent preparing for each one, organizing 150 players and coordinating our efforts.

Those efforts have been in vain, repeatedly, as this scaling bug has made Wurm unplayable content for many of us. I was lead to believe these scaling bugs were fixed, but alas, they have not.

Countless hours wasted, efforts dashed, and upset raiders. On top of organizing this on megaservers, adding a new headache, this bug compounds an already archaic and difficult situation.

As a player, my time is valuable, and this has wasted my time.

Karka reward chest unfair

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


Erm, I ended up getting the chest during the event, but it kinda went glitchy and I only got to see the chest open animation before I got disconnected. I logged on and had my loot appear, then I got a chest today. So I’m rather confused.

One of my guild-mates who swapped characters and abused the overflow opened the chest 4 times over four characters, and got a chest mailed to him. He’s made ridiculous amounts of gold because he got two precursors from it and held out til the initial burst supply dried up a bit.

Fortunately, he shares his good fortune and helps gear people up that have bad luck with gold. So it’s not like he hoarded it all.

Lost Shores Compensation What Did You Get?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


I accidentally send my chest to a low level character and jipped myself out of anything cool. I feel rather stupid right now. But you guys won’t make fun of me for making a silly mistake and not blaming anyone but myself for it, right? Right?

I’ll just show myself to the door.

Wow, thanks Anet!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


I accidentally accepted mine for a level 46 character and am stuck. Ended up opening the chest and didn’t get anything really good. Now I’m rather disappointed by my lack of foresight, since I got booted out on a level 80 character and missed out on my chance for level 80 exotics.

Well, so much for my rewards. 20 slot chest is nice, and so is the karka accessory. I just feel rather stupid because when I actually stopped to read the letter they warned me to hand it to my appropriate character. Now I feel stupid, angry, and a bit ripped off. And I did it to myself. I haven’t had a very good week.

11/23 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


Rectum rumpled EBay trash. How does it feel to have never won a matchup based on anything but population and timezone games? Low overall skill level + tons of people + no coordination = unwarranted self importance to the extreme. You’ll never be more than tier 4, and probably won’t even stay there. Meanwhile we gain guilds every matchup for our organized community.

P.S. Tell your [TTD] recruiters to get out of our Lion’s Arch. Maguuma players are too skilled to want an EB guild, where they’ll get stuck on a zero coordination server populated almost entirely by bandwagoning pubs.

Same difference really. CD is populated almost entirely by bandwagoners and “no fun allowed” guilds. That was evident during Fight Club, when only three CD players knew how to have fun.

P.S. I’m not seeing CD win many small scale engagements against us either, I wonder why.

This doesn’t belong here. Do not shame an entire community with your disgrace. Maguuma is a strong, respectable server [Edit] and deserve respect as opponents. You, however, sully their efforts and their community. Stop that.

Crystal Desert has massive amounts of players. Everywhere I look, there’s massive response, quickly I might add. I’m not going to lie, Ehmry Bay is outmatched. We can’t fight a server with numbers like this and presence around the clock. We need to get stronger, and adopt tactics specific to combating this server.

As for Maguuma, their strength lies in their community and their coordination, where they lack numbers they make up for in fun and capable leaders. Seeing as much of the negativity from Ebay to Maguuma has been caused or is related to the Goon Squad it is and should be easy to overlook the methodology of some members of a minority and observe them as a whole as a good server. Not all Goons are bad, it’s just the really vocal ones that like to ‘troll’ for the ‘lulz’ and other mockeries of standard human intelligence that I find unbecoming.

Crystal Desert is like a plague. They saturate with numbers, rapid response times, and bottleneck siege. If anyone wants to compete with that, we need numbers. Though from what I’ve seen from higher teir WvWvW, is that number 4 is pretty good to sit, seeing as any higher and it’s Que times of epic proportions and massive zerg lag-fights.

I’m happy to be teir 4, we all worked hard for it and every server here is a worthy opponent. It’s an honor to fight you, and considering that we all share a common interest, a love for Guild Wars (2), I see you all as allies in the game where your support of the game allows it to continue.

Competition can be fun. I wish we could all be drinking beers and laughing about this together sometimes. I could really use a beer.

Moderator: Edited offending Part out

(edited by Moderator)

11/23 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


Poor Ebay how you lose all your keeps in towers in EB? Guess Maguuma and Crystal Desert are working against you.

Are people born this stupid, or does it happen over time?

Anyway, Good fight so far. Ebay keep pushing, Maguuma keep….doing whatever it is you do, and CD has amazing response times.

This will be an uphill battle, and whomever wins, wins, and lets see where the whole week takes us.

Excuse me but kill shot - inc 'moment.'

in Warrior

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


Hmm odd, because on my full defense support Guardian, all tanky toughness, and vitality, I’ve been pegged for my entire healthbar by one of those shots. 10 k! I know, Guardians have the lowest hp pool in the game, but I’m the tankiest I can get. Maybe it was luck or the fact he hit two people as it pierced it’s way towards me, maybe it was the fact my shield wall was on cooldown, but still THAT hurts ALOT.

Noob spotted. ‘The tankiest I can get’ on a Guardian has more then 10-14k HP, especially considering Guardians get more health per point of vitality then any other profession. You should be investing in Honor if you’re going tanky, especially since the Guard has so much built-in mitigation to begin with, and that’s not even counting utility slots.

Invested healthily into toughness though, a glass cannon warrior would struggle to hit you for 10k, let alone 11 or heaven forbid 14. Unless there was something else going on there, you’re just spreading misinformation at this point – or more likely, you’re just a scrub who can’t dodge, can use defensives, and can’t build a Guard.

Textbook example of L2P up in here.

Oh the assumptions FLY!~ Insults and assumptions abound. You’re so cute.

‘’As tanky as I can get’’ is as much tankiness as I can afford into my build without sacrificing my damage or my supportive role. I’m a healer guardian, and I focus on healing. I did invest in /Honor/ I have 30 points in it.

‘’Noob Spotted’’—Rude, very rude. Incredibly rude. Learn manners.

Now, back to discussion, being able to hit someone with near 2K8 armor for anywhere nearing the amount of 10 k is a bit much, seeing as their main focus is damage mitigation. I don’t have issues with Warrior Snipers on the field. My Engineer and my Thief deal with them fine. They telegraph attacks unless the warrior pops frenzy…

The issue is simply the burst is too big, especially when it pierces and hits multiple opponents. Couple that with the current bug with ‘Beserkers Power’ where multiple penetrations gain more damage, and there’s a chance to have problems.

Warrior Sniper Vs. Engie Sniper

in Engineer

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


Your the one who said that warriors were over powered in the very first post. I’m stating that they aren’t. You’re also the one stating that warriors are overall more powerful then enigneers. I’m also stating that they aren’t, and that you need to learn how to play a engineer in pvp and pve. A good engineer 9 times out of ten (like me) Will be the very first one to destroy a warrior, in every way. All my gear but two pieces is power/precision/crit damage, including trinkets.

I’m running 0/20/15/30/5 and My Skill set up is rifle + Elixir H, Elixir G, elixir B, Elixir U, and elixir X.
My rifle sigil gives me AOE flame blast.
My precision tree gives me extra range and extra damage for my rifle, Toughness tree for survivability, elixir tree for self buff with +20% elixir recharge rate, and +20% elixir duration, with either elixir stacking might buff, or condition removal with cleansing formula. Build is perfect for PVE, and PVP. You can tank,single target CC, and dps, and have high survival rate. Very ez playing setup with no complaints about versing any classes, but sometimes mesmer, and thief. Maybe I should just say that “engineer” is OP Because it does good damage, and can survive!

It’s pathetic that people complain about engineer, but really don’t know how to play the class right… /end informative thread construction.

’’I’m good and you’re bad.‘’ Oh so cute and informative! I know how to play my engineer—I’m pretty good with it. I’ve mentioned that I can take on Warrior Snipers as long as I’m careful. I’m just stating Warrior Snipers got too much love with the free survivability along with their massive burst.

You pat yourself on the back while assuming things about /me/, That’s rude. Thankyou for sharing your build and playstyle, but it’s layered between rudeness and assumptions. I don’t appreciate that. Noone appreciates that.

I’ve learned the differences between the two in this thread and what the engineer can offer. Warriors are pretty kitten powerful. I don’t understand anyone considering them weak. I have one, lvl 80! And I never have problems murdering people with him.

‘’/end-blah blah’‘—Shutup. It doesn’t end with you. You’re not some godsend. You’re annoying. You’re the bad aftertaste I’ve been forced to stomach after a great, informative thread.

Warrior Sniper Vs. Engie Sniper

in Engineer

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


This a joke? Warriors are the weakest class in the game. They are the class most likely to be downed first… They have terrible rifle dps and mobility compared to engineer with a rifle. They have only 1 decent rifle attack. Rest are garbage. Have yet ot verse a engineer in pvp that can last. Don’t know how people struggling with a warrior….. Learn to play engineer.

…Surely you’re the one joking. Warrior rifle DPS is insane. It’s good, amazing, stupendous!

Volley, killshot…Ect. Pretty nice from what I’ve experienced.

You don’t get the point of this thread. You’re also not adding ANYTHING. The difference between Engineer and Warrior are what’s being laid bare and what they offer. Also frustrations, and build diversity discussions as well as figuring out exactly what a ‘sniper’ engineer brings that a warrior sniper cannot, and I’ve gotten tons of help here. Whether it’s fighting a warrior sniper or figuring out ways to work support into my build to help my team to make up for the lower DPS and base survivability I have. I appreciate everyone’s insightful posts.

If you don’t want to add anything, and just want to be rude, go to another thread. This thread is for building ideas, not tearing people and their classes down.

Excuse me but kill shot - inc 'moment.'

in Warrior

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


That burst is too high. It would be fine if it was say, 8 k at most, since the cursed thing PIERCES anyway, but being able to get 15 K+ on multiple opponents using one ability is….Wait for it…Unbalanced!

Like I said, only glass cannon, zero defence, trinity style players take such high damage from kill shot, any balanced build character only takes wait for it 9K damage at most.

I don’t even run this build (I’m a shouts healer warrior) and I’ve seen people take a ton of damage from my kill shot when that happens I just laugh really hard because all I can think of is:

There goes another glass cannon moron ! He will probably go to the forums later to complain and QQ instead of fixing his WvW build.

Hmm odd, because on my full defense support Guardian, all tanky toughness, and vitality, I’ve been pegged for my entire healthbar by one of those shots. 10 k! I know, Guardians have the lowest hp pool in the game, but I’m the tankiest I can get. Maybe it was luck or the fact he hit two people as it pierced it’s way towards me, maybe it was the fact my shield wall was on cooldown, but still THAT hurts ALOT.

Then again, 14.4 k hp isn’t alot in the grand scheme of things.

Let me word it another way; the heavy armored class doesn’t need a ranged ‘’one shot kill’‘. The stealthing thief also does not need a one stab kill. The warrior doesn’t need a one shot kill that can be fired only as fast as he can recoup adrenaline. There are no ‘headshots’ in GW2.

When a shout healer warrior is bragging at high damage output from the shot, that’s a bit worrying.

How do you 1v1 a condition/evasion thief

in Warrior

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


Wow, everyone hates thieves. I have a lvl 80 thief and warrior. Know what my thief is good for? Taking on massive amount of people using evasion, life leach sustain, and I only have 1 stealth. Most the time I’m visible. The thieves that don’t stealth are the most dangerous, because they don’t need to stealth to let you die from bleeding….They’ll just stay on you til you die. That being said, running multiple stealths can be annoying to deal with, but you should never be alone in WvW and in sPvP you should expect to have to avoid thieves or deal with them accordingly.

My Warrior uses a GS/Rifle build. Handling a thief is easy when you have a cleanse shout, and if you really hate thieves, use a mace and warhorn. I’m getting very sick of people saying Warriors are underpowered when they feel STRONG in my hands. I murder those condition thieves. I cripple them, interrupt them, clean my conditions, and hurt them as much as I can. It takes at least 5+ stacks of bleed to mitigate all my regen and defense. And guess what? Conditions last 50% less because of runes of Hoelbrak and FOOD. (I really hate getting conditioned to death, so my build is all about KITTEN THOSE CONDITIONS AWAY.)

They slide off in 3 seconds. That’s hardly enough time. Unless they stack duration, at which point, I can still cleanse with a shout anyway.

Stealth isn’t broken, thieves are supposed to be escape and hit and run type fighters. They melt unless they build leach and have high healing power. You know what’s broken? The unwillingness to LEARN. That’s what broken. I rlled up a thief to learn how to counter them. I discovered thieves are FUN. And learned how to counter them with my warrior. You may need to adapt. It’s strategy and tactics, not one build to rule them all.

Thieves have been nerfed 4 times now. Leave them alone and evaluate your wn play style before being so defeatist about your own skill.

Excuse me but kill shot - inc 'moment.'

in Warrior

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


I made a thread about this actually, comparing Engie Snipers to Warrior Snipers. No offense, my fellow Warrior Brethren, but we do hit a bit too hard. As a warrior who has several other classes maxed out, including thieves, I like to stay unbiased and understand that balance is important.

Right now, Warriors have the highest ranged burst in the game. Period. The heavy armor class with base 18-20 k hp has the highest burst. They’re a sniper. A bit odd, right? a Ranger’s full culminated Rapid Shot can only do around 10-12 k and it has much less range!

The burst is just too high. A 20 k crit, which happens at times in WvW is sometimes more than a player’s entire HP pool. A Guardian that goes full defensive can and has been one shot by this ability.

But then you, oh great defender of the unbalanced, say ‘’Dodge. Reflect wall. Hmmm totally balanced now.’’ Well, good sir. Thieves can do a massive burst at close range, and be stealthed. At least they appear afterwards and a good player can slap their knob. A Sniper is nailing you from a tower wall, or 1500 range away while on a hill while you’re dealing with their friends and allies.

That burst is too high. It would be fine if it was say, 8 k at most, since the cursed thing PIERCES anyway, but being able to get 15 K+ on multiple opponents using one ability is….Wait for it…Unbalanced!

Warrior Sniper Vs. Engie Sniper

in Engineer

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


As someone who mained rifle warrior and then switched and now mains rifle engineer, I can say the two are worlds apart.

As a rifle warrior most of your damage is really behind two skills, volley, and kill shot. The auto attack is fair, but on the weak side, the utility the rifle brings for a warrior is good, and while you can be far more tanky on paper, warriors have less prolonged survivability unless specifically built to be able to bridge heals. I found that you needed to really be a lighting bruiser for the build to work because in the long game you tend to not having the healing output to sustain against sturdy targets in pvp.

Rifle engineer is a whole different basket of cogs. Hipshot hits like a truck for a ranged attack. As in, it does melee grade damage at a distance. The trade off is all other damage compression is mid range for an engineer. On the other hand, you can sit on someone with just hipshot and they’ll die from how much pressure it is. While it doesn’t kill as fast as a warrior’s rifle, the engineer has more consistency and better damage across the board. Everything you have that does damage, hits really hard and thus scales well. The control of the engineer rifle, as well as its dynamic mobility lend alot of survivability. Jump shot isn’t just heavy damage but a leap you can use to avoid attacks, move across odd terrain, or change targets. Overcharged shot puts people were you want them, gives you breathing room, lets you get your bearings, and sets up people for more damage, not to mention its an interrupt that lets you deny key skills. Net shot lets you decide what range you fight at.

In a 1v1 between a rifle warrior and an engineer, the engineer has a major advantage because of hipshot’s high damage. Since a warrior will need to land volleys to surpass the damage the engineer puts out with just an auto attack, an engineer can just evade volley and come out ahead. This forces most people to either come into melee you, were you only get stronger thanks to blunderbuss and the rest of your bar, or leave because they will die.

A warrior hits you really hard occasionally at a distance, an engineer will hit you hard all the time.

If you want a true sniper experience warrior is the way to go. Since killshot is the snipe skill. Keep in mind you sacrifice sustained damage for burst potential. Rifle engineer is more of a ‘heavy gunner’ if you want to just pound on targets and make them hurt, engineer is the way to go. Both have their merits and are both enjoyable for various reasons.

My issue is that as far as dungeons and WvW are concerned, I felt less useful than a Warrior insta killing 3-4 people every ten odd seconds. (Sometimes. Pulling that off requires lining up targets.) I can KILL these monsters pretty fast, and my auto attacks hit like a raging bull. I know my sustain is better, but the warrior’s cooldowns for volley and the fact they can crank out kill shot every eight seconds means an insta kill blowout every time they get full Adrenaline.

Removing opponents from the battlefield is important, moreso than support. If you can kill opponents swiftly and remove them from play, you just mitigated damage they could have caused to others. I may be flexible, and against one of these rifle sniping warriors, I may more than likely come out on top (3 K crit auto attacks hurt) Their crit auto attacks still hit in the realm of 2 k anyway, and usually 1 k base damage if not a crit. That’s still quite a bit. Their sustain is almost, if not reaching engineer’s sustain in some cases. Lets not forget ‘Endure Pain’ and ‘Signet of Precision’ are commonly on their toolbar along with ‘Frenzy’ and we have a loadout of 5 sec invulnerability with a spike in adrenaline with a sped up animation allowing a 1.9 second kill shot for 20 k +.

Their play-styles are different, sure, and the engineer has more control. But the control pales in comparison in the raw damage they still possess. I think Warrior Snipers are a bit…Too powerful in WvW and Dungeons where I spend a majority of my time. That’s the issue, I don’t feel as powerful and my extra gimmicks seem to do little to make up for it(Mostly in dungeons and sometimes in WvW I feel this).

Top that with people telling me that the legendary rifle ‘’The Predator’’ is obviously meant for warriors given it’s appearance as a Sniper Rifle and how Warriors can actually be proper snipers, and I’m a bit miffed. So they get all the cool greatswords and now my friends are telling me working to get ‘The Predator’ for my engie is a waste. That’s just disheartening.

Warriors got too much of the love-stick if that’s the case.

The more I think about my Engineer with his rifle, the more I sigh softly and say; ‘’Just give me a gattling gun already.’’ If the heavy armored class can be the sniper, than the medium armored class can be the gattling gun totting heavy gunner with high suppression fire.

(edited by GoneBatty.9048)

Warrior Sniper Vs. Engie Sniper

in Engineer

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


FIRSTLY the holy trinity was replaced with damage/control/support, Each proffession has its STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES – if they were the same we wouldnt have different proffessions- so to even have a debate that a warrior can out gun me (they can even outgun a ranger using a bow) is just foolhardy- OF COURSE a warrior should be the best at damage – but can they support as well as an engi? NO THEY CANT.
I’m just getting fed up of people comparing us to other proffessions (damage output mostly) – IF you want to see big numbers then go play a warrior or thief – Thats what those proffessions are for but if you want to support then engi is the best class for that.
For group events if you buff and heal allies then you will get (not much less than) the same money/karma as someone whos done high direct damage

I have several lvl 80s. I find the thief fun. Cond Leach thief, healing out the wazoo. I lay down conditions well and can survive better than most. He’s not glass canon at all. I also have a warrior, as I’ve mentioned. Melee is alot of fun, and I’ve tinkered with the rifle skills. They feel smooth and responsive. The damage output is pretty high even though I’m not even traited for it.

As it stands, my engineer already out performs a ranger in DPS raw power, and I outperform on self heals to keep myself alive. The base hp from warriors is nice, but it doesn’t match what I can do with my turret, nor the support it gives my allies with regen.

I guess I was just aggravated by warriors out performing me in everything else so easily. It’s like being second best at something you thought you were top dog at. And sniper just felt right for the medium armored class. Shame I have to tip my hat to a heavy armored sniper. I guess they’re more like an artillery canon.

Anyway, instead of comparing raw damage, lets put it on the table. The pros and cons of each when going ranged, and what each brings to the table. Sure, damage can’t be touched, but I’m sure there are other ways we engineer snipers can set ourselves apart. At least my DPs isn’t as poor as a rangers…And the turrets are better company too.

I still don’t like the feel of the kits. Flamethrower was nice, but it doesn’t offer any support or utility other than a blind. Grenades are…Plain and I prefer firing the rifle anyway. So elixirs usually fit the bill, and their Toolbelt skills allow support.

(edited by GoneBatty.9048)

Warrior Sniper Vs. Engie Sniper

in Engineer

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


I’m guessing the first poster doesn’t pvp much, it’s actually VERY rare to find a situation where you could just stand there and shoot from the distance without the fear of getting:

-pulled/bashed off the cliff
-getting immobilized/crippled to be engaged in melee pretty fast
-getting interrupted (here I’m mostly saying the burst skill, which is bugged anyway, as it stacks the bonus damage when hitting multiple targets with the piercing effect)

Not to mention the fact that there aren’t exactly many areas where you can get advantage of the terrain to attack from 1k500 range, and still the previously mentioned problems could happen.

SO I’m guessing, the guy plays just the dungeons or wvw yet complains about unbalance where the balance doesn’t actually exist, either is as meaningful as pvp.

I do PvP often, in WvW. I have run into a few Rifle warriors, though scaring them off was as easy as hitting them a few times while they murdered someone else. Generally speaking, engaging one isn’t my problem. I’ll handle myself quite well. It’s outlasting them in battle. They can one-shot me, and fortunately I can dodge at least three times in a row. Dealing with them isn’t the issue at all.

There are tons of areas to take advantage of that range! And from the edge of a keep, you can out range quite a few opponents. Plenty of vantage points abound, no idea why there wouldn’t be in open WvW or in one of the PvP maps.

I’ve been pinned down and pinned down opponents from a keep’s wall and maintained enough foresight to not expose myself unless I was taking a shot at a vulnerable target. I know what I’m doing. I understand what utility I can bring, and tying up an opponent with net shot can help my comrades. And I throw my toolbelt elixirs and all that shiny stuff.

I never wanted to play my engineer as a warrior. I created this build I use now without knowledge warriors could outclass me so easily in what I intended to do. I have trouble wrapping my head around /HOW/ I can compensate for the lack of survivability and damage some other way. Because I’m never beating the warrior in either of those.

I do admit, there are fewer places to take advantage of that range in sPvP, but in WvW that range is king. And AoE is it’s nasty, horrible queen. And Mesmer glamour is it’s scary midwife…

I need to do more research, but the more I look into it, and the more I read the warrior forum, the more I want to strangle them…Gently. They complain about the warrior being underpowered, HB being hard to land…The warrior is a bit overpowered in my opinion. I play one too. Nice damage while still being tanky. I use a GS. Fun times.

At least Warrior rifle will never have as useful a knockback as Engineers! Other than the fact they have rifle butt, knockback on a 15 sec cooldown. It’s kinda melee range. And a net. The net is lovely. Do you know how easy it is to shoot a tangled target? Blunderbuss is…Well, I don’t care for that one, but it’s like a shotgun. Engineer control can be nice. But that’s all mid range.

I suppose an engineer isn’t a sniper, more like a ‘Pointman’ given the fact he uses a rifle like a shotgun.

Warrior Sniper Vs. Engie Sniper

in Engineer

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


Use Kits? But My dearest Ploppy, the kits don’t scale with my stats, and I crunched the numbers.

Huh? To my knowledge, kits scale with your stats, just not your weapons’.

I also fail to see the issue here. You want to play a sniper (whatever than means), and your conclusion, after crunching numbers, is that the Warrior outshines the Engineer for this purpose.

So, why are you still playing your Engineer then? Why aren’t you rebuilding your Warrior to be a sniper? There must be something tying you down to the Engineer, otherwise you’d have already gone Warrior and been a happy camper.

Get it? Sniper… camper… blah, dead crowd is dead.

Anyway, I’m not saying Warriors and Engineers are working as intended (what is in this game?), I’m just asking what’s keeping you here when it’s clearly much better over there.

Because it doesn’t make sense. Why make the tankiest class in the game ALSO have the potential to be the highest ranged DPS in the game while still having more survivability base? It isn’t fair. I like fair, and that’s not fair.

It isn’t fair to the opponents I’d face on the battlefield, and the badges of honor would be sullied. It feels too good, like an over powered class, or worse, it feels borderline exploitative.

When I get a kill on my engineer at Range, I know I earned it. Because I’m not always down range. sometimes, I rush in and do my combo. I’m always in danger and at mercy of my opponent if I’m not careful. Like a /real/ sniper, I’m vulnerable if singled out.

The warrior just doesn’t fit. It feels unsportsmanlike to retool my level 80 warrior into a sniper, when Engineers are the attuned technology using class. Or hell, the thief! I wouldn’t complain if the thief had the Warrior’s rifle skills and did this! It’d at least make SENSE.

I don’t like it because it feels wrong. It just feels…Almost like cheating.

(edited by GoneBatty.9048)

Warrior Sniper Vs. Engie Sniper

in Engineer

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


I take it this is from a purely pve perspective?

No, PvP as well as PvE.

The Warrior Sniper Versus Engineer Sniper is peculiar on both sides of this fence.

Warrior Sniper Vs. Engie Sniper

in Engineer

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


Use Kits? But My dearest Ploppy, the kits don’t scale with my stats, and I crunched the numbers. My auto attacks crank out 2-3 k a pop. My flame thrower has a max out of 3-4k at the end of it’s auto attack animation. An animation attack that takes 3 seconds but adds burning. I have 360 cond damage. It ain’t compensating.

I pump out more damage when I auto attack, and m kits offer me nothing my rifle doesn’t do better. Knockback, net, jump! Sexy. I just need a rifle sniping ability and I’m beautiful.

Warriors have no downside, too much utility, on top of having a weapon switch. Oh, that guy got in my face? I’ll switch to mace and warhorn block, interrupt, speed away, cleanse. Or GS and Whirlwind away! Oh, lets couple that with my 19 k Base HP and bas armor! No engie can match the survivability AND DPS of a warrior Sniper

If a thief was the sniper, and pumped out that damage, everyone would cry nerf now. But since it’s a warrior, it’s fine? Or is the kitten survivability and DPS perfectly balanced?

Warriors get the best of both worlds? The best dps, survivability, and highest range on one of the hardest hitting abilities in the game? Kill shot can crit for well over 20 k.

I need to find some way to alter my build to compensate. Some way to make myself more damage or somehow corporate more survivability without sacrificing all my damage…

(edited by GoneBatty.9048)

Warrior Sniper Vs. Engie Sniper

in Engineer

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


I thought my build was revolutionary, different, diverse, fresh, unique! I was the Rifle slinging sniper, that kept enemies pinned, then ran up, disabled and laden them with horrible bleeds and then swiftly leapt away to pop Elixer U and DPS them into the most horrible sense of oblivion. I could burst and sustain damage, over 3 k crit shots! My blunderbuss does close to 5 k and my knockback hits harder than a Russian hangover!

I thought myself the kitten medium ranged sniper. However, now, I compare myself to the ‘Sniper Warrior’. I like to call em chumps. Yeah, I’m a bit sore over their high damage output that makes my damage look like a breeze on a hot summer’s day. But their sheer amount of free survivability is a bit crass compared to mine. A full Zerkers warrior still has about 19 k hp, and more toughness than me base. Even if I built survivability into my build, they’d STILL have more HP than me and even MORE damage.

So, I stared for a while at my engineer’s skills, his stats, and Warrior’s rifle skills. I looked at all the gear I had, and all the savings I had to make my legendary. My friend told me the Legendary rifle The Predator I was after was for warriors alone, seeing as they could build like a ‘real’ sniper. With tons of free survivability to boot, and more utility than I could dream.

My value to my friends felt lower than ever. Lets face it, why have me around to do dungeon runs when these new fangled Sniper warriors outclassed me in every single way? I felt more of a burden than a blessing, even with my high DPS. I felt sub par, seeing as I dropped like a sack of potatoes every time I got aggro. The warrior sniper just output more damage and had less issues taking a hit. I was a liability.

I already have a lvl 80 warrior, and he’s a nice build, tanky melee DPS, uses a rifle on the side. Never really specced him as a sniper, because hitting things in the face with a giant hammer or sword seems more a Warrior’s stick. Problem now, is my views on Warriors has changed. Now they’re just too good. Sure, they only have one elite I ever use, but that self buff Signet of rage has a low CD and is so useful.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized. Warriors are a bit overpowered. Their rifle skills are just too good, and their entire kit as a Sniper offers too much damage for their survivability. I can’t be a sniper as an Engineer like I wanted, no point, seeing as a Warrior can outplay me in every way, even if I utilize all my combos and do everything just right. Outranged, out DPSed, and out-Tanked.

Sniper Builds are the way to go for ranged sustain, and this is one Engineer hoping the patch that comes soon helps make me feel like a DPS Rifleslinging Engineer has hope of offering something more to the table.

What are your thoughts?

My Loadout: Elixir B, Elixir U, Elixir S, Supply Crate 30 Marksman, 30 Toolbelt, 10 Alchemy. My traits are the common ones used for ranged sustained DPS, Rifle Scope, Rifle Damage, and Rifle cooldown traits. Elixir cooldown for 20%.

Full Berserkers gear, with 99% crit damage thanks to Runes of divinity.

Lackluster PVE content devoid of any sort of challenge or skill requirement- FIX PLS

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoneBatty.9048


So, this is my first time ever typing up a post on these forums. Normally, I’m content and totally happy to browse the forums, read people’s opinions and weigh my own silently.

The people like this OP come along, rolling and riding high and mighty on his superior ‘intellect’ and his holier than thou, totally better than you attitude. Everything he has stated over the course of any point he could have possibly had has been diminished by his rude remarks, and generalizations.

The dungeons are Gimmicky! Yes, artificial difficulty from padding and awkwar mini games (dodging lasers in CoE anyone? How about those giant boulders on fire in CoF? What’s that, how about you all activate these consoles across the area at the same time?) These gimmicks aren’t hard as they are time taxing and annoying at first, then trivial. I admit, that sometimes people make mistakes and they DIE. Horrible hilarious deaths! But locking them out and punishing the rest of the party because they died and making them fight the kitten thing alone?

Making dungeon rewards HARDER to acquire over weeks instead of a handful of days at a time? I hate to be one of /those/guys, but I have this marvelous thing called a job, and with that job, I have other responsibilities. I couldn’t put forward the amount of time someone that describes themselves as the OP does to get anywhere.

THat being said, I’m not casual either. 4 lvl 80s, mostly with exotic gear, with viable and fun builds that work in a multitude of situations. I build them how I want to and how they are most effective for my playing style. I switch between them as my party needs as well. I’ll hop into any of them! I don’t care, but they’re all how /I/ want to play them. I get rewards only as fast as I can conquer content and how quickly I can learn a dungeon.

Some dungeons have broken content! Yes, broken and annoying glitches, like escorting Magg across the lava flow. He Aggros everything and gets himself creamed, and the dungeon fix means you have to get him all the way across. That’s hard enough, to actually pull that off takes effort and time. There are issues that need to be fixed. There are adjustments that need to be made.

What people don’t need, and developers included, is ‘higher minded’ people like you that feel entitled to their whims and insult the intelligence of EVERYONE that just try to have a good time. You, OP, are what I don’t want to see in my game. You’re a jerk. That’s right, I’m calling you out. A jerk. Comparing players to Hellen Keller? Inferring that players that cannot complete content as it is now are equivalent to someone who had a tragic life? You should be ashamed.

A topic presented in such a manner is distasteful. Good day to you.