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In the end RNG is great short term. So long as Anet keeps pushing out these crap little events (Moa racing… really? Thats the best we could do? 16GB of game and we must partake in Moa racing… FAILPOCALYPSE) they will continue to make money. And they will continue to gain new players.
They will also however continue to lose veteran players as those who play for any extended duration will come to see how diminishing the returns (get it? xD ) really are. Anet is starting to lose touch with delivery on promise, and fair exchange here. If I wanted to gamble I would go to a casino. But I don’t want to gamble. And that’s all it has become. Players are gambling, and becoming addicted to it hence Anet not stopping with RNG. The house always wins and this casino is winning big for Anet.
I invested in GW2 because I thought it would be a game that would be entertaining for a loooong time. But the repitition is becoming so bad that I might as well be replaying any old FPS or D3. I can’t even acquire half of the cool stuff I want, and would pay RL for, anymore.
I know I sound like I’m hating. I still love GW2. But there needs to be some resolution to RNG and that dang mystic blackhole of happiness leeching in the middle of Lions Arch. There is nothing legendary about buying pre-cursors off the TP or flushing hundreds of weapons away. Could you imagine a bard signing, “Hi ho rumdimdum. She bought it off the TP for about 300 x is actual value…!” See what I’m saying here?
Everything cool about this game has become chance. Luck. The fact that you have a Jade weapon tickets means nothing. It’s not a demonstration of your skill or dedication. It’s just ‘lucky’.
Eg1: “Where’d you get that sword?!”
“From completing the coolest/hardest dungeon/quest/event in the game.”
“Wow… awesome.”
Eg2: “Where’d you get that sword?!”
“Off the TP. I had to spend like $50 though.”
“Sheesh. That’s more than the game cost me in the first place.”
“I know what you mean.”
I’m seeing the difference in the 2 guilds I rep for. We have diminishing ( my favourite word right now) active veteran players. I hardly know anyone in my guild anymore. RNG has its minor perks. And then has its major, vast, deep, devastating pitfalls lined with spikes and broken legendary/rare skin dreams.
@Vol I’m digging the token idea. Everyone wins. And I mean everyone. Not only share-holders, holding companies, investors and developers but the players too. To those who say it may diminish variety, that is no fault of the players. It’s due there being low variety in the first place. Instead of developing more variety Anet is just increasing rarity through RNG and sucking players into a gambling racket.
Sorry about the length of the post
error 5:11:3:157:101 (with all characters)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Gorillafactor.3178
Would just like to add my contribution. The issue only occurs with one character the other are all fine. Started about 10 minutes ago
EDIT: started working again couple hours later
(edited by Gorillafactor.3178)
Agreed! Sorry to necro on this here post. But… OMFG charged lodestones… lets be honest.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Gorillafactor.3178
Hi i’m posting for a friend that cant post on forum. She is waiting support response for 3 days already and still no answer yet. She was accused to be using some kind of bot or third program and I can swear that it’s impossible she won’t use them and the only program she was using outside of gw2 it was skype or ts.
Hey I was accused of this same thing this morning. I also run Skype in the background. I also usually google a lot for vista locations, or jumping puzzle help when I’m frustrated, in the background. I didn’t even know what botting or macros are until this morning. I did not do any of these things.
It is a horrible feeling when something you have dedicated so much time to is taken away without warning or even a full description of what exactly it is you are supposed to have done. Without a chance to even argue whether or not you did do the thing you were accused of. I hope all the accounts here who are legitimate are resolved!
My time wait is minimal compared to how some of the people have suffered here:
6 hours and only an automated response.
By the way keep up the good work GW2 team. I am not going to assume to know how many of these issues you get on a daily basis and the challenge behind resolving them all timeously. But thanks for an awesome game.
(edited by Gorillafactor.3178)
I don’t have the intelligence to use a macro they current interface is complex enough for me to get by on. and I tried using a multi button mouse, not even control in these hands for that shizzle.
*Seriously off topic. I think I just “necro’d” this thread. I only found out what that was about an hour after posting here when a thread got closed because i posted on it and it was six days old. Most humble apologies for the ‘necro’ I am still very much a noob with regards to GW2. Any idea what sort of time frame is considered necro’ing?
(edited by Gorillafactor.3178)
I accepted the party invite thinking to myself, “What an idiot. She’s gonna get one-shot all the time.” But she was clever, waited for me and my friemd to attack first all the time. Which eventually kitten me off so my friend and I kicked her from the party. Luckily my friend isn’t blocked too though. Anyone know how to get an official response to this because my account appeal has been ignored?!
This scares me because even if my account is reinstated how do you know whether someone else is doing something illegal? I don’t think I will ever party with randoms again because of this. I’ve only been playing for like 6 months now.
They had a level 10 in an 80 area?
Gold sellers have a lvl 80 character lead while multiboxing low level characters to follow its actions and get hits for drops. So if you see a group of low level characters attacking things in frostgorge or something, it’s probably them.
I never really pay attention, honestly. I’ve seen a group of bots running around once. I’m usually off with guildies somewhere minding my own business. xD
Some lvl4 idiot was following me around the lost shores, kept trying to invite me to party with him. Now my account is blocked?! 600 hours of gameplay.. I’m one hour of unanswered report away from a rage quit. to sets of exotic gear on two lvl 80’s most of the mats for the Bifrost. I am about to break down. I didn’t know about people doing this?!
Hi all. firstly can anyone explain exactly what these things are?
Secondly can support take a look at my bug report so that I can play again?
- Oh and please excuse the horrible title. The reason its so bad is because I was trying to title this post properly without exceeding the 45 character limitation.
Do you think button mashing wildly to avoid death could be picked up as a macro?
Also as an elementalist you can cast the arcane spells during a channel of firestorm, actually you can cast them at the same time as doing anything else actually. While reviving someone. While getting a skill point. Is this a bug? Do you think this would be considered doing a macro?
- I have been accused of doing macros and I only have a standard 3 button mouse (left middle and right click).