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I use a Razer Orbweaver keypad, any thoughts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Graiskye.5260



  • M570 – yes, a trackball – for my mouse. Mumble PTT key is mapped to M4, full GW2 map to M5. Left click is starting to break down – a common issue with the M570 – but I just need to open the case and coat the contact pad with crazy glue to fix it. In the meantime, I’ve been practicing with mouse emulation mode on the G13 – not ideal, but serviceable.

That’s funny, I thought I was the only one that used the M570 Trackball in this game! I have a legitimate reason thought, the machine I play on also doubles as an AutoCAD machine, and that mouse is perfect for long AutoCAD sessions.

I have moderate to severe Essential Tremors, so my accuracy on a “traditional” mouse is… let’s just say “lacking”. Between the inherent accuracy of the trackball, plus a couple decades of training, I’m to the point that I’m more accurate on a trackball in twitch reflex scenarios than most “hardcore” gamers are using traditionals. But of course, since it’s a trackball, it’s immediately “lol nope”, as the previous poster so eloquently put it, in the eyes of most gamers. If more people would actually TRY a trackball and get used to it, they’d see it has its own merits over a “crap I just overran my mousepad / the laser just hit a flaw and rocketed my cursor across the screen” traditional. But meh, to each their own

LOL. Ive been using whatever crap laser mouse happens to be plugged in for ohhhhhh 10 years now, havent used a mouse pad in at least 6-7, and the number of times the mouse cursor has stopped responding or jumped across the screen is ZERO. To my best recollection it has never happened I have played a boat load of online games, worn out the buttons on 2 or 3 cheap mice, and never once.
Occasionally a bit of lint or more likely one of my dogs hair will get stuk in the little laser hole and that screws it up.
I remember crap like that with the ball mice, remember having to clean it all the time, all the time, just seemed to be the nature of using a rolling ball and physical sensors.
I have also used a good quality track ball and they are nice, but too try too say that you use a your trackball essentially because a regular mouse is jumping all over the screen and cutting out regularly is crap.
I use a softwood table, pinewood, it has marks, dents, scrapes and scars all over it, it is battle scarred. So it is, I have to reason, about as uneven a surface as you can probably get aside from using pavement, and I don’t even notice.
Dont be dissin on my cheap mouses homie, you know they rocksolid.

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Graiskye.5260


Hello Ive been waiting weeks. I want access to my GW1 account.

Your request (1430734:access my ORIGINAL GuildWars acct.) :APR.11
Request #1430734 GW support ticket: Apr 23
Your request (1467523:accessing my original GuildWars account.): Today again.
They are obviously either too confused by this simple issue or they are just simply ignoring it,. Which is it ?
I bought those accounts, I have the disks and the serials, as Anet well knows by now, and dont want to just lose them to Anets inconsistency.
Thanks for any help you can offer

NO reply from support since started GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Graiskye.5260


I cannot log onto my original GW account.
I have sent like 3 tickets waiting like 5-6-7 days in between them.
The last three tickets have all got the automated ‘your in the que reply’, but after 5 or 6 days of nothing, I just give up and send another ticket.
Is there anyone working support, or is my issue deemed unworthy of it ? All I want is access to my original account I paid for, I have physical copies of the discs, serial numbers etc… but NADA.
Arenanet has basically taken my original account from me for no reason whatsoever, I dont recall a mandatory log in to keep you account active, I logged in last year some time, everything was fine, then I go to log in when I bought my copy of GW2 and I couldn’t, someone had tried to hack my account or some crap and the account requires email authentication, which I cannot do for some other reason, I am sent too support, again and again and again.
I dont understand what could possibly taking so long to figure out ?

Targeting and mobs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Graiskye.5260


Ill check things out with Targeting switched off, see how I fare. I fear I may be just whining, and simply have to improve my control of the character ?
Anyways thanks.

Targeting and mobs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Graiskye.5260


Hey just started playing GW2 and I’m having a tough time targeting, or getting to my target sometimes. Like sometimes Ill be trying to attack a mob and rather than just attck the guy closest it targets the guy standing a ways away, so you get whacked on a couple of times while I figure it out….lol.
In most other games it seems when you are close in fighting the game will help to compensate and keep you at proper relation to the target.
Particularly for melee.
Perhaps I am just really out of practice, it has been a while since I had any MMO action, played a boat load of the original GW, and a handful of others.
But I thought it might not hurt to ask for some advice, is there a particular set up trik, targeting commands perhaps ?
Something along the lines of melee attack the guy closest to you.
Thanks for your consideration.

When does mailing items restriction go away?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Graiskye.5260


You cannot send mail to your own characters. Just read it when I googled it…lol.
Just started myself.
You do get access to a bank soon, I accessed it in Lions Arch but I think there are other places as well.
Here is a list of the bankers and their locations…

(edited by Graiskye.5260)

Don't get the TP thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Graiskye.5260


Just started playing again, played GW1 for several years, the only time I made money of the TP was once I ground my way into several hundred thousand gold.
Like the saying goes, you need money to make money. I wouldn’t even do deals unless I stood to make 10-50 thousand, it was never daily for me, but more weekly or less. Simply looking for really good deals and taking advantage of them by reselling for fair value. It took so much time I got tired of it very quickly.
If your friend says he makes 200g a day he should be able to tell you exactly how he does it, if he cant, he was lying to start with.