Showing Posts For Gralsh.9458:
Open world content is too easy to be fun in many areas of the game. To see this trend continue in the expansion would definately take the wind out of my sails…and I so very much want to spread the good word of Arenanet and HoT (so very much about your game is phenominal).
Help us be excited about the driection of the game.
No risk: no reward (fun).
Having also main’d a thief since launch, I wish to express my support for the OP’s expression of frustration.
Also, I wholeheartedly agree that Elite Spec should not be viewed as a profession fix.
Rapidly Losing Hope,
- A Very Disheartened Asura Thief
Confirming initiative costs to Impairing Daggers and Impaling Lotus. Confirming also new dodges appear disabled by daze.
Between the initiative cost on Impaling Lotus, the fact the dodges can be offline when dazed, and that using Impaling Lotus under the effect of Confusion will cause damage to the dodger, it kinda feels like the new dodges may have been coded as skills originally and some errant piece of code is treating them more like skills than dodges.
Best wishes to the devs on tracking down the culprit bits and getting them sorted.
(edited by Gralsh.9458)
I do not agree with him on everything, but I always appreciate the work he does and feel that the community of players receives a net gain from his efforts.
Wood be a neat thing to see
It would sadden me greatly if Cantha (and Elona for that matter) were outright excluded from this new Tyria 250 years from the dates of the original game (and I can see from the number of postings here that I am not alone).
So very much richness in lore would be left to fall fruitless, were Arenanet and NCSoft to let such a dreadful withering occur.
I am sure all the folk making the game and improving upon it are crazy busy. I do not know that it is reasonable to ask for Cantha (and Elona) anytime soon. But to say, just flat out “No!” to a GW2 iteration of these places, their denizens, and history is a downright tragedy.
Hoping They See How Many Baby Quaggans are Made Sad if This Thread is Ignored,
P.S. Excelsior!
Having never played a guardian, and mostly focused on my thief, I was previously unaware of this entire realm of ultra-mega-broken-catastroph-fun. Now that my beloved shortbow has gotten a similar treatment, I am very much having a hard time articulating something more eloquent than “WTF!?!” in reaction.
Here’s to hoping this discussion thread is the start of some good changes all around to these benighted weapons.
(edited by Gralsh.9458)
Yesterday, I successfully used Larcenist’s Strike to steal might from ettins in Mount Maelstrom, consistently, over ten separate occasions.
I, therefore, also wonder if there is a prioritization happening on the steal.
Here’s to hoping the improved boon-stealing of Larcenist’s Strike has positive implications for Bountiful Theft.
And that the kittening of Mug results in some reconsidersation of, and general improvements to, Steal (especially in comparison to the F-abilities of other classes, not only in terms of number, power, and utility, but also, perhaps in cool-down).
Absolutely Loving the Game So Far, Definitely Wishing Some Parts Were Better,
To the Developer, Josh Foreman:
Please please please do not stop making such beautiful puzzles. I failed the puzzle nearly 30 times before I made it half-way up. I never completed it. But I remain in awe of it.
It is a gorgeous piece of work, and I am strongly of the opinion that if there are not at least a few of these nasty monsters in the game, then we will lack challenges upon which to hone our skills.
Do not be discouraged, rather be assured that you have your admirers… and I believe they are not few in number.
Never forget, in the Interwebs: the most vocal are quite often not representative of the median sentiment.
Cheers and Suchnot,