Showing Posts For Grant.6512:
Like the title suggests, I’m looking to farm obsidian shards. I just picked the game back up after a very long time away about a month ago so, I checked the wiki and old forum/reddit posts and they say Silverwastes but to my understanding the silverwastes farming was nerfed. Is it still the best method or is there something else I should be farming?
I just came back to the game after not playing for a couple of years. I’ve done enough of the jungle hero points to finish my elite spec and currently have ~100 extra points sitting around. I seem to remember that in the old system you could trade excess hero points you earned for some sort of item (philosophers stones I think). Is there anything like that with the new points?
Delete this topic, I dont want any more infractions to my account
in Elementalist
Posted by: Grant.6512
How many different specs/trait combos have you tried, have you tried different gear sets and stat configurations have you tried building parties that compliment your playstyle and choices.
Based on the fact that you say meteor shower does the most damage I have to be concerned about what you’re using. You don’t bother going into any detail about whether your experience is in WvW, sPVP, dungeons etc…
Posting random crap without any suggestions or background doesn’t help anyone, least of all you, improve the class
First a little background story:
So my friends and I have been doing the puzzle fairly regularly since we discovered it a a few weeks ago. In the early stages not a ton of people knew about it so most people didn’t bother fighting each other, the puzzle took about 20 minutes and most people left immediately after getting it. That brings us to my experience this weekend (Sunday), upon entering the puzzle my friends and I instantly see enemies from teh other servers (for now known as X and Y). Server x instantly attacks us and we fight back killing them. Server Y just kind of stands around and waves. We decide to leave Y alone and proceed. That particular night I was having a huge issue with the dark room and it took me about 15 mintues to get through. In that time all the members of Server Y made it out and, I assume finished the puzzle. Once I was done, my friends and I exit to realize that those ‘nice guys’ from server Y are sitting on top of the arena releasing animals and bombarding us. It takes approximately 2 hours for my friends and i to finally kill the server Y people and finish our puzzle. From then on we declared war upon this server and now instantly kill them on sight. That brings us to yesterday, we are again paired against server Y and some other server. Before even entering the puzzle we hear that Server Y is giving people trouble in the puzzle so we head in to scope it out. Turns out that this server has built a ballista about half way to the dark room on top of a cliff. From their position 2 people with a ballista could have probably held out against 30 others no problem. Seeing no way to progress in the puzzle itself my friends and I decide 2 can play at this game and we build and arrow cart at the entrance to the puzzle. We then proceed to kill every member of the enemy servers that come in over and over, I’m positive we killed some ranger from server Y about 10 times. Eventually enough allies come through our portal that we can proceed the enemies on the ballista had left (or been killed somehow) and we finished the puzzle.
Now for the suggestions/problems:
1) When you get the chest you can back track to any early point of the puzzle and camp
2) You can build Siege weapons in an underground puzzle with 1 progression route
3)There are a number of points in the puzzle where 2 people can stop progression of 10-20 enemies
1) Upon looting the chest players are forced to leave and the zone is closed to them. This means people wanting to stop others have to choose to do so before competing the puzzle themselves. Meaning they risk getting over ran and killed and losing their chance to finish themselves. It also forces players back to eternal which means they have to actually help with WvW (the whole point of the zone) or leave.
2) Siege weapons are silly, either make multiple routes to the end or prevent siege from being built in the puzzle area, I don’t mind a good natured PVP fight but jumping across tiny rock walls while being pelted with ballistas doing thousands of damage and slowing me isn’t exactly ‘good natured’
3) See suggestion 2.
TL;DR – People spend way to much time/It is too easy to camp the eternal BG jumping puzzle. Upon looting the chest players should be forced to leave. This promotes players actually participating in WvW instead of hiding underground for hours on end. Siege weapons make certain parts of a 1-route puzzle impossible to proceed through.
A number of these topics have been brought up in these forums already, I’ll address that later
1) Add a position marker for WvW queues. – Despite anything else that needs fixed with WvW I believe this ‘simple’ change would be the most effective. If the queue is bugged or broken players will see the position not changing and be able to requeue. If the queue is working they will be able to estimate how much time they have to do other things or if they have time at all (coming from someone who has queued and hour before bed time I can say this would be very helpful).
2) Adjust way point cost by zone level and not character level – I don’t see a valid reason for high level players going to a 1-15 zone being punished by having to pay 4 silver to travel there. You can scream ‘gold sink’ all you want but the fact is, while I’m in that zone I’m not exactly raking in the money or anything so the cost of the way point should reflect that. If that means you drop event reward money down a bit I’m ok with that. I don’t think I’ve ever gone to a lower level zone with the intention of doing events for 2 hours.
3) Add Bonus Glory/PVP XP for support actions – I’m sure some of these are factored in but just to be complete things like:
Rezzing downed allies
Getting to a flag that is being capped and stopping the progress
Interrupting an enemy going for a finisher (I think this is one of the most important)
4) Divide this forum into subforums :P – I was going to look and see if people had made these suggestions before I posted them but with 12 pages of posts it’s a bit difficult to check. Splitting the suggestions into ‘spvp’, ‘questing’, ‘wvw’, ‘crafting’, etc.. should eliminate the clutter at least initially when so many people have opinions. Hopefully as things are added there will be less of a need for this kind of thing.
Hmmm, I’m an elementalist as well and I typically don’t have too much of a problem getting credit (I’ve finished it twice this month, once before the reset a few days ago and already done again) I play WvW about 2 hours a night once every 2-3 days. If what you say is true, and you do have to be the one to finish the opponent then just try to find smaller skirmishes to get the kills from (supply depots, out of the way towers, borderlands, etc…) Getting 50 kills in 30 days shouldn’t be a problem regardless, I typically have a much more difficult/slow time getting 500 salvages :S
Just wondering what you guys are stacking stat wise. I’m starting to craft the tailoring gear and i honestly go to a new insignia everytime i go to craft
The game requires money sinks. It HAS TO HAVE THEM or the game fails. simple.
The three biggest continual money sinks are…. (drum roll)
1 Repair
2 Way points
3 Siege Equipment (though badges can be used)
1. While I agree that repairs are necessary, I do feel like they could perhaps remove them from WvW and reduce the amount of money you gain for taking a keep/tower/castle. Like others have said, when you are losing you are not making any money from capturing things and you are spending about 3-4 silver per death while getting steam rolled. Very anti-fun and more of a gold vortex than a gold sink.
2. I have no problem with waypoint costs in high level zones being expensive. However, I do think that the cost should scale with zone level. I shouldn’t have to pay 4 silver to go to metrica province to play with a friend.
3. I have about 1000 siege weapons from the doing the jumping puzzles every day you get 2 patterns per puzzle and up to 4 puzzles a day. It doesn’t take long to get a pretty sizable amount of patterns
As for what FedExGuy said about the incentive being reduced. I feel like karma and XP are still pretty good incentives w/o the money being there.
We are working on getting Whirlpool working in PvE so that Elementalists have an underwater Elite skill. I’m not sure what the problem is but am looking into it.
Thank you for the response, this is something I’ve been wondering ever since I played my first raid on Capricorn.
On a related note: Excellent job by the mods and developers of listening to the community and giving feedback themselves. Makes me want to stay with this game for awhile.
Are free realm transfer over yet? Until they are they really shouldn’t be posting any stats or move to the 2 week rotations because all that will happen is 10000 idiots will immediately bolt for the rank 1 server
I agree that it needs fixed to include records from different sessions.
People don’t like when they state how easy this is at level 80 either. I recently got this achievement from just crafting. I was level 75 and I went from platinum to mithril in jewel crafting. Being a bit behind I had a bunch of mithril stored up (about 150-200). I got the achievement solely from making mithril ingots and then making bands/settings. (this was Augusts achievement). For this months I was completing events in cursed shore, and it literally took about 30 minutes if that. Each event gives ~25-30k exp for gold contrib so it doesn’t take long at all.