Showing Posts For Grimmskull.6102:

Isle of Janthir wants YOU!!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


What, not enough people to spawn camp every exit point of your enemies 24/7 in tier 7? Gee how awful.

I have rarely seen spawn camping on IoJ. however, if that’s your thing and youd like to do it here, we would pay for your move as well. We even like unskilled players with no taste in an appropriate response to a forum post.

Only a WvW player...

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


Only a WvW palyer runs into wall while looking at the map like an idiot… And only a WvW player following that idiot will stop and wait for him to tab back to the battle field.

Isle of Janthir wants YOU!!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


IoJ is currently looking for any and all guilds/players that would like to join us. there are funds available for transfer as well as a great WvW community with a plethora of experienced guilds to join if you are in need of one. We like every playstyle as well as timezone and look forward to seeing you there. Contact me if youre interested in joining in on something great!!

Anet you created a wonderful thing with WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


but you killed it through neglect and an open transfer policy. Sad, the new maps are far too late and do nothing to solve the real problems…. But you are making an insane amount of money, based on the rate that large guilds jump from server to server….

If your still playing wvw and others are too how is it too late? Also tell me how do you fix it? That the main thing ppl seems to be well and able to complain about large guild jumping from server to server but NO ONE has even gotten close to saying how to stop this or even if they are willing to say “You are not allowed to play where you want to” because at the end of the day that IS what your saying.

you cant begin to offer an example of fixing it in here… there are way too many trolls on t1 that paid the gems and will complain about your ideas. The forums suck. Im 100% convinced no one from Anet reads them. There have been way too many ideas presented that has garnered mass support from lower level tiers and harbored hatred from the top tiers on how to fix WvW for them to NOT do something constructive about it. Instead we get golem rushes. smdh

Why not a WvW Tournament?

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


They only announce tourney’s when they haven’t sold enough transfers for the year…

Does Anet even read these things?

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


Im starting to get the sneaking suspicion that Anet is not trying to fix WvW…

They are clouding the issue with golem rushes and moving posts around to other categories without actually reading them… Starting to wonder if they only wanted my credit card info from the jump.

Only now? Or are you new?

I was being facetious…

My recomendation on WvW server revamp

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


Oh look. it comes from someone in JQ. I guessed it before I even read your signature block.

My recomendation on WvW server revamp

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


How about, no to this idea! Basically you tossing away worlds completely for what, just another freaking label? One should be caring for and fighting for their world in “World vs World”. You concept is just EotM with a soulless label instead of a color.

Ill bet if you were on a dead server in the bottom of T8, you would sing a tune more along the lines of… “I pay for the game just like T1, why cant I enjoy every aspect of this game too? Why do I have to pay an additional $20 in gems just to get what I already paid for?” Easy to shoot down the ideas of others when you probly only see the one sided aspect of whatever server youre on. If you aren’t part of the solution, youre part of the problem.

Does Anet even read these things?

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


Im starting to get the sneaking suspicion that Anet is not trying to fix WvW…

They are clouding the issue with golem rushes and moving posts around to other categories without actually reading them… Starting to wonder if they only wanted my credit card info from the jump.

Ideas for other WvW "special events?"

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


A guildie of mine had the best “special event” for wvw… it was called “fix wvw”

GM Proheals is running around WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


Can we get a “GM Fix WvW will be running around WvW randomly fixing WvW”?

id actually log in for that…

Can't Play WvW Anymore, Can't Be The Only One

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


Do not compare AR with ET, two completely different beasts. I was on AR for the trip down to T8 and back up, it is not even remotely close to the same thing. AR still had people playing in WvW, it wasn’t huge numbers but there was activity, ET has literally no activity. You can’t pull water from a well that is dry.

That’s bullkitten, AR was dead during the last tournament, then the few guilds started running events, making sure to tag regularly and getting there pve players into WvW. Once the ball started rolling more and more pve players started hopping in.

We still loose a kitten ton of fairweather players on bad weeks but on good weeks we open recruit and train our new players, and those players stick around.

If you haven’t played on ET, you clearly don’t understand the severity. The fact that you probably haven’t ever even been on ET makes it rather easy for me to discount your opinion. Thanks for adding to the discussion though.

I’ve had an account on AR since launch, we were in your shoes for a long time. There was a about a year straight that T8 was ET, AR, X server.
You say it is completely dead but there are at least 4 or 5 people in this thread alone that said they play on ET. Quit complaining and organize an event between you. Figure out a good time that you all can show up and get 4 or 5 guildies to join each of you. There you go, 20-25 people.
If you do something gimicky like a minion master night you will probably get a crap ton of PvE’ers to join you.

Gimmicks aren’t the cure. its a bad attempt to swallow BS without having to taste poopy. Despite the actual numbers of players on ET that WvW, I foresee a lot of failed coordination of schedules or worse yet, the lack of willingness to kitten in the wind. When people that actually enjoy WvW get in there and find that no one else is there, its just not enjoyable. I completely understand what he was getting at. Sad thing is… regardless of what other servers did when they were tier 8, they aren’t there now and don’t actually know what its like in this instance. So the guidance of “there you go, 20-25 people” might have been offered in an attempt to bring a ray of sunshine into this rainy day… it just shows that not everyone fully understands their plight. Im on t7 and its about the same. Even with 6 major guilds… the matchups are broken. The only reason Isle of Janthir barely hold on is because of the prime time… yet its a ghost town just about any other time. I may be the only one reading between the lines here, but he said they have no commanders. There is probably a reason for that… Anyone that commands wants people to command. If no one shows up to fight, whats the point of tagging up?

I posted a thread earlier today on a recommendation I have to fix the server problem. Im not an advocate for making things “fair” just evening out the numbers. Skill is on the individual players and ability to lead is on the individual commanders; I just want to see more opportunity for players to get what they already pay for as well. Check it out and comment if you like…

I want to get into WvW... but

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


So I would love to get into WvW! Ive played barely any of it sadly, and as of right now dont want to, the server im in (Eredon Terrace) has barely any players and with the new megaserver every aspect of the game is great! except WvW. With HoT coming i would love to play the new borderlands map but once again i dont think i will be able to get any enjoyment out of it with no playerbase on my server. I know you can pay to change server but i feel thats sorta stupid :/

YES!! I just posted a thread on this… check it out and tell me what you think…

Upcoming "Golem Rush" event... Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


I vote: “Lame attempt to circumvent the real problems with WvW”. A golem rush or a rainbow party or a wear your pink armor day is ridiculous whn the matchups are so far out of whack. Real fixes are what is needed.

Out of Touch

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


Try balancing the tiers and fixing the matchmaking. these ideas are not what WvW needs. Fixes are what WvW needs. A better idea would be…

My recomendation on WvW server revamp

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


I have this idea that I hope gets some momentum in the right direction. If anyone knows how to get Anet to read this, then please do so as I think it merits some of their time. This is a recommendation for an idea that I have come up with to better facilitate WvW over all on every server, no matter the population. There are some servers (as we all know) that have become cemented in the bottom of the tiers due to lack of players or intrest in WvW. Far too many people have decided to “pay to win”… packing their bags and buying that 1 way ticket for 1800 gems. I propose that this gets changed ASAP please. Here goes…

With the Heart of Thorns expansion looming on the horizon, I have read that a lot of the focus is going to be on the guild. So much so that the pact has been removed from the driving force in the storyline from here on forward from what im gathering. With this change of direction, I see the perfect opportunity for Anet to do right by its WvW community.

I believe that by changing the matchmaking criteria from “one server=one team” to a more fluid version of the mega server it will facilitate better guild oriented play. Make it so the guild leader decides what server they will “Represent” and ultimately zone into for WvW. This will reduce que times on overloaded servers as well as bring the many PvX (cross server) guilds to the WvW side of the house. The real problem is money, and I know this. People who have the drive to move, usually find a way to pay for a xfer, however, not everyone can afford to drop $20 on a game just to zone in somewhere else. If this change is made, I would not be opposed to Anet charging a fee to move the “represent” feature to another server if the guild should decide it wants to move. It will show that Anet is interested in meeting its players in the middle on price and set the tone that they are looking to fix a growing problem. Im even OK with a tier based price for this option depending on the size of the guild. (eg. guild size 1-50 = $50 / Size 51-100 = $100… etc…) There could even be a “donate” feature for this from guildies willing to donate to the cause. A timer could be put in place to restrict guilds from representing another server too soon or too many times within a period of time, maybe a month cooldown or even 3 months, possibilities are endless.

Some secondary benefits would be:
-More guilds would enjoy working together in more aspects of the game regardless of what server they actually created on.
-Guilds on top tier servers that experience long que times can more easily move to accommodate their ques for WvW and population
-WvW Tiers could possibly be fixed gradually over time without Anet having to have a major revamp in the works.
-Simple implementation process for Anet compared to a rebuild of all the servers.

I am pretty sure that this would garner quite a bit of support from the GW2 player base as well as be easily implemented from Anet’s point of view. If you like what you have read, then PLEASE bump it or + it or send it to your friend that knows someone that knows an Anet employee. I kknow that my meager guild of less than 100 is on board and im willing to be the first one to pay for our “represent (server name)”!!


Northern Shiverpeaks – Server Recruitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


So quick question. Is there ever a que for any part of WvW during NA prime time? I havea guild that shows up for fight nights and I haven’t totally decided to xfer us but im weighing the options. Part of my criteria is that my guild can actually make it into the zones and not be broken up all night. Can anyone hit me up in game and let me know? Mail would be the best. I don’t read forums all the time and wont check this for another week most likely.

Thanks in advance!!

Northern Shiverpeaks – Server Recruitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


There aren’t many guilds running late NA, though we do have a non-guilded population of at that time. This is actually one of the areas we need to bolster up!

What time frame do you call “late” for NA?

IoJ based WvW guild LFM...

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


The Promised Kingdom [TPK] is a PvX guild (NA) with a HEAVY focus on WvW. We are looking for players on IoJ or players that would be willing to transfer to IoJ. We are a mature guild that aims to have fun in everything we do and strives to take care of each other. We use teamspeak, have a guild website with a calendar full of events, a knowledgeable and helpful playerbase, and guild buffs. We run the guild like it belongs to everyone and not just a select few. If youre looking for a challenging WvW experience, then IoJ is the place to be. Despite being low tier, IoJ has a lot of heart and a great community of WvW players.

Send me an in game mail or post here with any questions and ill get back to you quickly.

Hope to see you soon!!

Isle of Janthir Server Recruitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


Some additional information on [TPK] can be found at:

thank you anet... not really

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


Personally i love the changes. Lots of different builds to try out and tons of bads running around trying to play like they did pre-patch. Meta? there is no meta atm.

Youre missing the point. the meta is simple. you have to play condi… there is nothing else at this point.

What do you feel about your class in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


I warrior and just about nothing else. I hate condi builds and like to roam/small havoc. seems like we (along with a bunch of other classes) have gotten the poopy end of the stick this time around. the condi cap removal just assassinated WvW balance (what was left of it anyways)

thank you anet... not really

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


Not to mention that roaming solo is obsolete now unless you have 100 condi clears. Guess its nothing but blob zergs now. gg anet.

thank you anet... not really

in WvW

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


Thank you anet for breaking WvW even more than it already was. taking condi caps away makes complete sense. Why not creat an environment where the other 75% of the profession are just about useless? Why not make it to where you have absolutely no wiggle room in how to build a character to what seems fun… no, lets make it so you MUST MUST MUST… follow a meta. You are now exactly like every other MMO out there. Good job. All this right before you drop an expansion on us… I was 100% agains the chat trolls qq’n about the price, but now im not so sure that its worth the price just to be angry…
What did you think would happen? “Know what would be a great idea? remove the condi cap!” Now every one is running conditions and nothing else. How friggin fun is that? I think super Mario cart makes more sense and I hate Nintendo. GW2 is becoming a clown show just like every other MMO out there. Please revers this or at least make the condi cap in wvw and pvp. Or you could go one step further into troll-territory and make it so every class can kill everyone and no one can kill anything…

[NA] [IoJ] LF Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


Hi, [TPK] The Promised Kingdom is an IoJ pvx guild. We are small atm but growing. We do however run with a number of other guilds that are focused on helping others and teaching WvW. Let me know if you are interested. I also sent you mail in game as well.


Isle of Janthir WvW needs an Oceanic presence

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grimmskull.6102


Have a guild that is on during the NA day or want to go where you can help make a difference? IoJ needs Some people. If youre looking for a challenge, come to IoJ. We have several great guilds you could join, or you could just bring yours. There is a need for NA daytime coverage.