Showing Posts For Grinder.1358:

One problem with Asura... Tiny weapons!

in Asura

Posted by: Grinder.1358


Jesus Anet, this is a HUGE problem that has been here for 11 months. We’re not going away, why even allow people to play as asura if you cant see half the weapons because they clip into the legs. This needs to be fixed, every single player playing as asura wants this, the clipping is absurd and I expected way better from you guys. Honestly i would just be happy if you made the weapons visible, please please please fix this it is a huge issue.

Upcoming changes to stealth (SoTG)

in Thief

Posted by: Grinder.1358


Stealth is one of the ways to make a thief as good as the other classes. While using stealth as a thief is not necessary to be good it certainly is useful and it would be a shame if they made it not as effective.. stealth in GW2 is already under powered compared to most MMOs

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Grinder.1358


Whilst playing my thief I was disappointed that there was no skill that increases your swiftness. As many people know this type of skill is EXTREMELY useful, especially for jumping puzzles and WvW. Sure there is the option of having every time you dodge you gain swiftness, but its just not the same and it makes no sense that the thief doesn’t have a skill that increases speed because I view the thief as the speedy, very agile class and without a speed boost I feel at a large disadvantage. Thoughts?

Charr run animation

in Charr

Posted by: Grinder.1358


I agree completely, the on all fours run animation would have been a nice idea, had it not gotten in the way. I struggle to complete jumping puzzles with my charr that I have no trouble completing with my human and norn characters. It upsets me a little because I got my charr to a high level and now i wish i had made my main character a different race.