Showing Posts For Griszek.9014:
nolij – wanna p2w – go play tanks and leave gw alone
Pre bugged on FSP too
Some fun karma stuff would be nice – i have 2,3 mln and nothing to spend at
Here too
All dead no attunement
ok, i will leave the “remove AOE cap” in a different thread. and will try another solution.
soft cap the borderlands population. not by static amount (* i.e. cap at 50 people.. as some other threads say)
but by the amount of the defenders in their own border map.
soft cap is 5 to 10 above the defender population.
i.e. if the defender have 34 people in the border, the invaders will not be able to gather 85 man blob, but will be capped at 39-44 people. so they will not be able to annihilate the map and the defenders will have a chance.the cap will be soft cap and little higher (5-10 people above), so there will be no situation that the defenders go for WWW embargo with zero participants, and no invader can get to the map.
this implementation will make the borderlands population more or less equal so zerging is still viable but not so productive, by the time you zerg some objective, your opponent who have similar numbers split to three and conquer three of your objectives etc.
also, it will reduce the off time/ night capping .the central map will remain the blobbing map. i have no problems with this.
Nice idea
that’s why they intentionally dropped.
Imho for this whole serwer should be banned for season – playing fair or not play at all
pure fun – now i have 15 chars (11 – 80’s) and i enjoyed every moment of this, but if you still need some reason then think about having for example single warrior on berserk, second on shouts etc – no respecc, changing gear – just relog and you ready to go
Login server gone with the wind
Server FSP – err 42 -great :/
Good work OP – i have “only” 4611 atm, and so much do do
So pets on walls are bad… how about engi turrets, norn and necro wurms then ?
Thief after being downed don’t have ability to run into the structure and recover in safety like ele – imho ability to use portals should be removed from vapour form skill because it’s unfair
We do not terminate accounts based on the use of hardware, unless that also involves third-party programs that give an advantage to a player. A single one-to-one bind is fine. Binding 11 different skills to one press of a key isn’t so fine.
100% agree, but what about simple talking like " /g Hello", other channels, emotes, short predefined messages ?
they IMHO don’t give an andvantage, but official opinion could be different. And would be nice to have clarification in this matter before using it
no.4 is interesting, but similar solution was implemented in WoW during Wintergrasp battles, and unfortunately, doesn’t worked.
In fact only real solution is separation
… or weaker gates to increase “challenge” of killing them
(edited by Griszek.9014)
I’ve heard that some US guilds have moved to Europe servers in search of challenges – Is it a challenge for them to kill the gate?
looks like updates/influence didn’t transfer – stays in old serwer
We reporting same bots 2-3 weeks every day – and they still here…