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Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Groborthir.5306


I’m not sure if anyone else experience this bug, but it’s driving me insane. Scepter main attack chain will work normally for a few cycles, but then start “lagging out,” either becoming very slow, or simply just cast the first attack, pause, then repeat it, instead of cycling through the chain of three attacks. It’s very frustrating and cripples our damage output by a lot by not continually put up bleeds and the poison.

I should mention that this is not cause by “skill lag” in a over-populated zones, my other skills work fine, and this occurs even when very few people are in a given zone.

Also, while I haven’t tested Plague Signet in PvP, it seems to be quite fickle in PvE, most of the time not taking conditions off of allies all-together.

(edited by Groborthir.5306)

Necromancer Minion Issues.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Groborthir.5306


Same trouble with the bone minions and flesh golem here, it’s very frustrating. And I’d also like to sign the petition for a “dismiss” or “unsummon” ability for our pets that does not involve having to swap skills.

Is condition damage a must have?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Groborthir.5306


Condition damage is not a must-have, but I quite like it. It gives you sustainable damage output as soon as you’ve applied your stacks, as opposed to outright burst damage. But by no means a must-have, I’m certain a power/precision/crit damage dagger or axe build is just as good.