Showing Posts For Grundeg.2690:


in WvW

Posted by: Grundeg.2690


If I took a Shamans d/d DB condition build and fought a Dire or TB d/d DB condition build (Thief) the shamans would win hands down in spite of sacrificng a wee bit of condition damage simply because the healing would more then make up for the extra condtion damage output of pure dire.

The same is true of a Condition warrior facing a Condition warrior, one in Dire and one in Shamans. The healing of the latter would more then make up for the sacrifice in the Condtion damage stat ( I can get 7500 in a heal just breaking a stun in such a warrior).

The DIRE user would generally fare better against power builds. That dire (or TB) is used to the extent it is as you yourselkittennowledged is to deal with POWER users which in my opinion shows the impact Power damage has .

As you yourself stated, zerker would destroy someone with no toughness.

From this it hard to conclude Dire a problem. It is a response to power creep and a means of surviving attacks of over 10k per. If condtions were the real culprit here and people were picking an armor to deal with the same, dire would not be a good choice.

Whether or not full Shaman will destroy a mirror in full Dire is going to depend on how well the useful heals on that particular class scale with healing power as well as the availability of heals on the build. Shaman isn’t going to help a necro very much as an example. WvW is very seldom about fighting your mirror build in a 1v1 situation.

It’s not a matter of fighting either condis or power. It is about fighting both. Often at the same time. Shaman gives you great defense against condis and bad defense against power while losing a little damage. Dire does more damage, has decent defense against condis and great defense against power.

That last line is the biggest issue alot of people have with Dire/TB. High damage output with high defense against both types of damage. That’s something that you will have difficulty finding in a power set.

People aren’t going to run exclusively condi builds no matter how optimal they are. You are going to have your subset of people that either live for seeing the big numbers or people that don’t like condi play style on their class. You are always going to have to defend against power damage in WvW. Dire/TB give the best mix of offense and defense the game currently allows.


in WvW

Posted by: Grundeg.2690


Can you tell me how is it that if YOU are on a condition build, and the enemy on a condition build , how is it his added toughness coming from his armor allows him to outsustain you?

If facing another condition build and able to output the same level of condition damage (which other armor types can do) , his having a higher toughness will not add a lot more in the way of sustain. It will only lessen the amount of raw damage from your power stat and the damage you put out will be greater even as you have the same sustain (via vitality).

Now TB certainly adds durations which gives that person an edge, but as far as dire is concerned a person in any other armor types with the condition/vitality/x combo should prevail when facing dire given added toughness is of no use against conditions.

What armor types are you talking about here? As far as I’m aware the only option for condi/vit/x other than Dire is Carrion with condi/power/vit.

Toughness scales better than power alone. If it didn’t we’d all be getting insta gibbed by Berserker wearing power builds.

Carrion isn’t going to help you kill anyone in Dire and it leaves you very exposed to power builds.

Edit- Shaman is an option I guess. You are trading damage for sustain though. Lower condition damage but more vit and healing power. Could possibly make it work on some classes against other condi users but still going to suffer against power builds.

(edited by Grundeg.2690)

Warrior = Usain Bolt?

in WvW

Posted by: Grundeg.2690


Thieves complaining about warriors being too fast make my necromancer giggle.

It’s like watching a Ferrari owner complain about a new supercar being .001% faster than he is. While riding by on a moped.

PS What’s disengaging from a fight?

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grundeg.2690


You know they have this cool thing called the “home-run derby” that people love to watch, showcasing how well a guy can hit the ball. Basketball has this cool slam dunk contest they do, showcasing how far and high someone can dunk.

Open field fighting is that for GW2. It has nothing to do with bad and good… but sitting behind a wall and spamming 123 on an arrow cart is about as interesting as watching my cat lick itself. I fail to use how guarding a keep with siege shows even one iota of ability.

Ever noticed how often the home run derby and dunk contests take place? Once a year for MLB and the NBA.

The dunk contest nowadays mainly consists of players most people haven’t heard of because the superstars consider it a waste of time. The home run derby is a little better off in that area but you still get several players every year declining to participate.

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grundeg.2690


I still feel this comment from Devon has suggestive overtones to it. I’ve never heard of Age of Camelot. Go for the honorable win and don’t team up with another server. Winning this by tag teaming with another server, it just loses merits and brings on disrespect.

If server population and map coverage were equal that would be great. That’s not the case and it’s not likely to ever be the case.

Where exactly is the honor you seek in steamrolling over servers that you outnumber? Expecting people to be honorable punching bags when it can be avoided is a little silly.

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grundeg.2690


Yes. SBI is pushing hard now.

I Told you smack talking clowns before… You aren’t facing the true SBI force.

SBI consists predominantly of Americans and thus, Our Major American Holiday effects us far more than it effects you.

Talk all the Smack you want.. It’s not an excuse. It’s a Fact.

I’m excited to meet yaks or Ebay again. Without their puss-mode, scrub alliance….
and without the Holiday week mid match.

You folks are in for a REAL treat : )

While Yaks and EB may have earned their place in the same category as SBI. They simply cannot beat us Straight up.

Straight up is the Full force of SBI vs the Full force of Yaks or EB.

They couldn’t beat us in the past.

Enjoy your opportunistic victory…

Hope to see you both… REAL soon.

Onmicidal SBI.

Keep on believing that Thanksgiving effects you more than everyone else on every North American server. I also heard a rumor that an ESO dev plays on Yak’s Bend and made sure that SBI players got as many invites as they could manage just to make life kitten you. Because it’s a giant conspiracy and all…

I also hate to be the one to break the bad news to you, but as things stand you are never going to face YB or Ebay alone. You may not have noticed, but matches historically consist of 3 servers. Maybe you have some inside information that leads you to believe that’s going to change? Maybe you got that information from the same person that gave you the subscription details that let you know SBI has more Americans that celebrate Thanksgiving than other servers. Yeah, I didn’t think so.

Keep whining about the 2v1 though. Let everyone on every server know how much it bothers you. Maybe that way it won’t happen again. Who am I kidding? It’s going to happen again and again just to see you cry about it.

Q: 10/18: BP/YB/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grundeg.2690


I don’t roam really. I had my fill of that in the old days with DAOC. When I’m solo it’s to get somewhere or do something. Catch up to a commander, get supplies, reset siege someplace, map completion, whatever. I understand small groups wanting to kill me when they catch me alone. I certainly would hop in a fight if I came across one.

My question is why it’s ok to kill me when I’m alone and your group runs across me, yet it’s so heinous for that zerg of 40 to kill you when they run across you. (Not you personally but in general)

I just don’t get the crying about numbers because from my experience the small groups are just as willing to exploit a numbers advantage in their favor.

Q: 10/18: BP/YB/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grundeg.2690


Why is it that 60 fighting 30 is considered such a terrible thing to some people yet 3-10 on one is perfectly acceptable?

Not once have I encountered a small group while solo in WvW and had them send 1 after me. Not once in all these months on different 80s has that happened. Where is the sense of fair play that I see roamers complain about when their little groups have the numerical advantage?

Once in awhile the group will choose not to chase after me. It’s possible that’s people being “fair”. It’s also possible it’s just risk/time management. Either way that’s no different than the zerg passing up a solo or small group. 9 times out of 10 I’m chased until I get away or die though.

I expect the possibility of getting smacked when I’m running around alone for whatever reason. It doesn’t bother me when it happens. I’m just a little curious about the double standard.

Farming build

in Guardian

Posted by: Grundeg.2690


It depends on what/where you are looking to farm. I use a 0/0/30/30/10 build with staff for farming orr events. If you are looking to farm Southsun Cove, you probably want something different.

level 14 ele keeps dying a lot

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grundeg.2690


I’ve been leveling my elementalist with staff, she’s 27 at the moment. I tend to stay in fire or air for normal mobs. Fire-2 under the mob before aggro, shoot an auto and fire-3 and auto until dead. On tougher mobs I might fire-4 or dodge back once. That’s usually enough to kill a single. With air it’s air-2 on cooldown and alot of auto. 3 and 5 on tougher things but not often.

For vets, it’s a matter of cycling through everything. Don’t overlook Air-2, it’s decent damage and a blind. Air-5 is a decent stun although a long cooldown.

Mist form doesn’t impress me for leveling. If I need to use it I’m probably just delaying the inevitable for a few seconds. I use arcane wave for more decent damage and a blast finisher.

Really the main thing is don’t get hit. Until you have the gear and traits to take a few hits just stay out of range (if you go that route) and dodge dodge dodge. Low level elementalist is probably the least forgiving of all the classes when it comes to allowing mobs to touch you.

(edited by Grundeg.2690)

[Video] PvP, Yippie Kye Yay 8 & 9

in Thief

Posted by: Grundeg.2690


Your vids are always fun to watch and you are more skilled than I’ll ever be.

I’m curious as to what you think is a fair 1v1 matchup with you though. Outside of other thieves and d/d eles, is there a class/spec that has both the ability to put enough damage on you in the short amounts of time you are visible AND that can catch you if you choose to disengage?