Showing Posts For Gudz.6809:
Hmm, interesting, however as far as i have seen, Eir is only a problem is she decides to cast multshot on a melee (4×2k damage or something on your face without warning)
Why OP was infracted for his post again?
i think it was a bug, when i did we sort of cleared them quickly, but i have not seen any of them respawning. Only when everyone on our party died
First i will explain what is ’Artificial Difficulty".
It is when a content is hard because the enemies are exactly like what you have been killing, but with big numbers, that is, high damage/health, but not a single new mechanic that you have not seem before or even a combination.
For instance: You have a river drake, it have 2000 health and 200 damage. Then you add it to a dungeon as a boss with 2mil health and 20k damage. That is artificial difficulty, and it’s what we have been seeing in about every boss save very few ones (Like Sorrows Embrace last boss).
True, this artificial difficulty can be overcome with clever use of cross class mechanics and buffs like food and potions. But is it really fun? Kiting and hitting a boss for 10 minutes while it does nothing to make it unique? Having all fights feel the same as Open World encounters when dungeons are meant to be unique experiences is really ok?
I am not complaining about difficulty, i agree that the ‘End Game’ should be hard, but nothing beats unique mechanics for each boss fights in terms of fun. Having to learn every boss instead of just learning how to combo with your friends and faceroll everything is what dungeons were meant to be. Or was it not?
tl;dr i am not crying about ‘dungeons are too hard for me’
And i did about every story mode dungeon so far and only saw 2 unique boss fights.
Let me teach you all a little trick that will trivialize about 50% of the fights, including the last two golems:
Press and hold Q for 1 second, then press and hold E for 1 second.
Yeah that’s it, but let’s see what this does:
You will be walking right and left with very short intervals, but what does it do?
Have you always wondered how enemies attack you? When you are moving? Why it misses sometimes? Then let me tell you, their attacks DO NOT follow you, they instead are shot where you WILL BE if you DO NOT change direction, this means that if you change directions quickly the attacks will predict where you WILL BE and not where you ARE, therefore all attacks will hit to your left or your right, but never at you. Problem is, if the attack is fired when you are changing directions, on that case it will go straight at you and will probably hit when you go back.
The poison golem shots a projectile that must hit you for him to pull you, therefore just like the fire golem, both fights are trivialized by this method (and many more other fights)
have you done the story mode of that one that is full of those molerats and there is a boss who summon golens? Hitting golens for 30 minutes is frigging boring.
Oh wait, there is more: Only two of us could do damage without applying conditions, one of the golens would eat conditions to heal. FUN
It’s the saddening truth. One of the things i love the most on MMOs are the dungeons/raids. A controlled environment where a group of people (even if a PUG) will be put together to a challenging content. Problem is, none of the dungeons are challenging on the right way.
How they are challenging: large numbers, the boss hits you for half your life. That’s the very same difficulty of D3, large numbers are NOT FUN, not mention the boss life….
How they should challenge you: Mechanics, things that does not happens anywhere else in the game and are unique to that boss (especially fun if there is more than one way to overcome this). Let me give a example:
Boss X at a certain trigger (either lost x% health or y time has passed) will mark two players.
Marked players after z seconds will shot a beam at each other that will mostly instant kill anything(even enemies, except the boss) in it’s path (they will damage each other if they are too close).
There are some pillars on the room that block the beam, creating safe spots for the other 3 players.
During this phase the boss will stop attacking and start summoning suicidal adds that move slowly and have more life than the boss, those never follow the players that are marked, can be further slowed, knocked back and whatnot and they spawn from both sides (flanking the 3 players that are not marked). They suicide when the phase ends regardless where they are
That leaves 3 ways to deal with this encounter.
First: Someone that have a high mobility/invulnerability will pop(they are suicidal enemies, like some risen) the enemies without getting killed while the two marked players stay still with the beam being blocked by the boss.
Second: Use the beam to kill the suicidal enemies, having the other 3 players standing on the safe spot created by the pillars.
Third: Someone will kite all the suicidal enemies until the phase end and they suicide on the spot they are
THIS would be fun, well, at the least different, and therefore the fights don’t need to take 30 minutes to end. It would also remove the zerg from the fight. This is just something i came up with on the fly, took me longer to type in the idea than to think