Showing Posts For Guild Wars Two.1056:
yellow leather bag
Hi guys,
I want to play a game XD Someone thinks of a word that is related to GW2 and the next person has to come up with another one that begins with the last letter of the one before. Try not to use the same word more than once.
I’ll start off: Light of Dwayna, just because I decided to get me one when I have the money.
Show me how creative you are! GL!
Came up with two more things I would like to see:
- removal of endurance, so there is no limit on dodging. This will make fights even more dynamic
- launch of official GW2 app
(edited by Guild Wars Two.1056)
I can’t begin to speculate because the last few blogs have changed their titles once published and “A Solid Foundation” turned into PvP/PvE merges which has nothing to do with game core systems or teaching things to new players or housing, all of which were speculated on based on the title.
I do note they aren’t publishing it until April 2. Presumably that’s both to let them do something amusing on Monday and to avoid anyone claiming what they publish is a prank.
You’re right, facilitating friendly play could also mean smooth’n up any part of the game that could use some improvement. In that case it could still be everything that people complained about or asked for.
Talking about dungeons, I hope they will remove the event next to the entrance of CoF, so that players don’t have to guest to other servers to enter the dungeon.
An ingame worldboss timer would also be great. One that people can toggle on and off when they want.
I would not like to see the removal of rally on defeating opponents, at least not for PvE. It can be very useful sometimes, although players don’t always know how to use it properly.
The other points sounds fair to me. It would make world exploration for a second time less boring and much faster.
other suggestions could be:
- introduce more skill combinations
- introduce a new competitive game, such as shooting range in DR. Or does that not count as friendly play?
Nevertheless I hope for something big as these announcements are saved for last.
Do you guys expect a lot of changes here as it is spread over three parts?
I dont have a clue…
Removing block list so that i cant block these stupid whatever…
Set the words “please” and “thanks” on the index of the chat filter…
Group Chat now in pink…
Nice background music when attempting to kick someone…kittenOLOL
It might have something to do with:
- larger parties?
- showing all your guildmembers on the map?
These are some things I could come up with. Would be really nice IMO.
Anyone any idea of what kind of changes this could be? I’m very curious what you guys come up with.