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Guardian Hammer Skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HEXCOCK.1860


Skill 1 is almost continuous protection when used over and over. Plus if you use skill 2 after all of #1 have hit, you get a decent amount of retaliation.

I thought the same as you at first, then I played with the hammer builds properly and saw the combos and found a lot of strength in the weapon that isn’t as obvious on first glance

Thank you for answer, maybe I should get used to hammer combos more ^^

Guardian Hammer Skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HEXCOCK.1860


You have an immob that will hit 5 targets in it’s path. A serious knockback, and a ring of warding. In addition you have a blast and your auto gives out protection along with decent damage.

The 2-5 skills aren’t used all the time like many other weapons but their power applied in the right situation is surely there.

As for a faster auto, you’d have to nerf the damage to compensate as it’s already a powerful weapon. This would have some issues as a big reason the hammer is nice is the hard hits, sure you might miss some hits or have them blocked but when you land one it hurts. On top of that the last swing is laying down a sweet field with the protection and damage and yeah it’s nice.

I can understand your frustrations, it’s just that overall it’s still a nice weapon and changing it IMO wouldn’t necessarily make it better.

Thanks for your answer ^^ I really like 2nd skill , as you said it is very powerful skill. Also like 3rd and 4th skills but without judge’s intervention 5th skill very slow in pvp also wvw. The 3rd attack of 1st skill very nice and very useful but very slow too

Guardian Hammer Skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HEXCOCK.1860


Before all this discussion on hammer guard, which should belong to guardian sub forum.

I am just curious, how did OP manage to get a juggernaut before he realized hammer doesn’t fit his play style? I mean, you can always test hammer skills with a blue/green hammer.

As I said before mate, I crafted juggernaut because of I like it. I have lot of gold and legendaries. I just asking these skills are unsuitable sometimes because of slow motions. I tested many times hammer skills with another blue green items ^^

Guardian Hammer Skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HEXCOCK.1860


Hey everyone ^^

I just joined forum community, and I want to share some problems about guardian hammer skills (of course these are my opinions ). Well I really like to see hammer on guardians especially my Norn Guardian. That’s why I crafted legendary hammer Juggernaut. But there are problem about skills.

1- The third attack of the 1st skill waits too much before hit to ground. Well its a really nice skill but takes too much time.
2- When we look at the warrior’s hammer skills, guardian’s hammer skills are nothing… (as I said instead of warrior’s hammer skills). Area stun, crowd control skills , fast moving they all in warrior’s. But guardians can only use 5th skill to take the control of area and that circle is really small. (Well, sometimes it is good to kill your enemy ^^ )

Some of ppl will say that “You crafted Juggernaut, and u think that u waste your money, that’s why you want to change these skills”. Well, I can obviously say , it is not about wasting money I have lot of money and have nice legendaries . BTW Juggernaut is my 2nd favorite legendary , that’s why I crafted it

I really care your opinions and thanks for your answers ^^