Showing Posts For Haki.6138:
Well, we are just no dps class. It might Anet gives us a buff, but other engineers think we are overpowered an think we will be nerfed! Who knows?
For one this class is very very unique compared to any mmo i have played or heard about and will take some time for the community to respect it. NO dps though is not true when specced right the dps is very high with party buffs making a good engineer highly useful.
Alot of our skills are broken but our class is not broken.
Imho, (opinion!) our dps is nothing compared to a thief or warrior.
one i didn’t compare it to a thief or warrior. You talk like we have no damage what so ever and we are the worst dps out there which is false. If you don’t like engineer don’t play it.
I never said you compared it too a warrior or a thief. I compare it to a warrior or a thief. I just think (again, opinion!) we are just not as well balanced in relation to the other classes. You may state that instead of high dps (I rechecked my post and never said: engineers are worst at dps) we have versitality. Gw2 was to be a ballanced game, which means everyone should be able to go up against everyone (I’m not taking skill here in account), but who is versitality going to help me when getting burned down by a thief? We need more balance.
I am just saying the engineer class is unfinished in the way of bug fixes.
I love the class and therefore have to be a critic in order to improve it.
if your having trouble with thief try elixir s and the trait that does elixir s at 25% hp and if you spec into alchemy with the vit you should have enough to survive the massive burst heal while your a mini. (dont run much pvp love dungeons too much) but that always worked well for me when i ran pvp. Sometimes i switch fast acting elixirs for cleansing formula.
Well, we are just no dps class. It might Anet gives us a buff, but other engineers think we are overpowered an think we will be nerfed! Who knows?
For one this class is very very unique compared to any mmo i have played or heard about and will take some time for the community to respect it. NO dps though is not true when specced right the dps is very high with party buffs making a good engineer highly useful.
Alot of our skills are broken but our class is not broken.
Imho, (opinion!) our dps is nothing compared to a thief or warrior.
one i didn’t compare it to a thief or warrior and if your going to compare it to mainly melee focused classes that makes no since because if your a melee dps generally you pull more dps but risk dying more often. You talk like we have no damage what so ever and we are the worst dps out there which is false if you want to pull damage as a engineer you go condition damage. can your warrior or thief get 15 stacks of might by himself? If you don’t like engineer don’t play it.
(edited by Haki.6138)
Well, we are just no dps class. It might Anet gives us a buff, but other engineers think we are overpowered an think we will be nerfed! Who knows?
For one this class is very very unique compared to any mmo i have played or heard about and will take some time for the community to respect it. NO dps though is not true when specced right the dps is very high with party buffs making a good engineer highly useful.
Alot of our skills are broken but our class is not broken.
Engineer’s dps when done right is way better than people think. The amount of self buffs we can stack is crazy. I can achieve 14 stacks of might by myself. Boss killing is a specialty of the engineer IMO. The amount of condition damage is insane when you dual pistol with elixirs. We can also apply heavy heavy stacks of vulnerability.
Try this build out for a dungeon.
I use this build for trash mobs and non boss fights very high AoE Damage with flamethrower while elixirs coupled with Juggernaut im averaging about 10-14 stacks of might with 82% crit chance while under fury 92% crit chance if i have fury and the mob is below 50% hp
I use this build for bosses or gold mobs very high single target condition damage with good backup AoE if boss has adds. With the goggles and elixir b you should only have 6secs downtime without fury and if you go 2 fury runes on amour you should be able to keep fury up through the whole fight or most of it. Analyze also makes boss fights much easier for the whole party.
“I’m masterful at kiting. It’s just a letdown when I kite for what seems to be too long compared to the rest of the classes.”
Engineers will always take longer to kill when kiting cuz it takes time to set up conditions but when they get set up you start tick for very high amounts of damage in ac explore my ticks are 38-43 3-5 times a second sometimes more ticks and thats just the bleeding from explosive shot.
I use this build for trash mobs and non boss fights very high AoE Damage with flamethrower while elixirs coupled with Juggernaut im averaging about 10-14 stacks of might with 82% crit chance while under fury 92% crit chance if i have fury and the mob is below 50% hp
I use this build for bosses or gold mobs very high single target condition damage with good backup AoE if boss has adds. With the goggles and elixir b you should only have 6secs downtime without fury and if you go 2 fury runes on amour you should be able to keep fury up through the whole fight or most of it. Analyze also makes boss fights much easier for the whole party.
Both builds bring high damage with buffing support for allies through thrown elixirs granting might. If you end up in a heavy condition fight switch 5% vitality buff to the thrown or consumed elixir removing conditions
These are mainly dungeon and event builds.
Engineers are not very good untill lv 60 and access to grand master traits
IMO at 80 Engineers are the most versatile and very fun and unique.
also IMO Engineers are very good boss killers and there dps can easily compete with any other class at 80
I use clerics gear for this build the idea is to mainly use bombs to heal your allies switch to elixir gun hit your aoe heal and the fungal spray for the stacks of vulnerability back to bombs for healing. I would call it a tank build but i have hard time holding any form of aggro and very little cc past net shot and glue bomb
I use this build for trash mobs and non boss fights very high AoE Damage with flamethrower while elixirs coupled with Juggernaut im averaging about 10-14 stacks of might with 82% crit chance while under fury 92% crit chance if i have fury and the mob is below 50% hp
I use this build for bosses or gold mobs very high single target condition damage with good backup AoE if boss has adds. With the goggles and elixir b you should only have 6secs downtime without fury and if you go 2 fury runes on amour you should be able to keep fury up through the whole fight or most of it. Analyze also makes boss fights much easier for the whole party. I use this build for WvW while switching to the removing conditions on elixir throw. Not very good at WvW cuz my comp cant really handle it. So dont hold this build to being tested very much in WvW
Both builds bring high damage with buffing support for allies through thrown elixirs granting might. If you end up in a heavy condition fight switch 5% vitality buff to the thrown or consumed elixir removing conditions
These are mainly dungeon and event builds.
I have been using rampager’s gear since i started dpsing the spec into alchemy brings enough vit to be able to survive.