Showing Posts For Hansus Maximus.1076:
So, I have to say, that i strongly disagree with the OP.
While have to admit that I dont really play the Mesmer in dungeons, I do think to be quit skilled and experienced in sPvP and WvWvW.
The Shattering mechanic works wounderfull for me in sPvP. With the “Illusionary Self” Trait and 3 Clones up, you can shatter for an insane amount of burst. Then after shattering your clones you summon your Phantasams and let them do the damag until mindwreck comes of cooldown. It really is just a matter a practise.
The importmant think to keep in mind is how to set up your Clones and Phatasmens. Let me give you an example of how I do it in sPvP with sword/pistol and Greatsword: First you blink right next to your enemy and get 3 clones out instantly (with mirror image and sword skill 3 or a traited dodge) and shatter them. After that you get your duellist and Berserker out and let them do Damage and kite around until shatter comes of cooldown again.
The way shatter works for PvP is quit awesome and really love the mechanic. You just have to practise and know when to summon Clones or Illusions. And since clones dont overwrite Phantasm anymore you dont even have to worry about that anymore which allows you to constantly have 3 Illusions on the field without having to worry to replace a Phantams with a clone. Thus you can fully gain from the Traits which give you 3% more damge an/or 3% less damage taken per each Illusion.
The only thing thats kind of wrong with the shatter is, that “illusionary Self” only creats the shatter effect in a small AoE around you and is thus only viable with the sword..