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I Gave Up On This Game Am I Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


You’re not wrong for giving up on the game. Anet should be ashamed of themselves for what they’ve done to the Guild Wars franchise, GW2 is an embarrassment and an unforgivable slap in the face to the people who played and enjoyed GW1.

Well, I defended these new events at first..

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


wow. i disagree with some of your statements (especially that you actually liked the combat of GW1 over GW2), but you are entitled.

if all you’ve received so far in this game with respect to the free content updates has not been worth your $60 (seems crazy to me, but whatever), why don’t you move on to another game? seems like masochism.

My neighbor has thrown his garbage in my yard before. That’s also free, doesn’t mean I’m grateful for it. It can seem as crazy to you as you want it, if I wanted your opinion I’d have told you what it was before asking for it.

I paid money for Guild Wars 2, and I do not feel like I’ve gotten my money’s worth. I am an unsatisfied customer end of story. I’d complain to the manager of a restaurant if I thought the service was bad, I’ll do the same here.

I either want my money’s worth, or I want my money back. I’m sick of waiting and hoping Anet will do something I’ll actually enjoy, because I’ve lost all faith in them at this point.

(edited by HappyPrimes.3904)

Well, I defended these new events at first..

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


[Radio Edit]

Vague because this isn’t exactly the thread for it, but whatevs. YOLO.

There really isn’t that much class variety. Every class fits the same roles, there are thematic variation sure (warriors punch things, necros have death magic, thieves commit thievery) but at the end of the day every class is still just does DPS and heals themselves when they need to.

Saying we have a varied skill system is probably the biggest lie ever told short of “the check is in the mail” and “I’ll respect you in the morning.” Half of the skill bar is locked to the weapon you’re holding and you have no customization therein. Don’t like 100 Blades? Too bad. Don’t like Phantasmal Duelist? Tough titty kid. The other half is also partially locked, Want to bring more utility skills in place of your heal or elite? Can’t do that. Want to create a build around an interesting elite skill? Probably not going to happen since we’ve traded the likes of Blood is Power for Signet of Rage.

As for attributes vs traits, that’s an apples vs oranges issue to me. If you like traits knock yourself out. I liked attributes more, they make more sense to me (being better with axes makes your axe skills stronger) and there weren’t a thousand passive effects tied to them like there are with traits.

We have a direct continuation of the old GW lore.

Sure, though depending on your opinion of Anet’s writing staff that could be a good or a bad thing. :P

Disagree with the notion that the game is more accessable, Guild Wars was very intuitive and easy understand for me, and the large variety and intricacies of skill interactions made the game much deeper. Now we have a thousand particle effects covering everything we do and a petting zoo making combat indecipherable. GW2 is more confusing to watch and play than GW1 ever was.

Being able to get max stat gear and then spending the rest of the time playing the game or customizing your appearance was one of the things that made GW1 good, no vertical grind, no stat optimization. Just get your gear and go. If you want to be pretty go do that, you wont be any different than someone who just has the first max stat stuff they bought.

I’d argue that any leveling is boring, but at least it was over after 20 levels in GW1. The open world and graphics are probably the only actual improvements GW2 made over its predecessor. I’d have much rather paid $60 for GW1 with an open world over what I’ve gotten out of GW2, because I certainly don’t feel like I’ve gotten my $60 worth out of the game yet.

To me, saying there’s anything left of the old Guild Wars is just being blind and delusional. I’m a Guild Wars 1 player, and I don’t feel like there’s been ANYTHING intended to make me happy as a customer. I’d love to love this game. I don’t think I’ve ever tried and fail so hard to enjoy something. Instead all I’ve gotten is frustration and a bunch of fanboys telling me that I’m “wrong” for wanting Guild Wars 2 to actually BE Guild Wars 2.

(edited by HappyPrimes.3904)

Well, I defended these new events at first..

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


Exactly how are GW1 veterans excluded? oO That thought never even occurred to me, and I’ve been playing since 2006. Is this an “everything used to be better” thing I’m not getting? Or do people think the game has changed so much it isn’t Guild Wars anymore?

Little of column A, little of column B. Almost everything used to be better, and nothing actually feels like Guild Wars anymore. I was a long time Guild Wars player, and I don’t feel like any aspect of GW2 is intended to appeal to me.,I’d love a refund for both my time and money, but until science figures out the whole time machine thing I’m SOL.

(edited by HappyPrimes.3904)

Well, I defended these new events at first..

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


There is no trend to exclude any particular kind of player.

Except for GW1 players. Screw those guys.


Your top 5 design mistakes in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


The dodge and downed system makes combat extremely binary and reinforces the lazy “dodge or die” 1-2 hit combat that is so common in this game. It reinforces the “DPS only” gameplay that so many people seem to dislike too. Why take a defensive build or dedicate party slots to defensive measures when someone still gets one or two shot by a boss unless they dodge? And even if they don’t dodge and go down, there’s no penalty, since it takes all of a few seconds to pick someone up off the floor with near full health. Great idea…make an extremely binary succeed or fail system, and then make it difficult to actually fail in that system. What is this, MMO little league where everyone gets a trophy and nobody gets their feelings hurt?

No resource systems. Seriously, cost is one of the most effective balancing tools in a developers toolkit and Anet has just decided to throw it out. Instead we have a system that rewards spamming on cooldown and blind rotations, combined with the dodge/downed system it means that combat boils down to popping your rotations on cooldown and dodging when you see a red circle.

Locking some 70% of the skill bar…I’ve got an idea, lets advertise a “play your own way” system that encourages players to develop their own builds and strategies, and then make them unable to actually customize said build by locking 50% of the skill bar to a weapon, and locking 2/5 remaining skills to specific skill types. That’s some pretty intense customization when you can pick all 3/10 of your skills.

Focus on temporary content. This game has been out for nearly 18 months, and in that time the only permanent content we’ve gotten have been balance patches, southsun cove, fractals, a handful of pvp maps, some mini games, and some number quality of life fixes. Some temporary content is fine, like Wintersday, Halloween, or other such events. But the entire game to date has been one big temporary patch. It’d be nice if we got some new dungeons, zone, weapon/armor skins (that don’t require the cash shop), or maybe some storyline that doesn’t feel like its a sixth grader’s fanfiction story.

Yeah, its four, so sue me. You’re not my supervisor.

How do you feel about GW2 right now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


Never have I tried or wanted to like a game as much but been so disappointed by every aspect of a game.

If combat was changed...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


Would absolutely like the game more, I might actually be able to recommend it to people even.

Hell, I’d settle for an unlocked skill bar and the attribute system. The game would still have the same bad combat system, but at least it’d be more tolerable.

Let us choose the minor traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


Better idea; get rid of traits, re-implement GW1’s attribute system.

GW1 Nostalgia -- Why not just PLAY GW1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


Honestly, after GW2 I don’t even want GW1 anymore. GW2 has so soured my opinion on Anet I would never purchase a game developed by them again, hell…I’d love to get my money the hours I’ve spent on their games back even.

GW2 has been nothing but a categorical disappointment, should have gotten a refund back in beta instead of assuming Anet would fix anything. Seriously, all I wanted was GW1 with an open world and jumping, not asking a lot.

I would have been happier with paying $60 for literal Prophecies with a jump button.

(edited by HappyPrimes.3904)

The Great MMO Migration?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


I saw the video and immediately unsubbed from their youtube channel, it was like a BP oil spill in my subscription feed. And yeah, the way the last few months have gone this game will be dead in the water by its second anniversary assuming their marketing team doesn’t kill it before then. Which is a shame, because GW1 was a great game but they threw away such a good world/lore foundation to build a game out of.

Is Guild Wars 2 dying??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


Given the string of terrible updates of late, yes, the game is absolutely dying. Especially when combined with how many pve zones are nearly ghost towns…about the only zones I ever see people in on a regular basis are ones with a champ farm and in the area of a world boss whenever its up.

Endless treadmill of gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


So much salt and hyperbole on the forums, I’m actually looking forward to more ascended gear, and a part of me even wants more tiers after that, just to watch the forums lose their mind.

Everyone stop complaining about ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


I’ll admit to being a little salty over ascended gear at first, but its been about a week now and I’m pretty much over it. Sure, I wish it was less account bound, and not as time gated but its not the end of the world.

At this point I’m curious about, and look forward to the implementation of ascended armor.

No matter what Anet does, complainers are gonna complain. No ascended gear, people complain about no endgame progression. Ascended gear, people complain about vertical progression. Champs don’t drop bags, people complain about champs don’t being worth the effort. Champs drop bags, people complain about the economy. They will NEVER make everyone happy, best course of action is probably to make whatever they feel the best product is and let the market decide from there.

Please do not destroy this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


I"ll freely admit to being pretty critical of Anet on a lot of their design decisions and actions, but I for one welcome ascended gear. The bottom line is that exotics are far too easy to acquire, they’re essentially meaningless. Time gating Ascended gear may be annoying and in my onion not the best way to handle it, but at least ascended gear gives me a goal to work towards. People can panic and lose their kitten minds over whatever they think is a treadmill all they want, I’m a GW1 player, ascended gear is fine. A little vertical progression where its needed isn’t going to kill anyone, emphasis on little. The gap between exotics and ascended is smaller than the gap between rare and exotic.

Tribulation Mode - I am ready

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


Good to know that Anet is dedicating resources to an IWBTG ripoff that a minority of people will play and even fewer will enjoy instead of spending those resources on things that more people will enjoy and the game, frankly needs. Like GvG, or making sPvP better, or improving dungeons, or reworking the incentives to get more people into WvW/PvP instead of running in circles in Frostgorge killing champions.

Maybe next year I guess.

Account wallet: Gold sharing compulsory?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


Sheesh, I wonder when the washing machine was invented; people were concerned that they would gain too much weight because a washboard was the far healthier option.

This is a fantastic feature implemented in the game, but someone always finds something to complain about; and quite frankly, this one is a bit ridiculous.

Anet could mail every player $100 and people would still complain about how the bills were folded in the envelope. Complainers gonna complain.

Where now for my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


Yep, delusional. Most people will agree that DAOC’s PvP was pretty much the best open-world PvP in any MMO, ever. As for the rest of the game: richer and much larger world than any of the new MMOs. The game had a level of complexity that modern MMOs have completely forsaken.

WAR was the second best MMO I’ve played. The only reason that game failed is that EA bought Mythic out. If it had been allowed to be developed properly, the game would have destroyed WoW completely.

Then, we have Guild Wars… things I like about the game: combat feels more fluid than most MMOs, the dodge mechanic is good and it’s often pretty. Things I dislike about it: almost everything else. Like I said, I (and many others) play this game because it’s heavily populated and has no subscription fee. WvW is such a pale shadow of RvR.

Then stop playing? You obviously don’t like the game. Quit griping about it and move on. If you literally like almost nothing about a game, its probably not for you.

Where now for my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


Hmm okay does that imply that beserkers are generally squishy and makea them have to dodge every second?

You have to dodge because the game is built around dodging as your primary damage mitigation tool. If you build tanky or balanced you’ll still get one or two shot by more difficult enemies if you don’t dodge. So maximizing your damage is the best option, dead enemies deal no damage to you or your allies.

Berzerker's Power is 12%, not 15%

in Warrior

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


Saw this thread and decided to test it myself, Berserker’s Power is definitely bugged. Also, Heightened Focus still appears to give 9% crit chance. Tested it against pvp targets at 86% crit chance and still had some non-crits in my attacks even at full adrenaline.

Living Story IMO Isn't Good for GW2

in Living World

Posted by: HappyPrimes.3904


I liked the way living story sounded to begin with, but I expected them to be actual content updates, not temporary acheivment point farms that go away in a few weeks.

At this point I’m starting to think they should just have done proper expansions or campaigns like they did with GW1, because living story so far just feels like a joke being told at the expense of the players.