Showing Posts For Hardbrain.8067:

Deceptive Evasion nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hardbrain.8067


I thought you can’t do worse to the mesmer after the confusion nerf… seem like we’ve hit new bottoms. Shame on you Anet.

This nerf is HUGE.
You’re not only touching “on death” clone builds, but the core mechanics of the mesmers -> the ability to “hide the real you” using your clones.
By touching to ONE essential trait – Deceptive Evasion – you render at least 3 others traits that rely on clone death ineffective :

Crippling dissipation: clones cripple nearby foes when killed
Confusing combattants: illusions (phantasm + clones) apply confusion when killed
Debilating dissipation: clones apply one random condition when killed
(for the moment, when killed = when the opponent kill a clone or it is replaced with another clone or phantasm)

Anet, WTF are you thinking???

10/4 JQ/BG/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hardbrain.8067


Lot of JQs rage quitting when down after losing 1 vs 1 battle, so we can’t stomp them and get the bonus points and rewards.



[ SoR ] - lf french Quebec guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hardbrain.8067


Si tu me fais don de 75G+ pour l’achat des 1800 gemmes, je considérerai de changer

[ SoR ] - lf french Quebec guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hardbrain.8067


Server : Jade Quarry

Je suis sur le serveur Sanctum of Rall et vous êtes sur Jade Quarry !

[ SoR ] - lf french Quebec guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hardbrain.8067



I would like to know if there is an established french guild (Quebekers!) playing on the Sanctum of Rall server. I mainly do WvW.

J’aimerais savoir s’il existe une guilde française (Québécoise) bien établie sur le serveur Sanctuaire de Rall. Je fais principalement du monde contre monde.

9/6 NSP / IoJ / SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hardbrain.8067


SBI and IOJ too coward to fight each other, instead let fight both on NSP borderlands where they are 3x less than us…


[OMFG] BotM Contest (Sept) *FINAL RESULTS*

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hardbrain.8067


Build of the month?

For real? Tell me you’re kidding.

You haven’t step in ranger forum since the last patch? You don’t know what happened to spirit rangers? This build became popular, other players whined and rangers got smacked in the face with the nerf hammer.

In short: you’ll learn that it’s better to keep our mouth shut on the forums or expect more nerfs to our class from Anet.

Same with farming spots.

It’s lame like that.

Phantasmal Mage - logic behind its creation.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hardbrain.8067


Confusion is not a burst condition. It procs with skill usage of our foe and hits for a whole 200 damage per stack with 1800 condition damage. So if you do happen to max it out a stack (without it being removed) and your foe uses a skill, you are only looking at 5k damage. Many professions can hit one skill and do more than that kind of damage on a foe.

I like having confusion to add even more punch to my condition spec, but the poison, bleeding stacks, and burning I do are the bulk of the damage my condition spec does and it’s not even close.

You know how difficult it is to max confusion stacks on a enemy.

You sum up so well why confusion & confusion/glamour builds are dead since the WvW nerf.

To add insult to injury, with the new superior rune of perplexity other professions can stack confusion better than a mesmer because it’s easier for them to interrupt…

New Rune for condi mesmers

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hardbrain.8067


I’ve tried to find a way to use this rune set with an interrupt build to take maximum advantage of the total set [6- 15% confusion duration (causes 10 seconds of confusion on interrupt) and the traits.

The main problem is that the interrupts traits are all in Domination (II, XII + Dazzling, Wastrel Punishment), Dueling (XII) and Chaos (VIII, XI).

It’s almost impossible to have a build/armor set that is hybrid between power and confusion and be effective.

(edited by Hardbrain.8067)

Mesmer spear missing at melee range

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hardbrain.8067


Fixed with latest patch 1/03/2012 version: 16845.

Thank you!