Showing Posts For Harishon.8031:
I am currently looking for a PvX guild with a PvE focus.
I am looking to farm Arah and have cleared all paths multiple times.
I am most active late night Thur-Sun usually after 11:00PM CST.
I am not opposed to joining a cross server guild in order to have access to a larger player base.
Looking for group Arah any path tonight “this morning” 11/7/2012 at 12:00 AM CST.
I am on Darkhaven and apparently our Arah event is bugged so if you have a server with open Arah put that in the post as well.
I prefer an experienced diverse party, but will take any 5 classes/people if I have to.
I have cleared all the paths multiple times and will be playing a Necromancer condi build in full exotics.
Thank you for your time.
Yes this is something that really needs to get looked at.
Always down for an Arah group. I try to run a path daily if I can as I am trying currently farming the weapons and gear. Thurs-Sun night after 7 PM CST is my peak availability. However, never be afraid to send me a tell if I am on. Anyone who is interested add me.
Yeah I agree with Natch concerning the difficulty. However, I can have trouble finding groups for Arah and would like some kind of cross server tool to open up and see who is looking for groups for dungeons on various servers. At the moment I have to come on the boards and add people who want to run similar content. That is a fairly tedious process to go through when an in game tool could easily be added.
@random Sorry I had know idea that he would reset so easily due to stealth. I can imagine that would be very frustrating having Lupi reset mid fight with a full group do to a stealth bug. I have never seen this bug myself but it is game breaking in a fight like Lupi if it happens the way you say and I apologize for my misunderstanding.
Not sure that I agree with the stealth “fix” proposed by nachtnebel for this fight. Lupi is already pretty easy when someone with shadow refuge goes around and returns downed players to combat. Someone needs to be visible for the boss to stay engaged imho. Having a stealthed player able to keep a boss in combat leaves to much room for exploiting the encounters mechanics.
Buff Backstab Thiefs!
Buff Timewarp!
Buff Bunker Builds in General!
Plague form is very easy to counter and condition specs swallow it whole. On the other hand, Moa has no counter if you are out of interrupts and endurance and a skilled player will make sure you are out of both.
Add me as Well. I am always looking for Arah groups. I havé cleared all paths multiple times.