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Guardians are Breaking Tournaments.

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


I don’t know why people say Guardians are not necessary when clearly they are. In every streamed/recorded competitive play there is always a Guardian in the game and that Guardian’s role if bunker. I also don’t know why you honestly think a Bunker should be able to hold off TWO people. That requires 3 people to try to break a bunker while the rest of the team has to fight 4 on other objectives.

If this was pm vs pm, there is no doubt that the Guardian would be calling for reinforcements if 3 are incoming to take his node.

The ONLY people who say Guardians are not stronger than other classes are Guardians themselves. I’m tired of seeing all these Champion Paragons like it takes some skill to achieve it.

Guardians are Breaking Tournaments.

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


Mesmer shatter/engi/condi-ranger/ and marks necro should be able to burn 90% of the bunker guardians out there… That’s a lot of classes that can shut down one class- and you can just as easily use a bunker necro/engi/warrior that does the same thing any guardian can do. Sure guardians can do it easier but anyone who has played any real tournament pm vs pm knows exactly what I’m talking about.

Mesmer shatter and Marks necro only work with fights involving more than 2 people. A Marks necro and Mesmer shatter will never attempt to break a Guardian bunker alone lol. Necro bunkers will never purely bunker, they will LoS while placing marks which places them outside of node radius. Engi bunkers are good, I have to admit but they are second to Guardians. Hammer/Shout Warriors Bunkers are easy to break with CC Removal and Stability.

Guardians are Breaking Tournaments.

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


^ you don’t have to reroll a counter, you just need ONE person out of 5 that CAN deal with a guardian. Despell is as important as any cc/stun break/movement ability in pvp- period.

A Guardian is not there to counter a single class, nor should a single class be there solely to counter Guardians.

And what also is obvious is that, even if you can kill a Guardian does not mean you dealt with him; if you are capable of killing him in a 1v1 then you are most likely a Ranger/Engineer meaning you will also be Ranged. What you must understand is that although you may kill him, he has done his job of staying on the node for as long as possible while you are outside not neutralizing the point. If this was a premade, by the time the Guardian downs another will come to back him up and you will lose. If not, it doesn’t matter, the Guardian will revive and come back to take back the node. You can’t defend that node unless you’re on top of it with the Guardian which will put you in a disadvantage as a Ranged; you will lose that point, and maybe would’ve saved point ticks of 10 seconds with all the effort.

Guardians are Breaking Tournaments.

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


Usually I would be one of the ‘L2P pls’ people, but it’s kinda obvious that Guardians are too good at what they do. 24/7 uptime on Protection, Retaliation, Stability, with Knockbacks, Bubbles/Walls, Immobilize and their healing is enormous.

I don’t know why people go on and on about ‘building to counter Guardians’ when you don’t know if a Guardian will be in your game (which there probably are). I’d rather not have to roll a Ranger or Necro just for the purpose of countering a Guardian. It is not how the game should be made nor will I build SOLELY for the purpose of countering Guardians.

You don’t see Guardians building to counter Warriors, Thieves, Hunters, etc. because what they do is generally above all classes.

Solo-queue op...

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


Can’t quote above.

If tournaments are for premades, then how are pugs allowed to queue alone? Irrational? He’s saying the ones that queue alone should be matched up with others who are also queued alone. Are you saying that any and all pugs should not play tournaments and should not have access to the rewards that are given? Free Tournament is not competitive, if anything it is fairly casual. Any person is able to queue with or without friends with no rating to distinguish skill-level also. Paid is a different story, but he’s asking that matchmaking be made for pug Free Tournaments.

Are you really going to deny that? What reason do you have anyways? If you have a team, you’ll get matched up with other teams so it doesn’t concern you. Unless, probably, you want to continue to pubstomp those who are matched alone and don’t want to face a challenging team?

I have a team myself and I would like to face other premades, not continually stomping pugs with no goal in mind.

Guild Wars 2 - Warrior Axe build

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


You’re going a Fury/Crit Axe build with 4% crit and 900 Precision.

If you’re gonna trait glass cannon at least get the Amulet/Sigils/Runes to support it.

Thiefs and Mesmers... and 15k hit

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


Cloak and Dagger damage doesn’t show but I think it adds onto the Back-stab damage on death damage. So back-stab was supposed to be 10k maybe.

Fear mark on CD. Worm on CD. This is the result of a 5 second fight:

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


He Heartseekered you EIGHT times. I fail to see how this is op when you were already damaged before.

Variable Suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


I’d rather they didn’t lock out Mesmers Moa Morph. If they do, every Mesmer is going to take Time Warp. Ever watched a teamfight suddenly turn into a massacre? That’s what Time Warp does. The QQ would be even more immense. Moa is frustrating, but Time Warp swings the tide of battle immediately. No opinion on their stealth duration.

Guardian is tricky like you said. I feel the biggest problem with them is their boon uptime. Retaliation, Protection, and Stability all have pretty high uptimes for them, and not all classes have easy access to boon removal. I think this would be a good target to reduce their survivability without completely screwing them. Either less uptime, or more boon removal.

No opinion on Necros. Don’t know where to begin with that class as both of my primary characters kind of get crapped on by a well-played Necro.

Elementalist is mostly fine, I think. If you watch any top-tier Ele player, they do amazingly well in both survivability, team presence, and damage. Their biggest problem is the learning curve. A lot of players just get demoralized with the low skill floor and end up complaining, or rerolling.

Warriors are fine, I agree. I’d maybe suggest something to help out the casual crowd (let’s face it, they are the larger portion of the playerbase compared to the tourny players) since they tend to have the most issues. Easier access to stun/immobilize removal for the classes that suffer most from that would be a start. Rangers, for instance, don’t get much in the way of CC cleansing. Each build seems to have 1 useful utility for CC cleansing, and there’s the trait that applies 1 CC to their pet, but that’s about it.

Mostly agree about the maps. Raid on Capricorn suffers heavily because of the sharks. One person with shark control can essentially fend off 2 or 3. I’m just happy it isn’t a part of the 5v5 rotation. More game modes in general are always welcome. I can see Mesmers with portal dominating CTF, though. :P

Completely forgot about Time Warp as a broken skill. I’ll keep that in mind when I get frustrated by Moa and realize it could be much worse.

Necros I find do very little in terms of damage and are pretty easy to deal with when you have Stability making their Golem useless. They do tend to outlast you if you burned all your initial CDs, however.

Elementalists is the only class that I have no rolled in PvP so I made suggestions based on assumptions. When facing Elementalists, I feel kinda sorry that they have no disruption on Downed State and have to take a stomp easily. I do see that provide a lot of damage and conditions in larger fights though.

Variable Suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


I disagree with everything, especially the part about elementalists needing survivability.

Oh, except the part about Raid on the Capricorn, sharkwise. Let the cannon stay.

Edit: And maybe lower the base healing of a Guardian. It’s too high compared to how much damage a Guardian can nullify.

Could you at least elaborate why? I’d like to hear people’s opinions on what they think need changing and what not.

Variable Suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


Class Balancing/Tweaks
Note; the changes that I suggest below were made so they affect PvE as little as possible while also providing more balance in s/tPvP.


*Just lock-out quickness as a skill in sPvP
*Make it so back-stab has reduced damage to the side by 20% and to the front by 50%.
This should make thieves require some ‘skill’ without removing their potential burst.

*Lock-out Moa as a skill in sPvP
*Reduce the stealth duration after casting illusions
IMO the only problem I had with Mesmers was the Moa skill. Reducing stealth duration should reduce confusion and reduce QQ.

*Guardians are not powerful in only one instance. All their skillsets combined is what makes them strong IE; CC, Defense, Disruption, Healing. It would completely kitten them to nerf all these traits so just choose 2 and minorly tweak them. Preferably their healing/defense.


*I think the survivabilities of the Necro are fine. What really needs work is their actual usefulness. They have enough utility and CC but what they lack is DPS is general (in both PvP and PvE tbh). Just buff their damage overall so they can actually be called Sustained DPS and not Target Practice.

*This one’s a bit tricky. Their damage is not lacking but their overall defense is. I’m not quite sure what to suggest but putting a disruption on their Downed State would be a start. You guys can add your opinions below.

Warriors, Engineers, and Rangers are fine as they are, imo. And currently the meta-game for s/tPvP is Mesmers/Guardians/Thieves.

Map Changes

Raid on the Capricorn
My god what a horrible map. There really is a simple solution; either get rid of the sharks or make it so they attack everyone regardless of who controls The Ruins. Get rid of the cannon. Just get rid of it.

New Modes

ADD THESE. Rating is fundamental for all competitive eSports. It is what seperates the bads from the pros in EVERY game. Having a ‘Champion’ title does not mean as much; having a Dolyak Banner compared to your Rabbit Banner means nothing.

After class balancing has been adequate, Arena will be the epitome of PvP. Compositions will matter that much more. Skill, reaction time, and knowing the other classes will matter that much more. We want it. We need it.

Team Deathmatch
I think this would be a fun new mode that everyone would enjoy. Blindless killing is always fun. First team to 500 points wins. Each kill gives 5 points. Smaller respawn timers.

Give us some Hope - Mesmer/Thief/Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


All the people who side that Mesmers/Thief/Guardian are not more powerful than other classes are probably Mesmers/Thieves/Guardians themselves.

Buff Warriors.

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


pls give us back our Sigil of Superior Doom.

Frenzy/100b is not op. Give us back our Eviscerate build and they will TRULY see what op is.

Anet pls

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


This map is perfect compared to others. Leave it pls.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


sPvP are like battlegrounds. To have it in competitive PvP is pathetic.

ratings - 2v2/3v3s different modes

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


Agreed. Rating is basically the fundamental base for all successful competitive PvP. And if GW2 is to be PvP-focused… we need something more.