Many others have commented at length about how there should be more incentive for sticking around and finishing events, and for the rewards to scale with how the map as a whole did, again to encourage finishing events. I had the following idea on how to achieve this.
1. However many mordrem invasions the map as a whole defeats (I’ll call this the “map tally” from now on) sets the “maximum” number of blooms players can receive (I’ll explain why that’s in quotes in a sec!) for each cycle.
2. Individual rewards are the map tally multiplied by a scaling factor. The scaling factor takes into account the number of events you’ve completed and how well you did at each one, like this:
a. For Gold level completion, you earn a scale factor of 0.2. For Silver, you earn 0.1. For Bronze, you earn 0.05. You obtain the “scale factor reward” from a chest that appears on the ground at the end of the event. If you’re not there to finish the event, you lose out.
b. The scale factors from separate events simply add together. So if you earned Gold on 5 events, your scale factor would be 1.0. Let’s say the map tally was 40 events; then you’d earn 40 Blooms. If you earned Gold on 2 events, and Silver on 2, then your scale factor would be (0.2 + 0.2 + 0.1 + 0.1) = 0.6, and your reward would be (0.6 * 40) = 24 blooms. It would be possible under this scheme to earn more blooms than the map tally, but the precise scale factors could be adjusted so that it didn’t get out of hand.
The advantage of this scheme is that it provides incentive for (1) individual players to make maximum contribution to a smaller number of events, rather than just tag ‘n’ run, and (2) players to cooperate across an entire map for the best possible outcome. It would also insure that no player who completed any events in the map would come away completely empty handed, which I’ve seen as some real frustration in map chat.
Just my $0.02.