Showing Posts For HaxorKitty.4139:

Stop dying to Grand High Viscount

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: HaxorKitty.4139


Yeah, it doesn’t hurt to read the cute-sy icons you get from time to time (the candy corn ones, those are the buffs the OP is talkin about). And the candy pools are still easy to see even with a massive amount of particle effects and zerg going on.

Now, can someone please tell me Lich’s mechanics? How do we stop him from Life Stealing and regaining a huge percentage of his 100Billion HP??

He gives himself the regenration and retaliation buff to himself and his minons every once and a while. When this happens, make sure to debuff him to get those buffs off of him or else you’re just killing yourself while he regens health.

Labyrinthine Horror buged?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: HaxorKitty.4139


Anyone mind listing some servers that the horror has shown up on? I have never seen him in DarkHaven and I’ve farmed there for hours and hours. Haven’t seen him on Overflow either.