Showing Posts For Hayde.6350:

GW2 Stealth

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hayde.6350


The reason for this is purely a code logic issue. Currently there is nothing stopping someone from continuing a channeled skill if the target goes in to stealth during that channel. Only Anet may know how easy this is to fix. I suspect that it would require the game to check a boolean 30+ times per second.

I can’t look into the code of course. But checking a boolean 30+ times per second is always a bad thing. For this kind of stuff they tend to use something like an observer pattern. The observer pattern is a very known pattern so I wont go into detail much.

E.g. (dumbed down since of course stuff will be probably way more complicated)
2 Instances of Character lets call them Object X and Object Y.
When a skill get’s used by Object X on Object Y. The channeling of the spel will start running. At this point Object X registers itself at Object Y (Object Y will have a reference to Object X). Now that Object Y has a reference to Object X, we can say that when using a stealth skill. Object Y will update the state of the skill of Object X into “cancelled”. And then the skill would be cancelled.

The Observer pattern is commonly used for solutions where you would need an Object to constantly request for the status/state. For in your example you could register Object Y in Object X. And then during the casting of the spel check if Object Y is in stealth or not. But that’s generally seen as a bad practise.

Anyway, back on topic:
I hope stealth will get removed, I’ve a problem with skills that offer a very limited amount of counters. People for some reason dont seem to understand, that when playing a thief you have the option to get into or out of the fight with a single press on the button. Any class that has all the options available to disengage/engage against other classes are imbalanced in my opinion.

I’m a thief, dragon rank and all that 1337 stuff. I’m playing against other players of the same level. This means I can expect to win the good matchups, lose the bad ones and 50/50 on the others. Now I got the option to Capture point A. The enemy player defending there runs a common build which I know I can win. I as thief now know I will capture point A. While disregarding the positions of the enemy team. Why? Cause I know that when I engage I will win that fight and capture A. When someone else joins in the fight I get in a 1vs2 and I will stall. Giving advantage over the other points on the map cause we have more players. Except stalling I also got the option to go in Stealth and run away. This will give us a brief moment where we got an advantage at the other points (2 players at A) and I got safely away and can move on or even wait till I can try capturing point A when the 2nd player has left.

The fact that as a thief, you can disengage at your pleasure and can’t get caught by 2 players. Gives you so many options when capturing points. I sincerely hope stealth will be given more counterplay when new weapons are going to be added…

Kick system : feature patch 15th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hayde.6350



I had a question if the kick system will also be fixed in the feature patch?
I mean this is the moment to switch the 2 men kicks into a more fair system.

At the moment 90% of the rewards people want, is gained at the end of instances like dungeons and fractals which give a daily gold bonus/tokens/ascended stuff at the end. Or make sure people get a fair amount of loot every fractal (instead after a complete run) or part of the dungeon. Or make kicking harder.

Just now I got kicked again in fractals, we were in the 3th fractal. And cause someone lost the hammer and I asked if he was trolling. I got kicked. I can’t report them, I can’t block them, I can’t blacklist them, party chat is gone and I just can’t do a thing about it. They were slacking off the whole run. But because im nog german/french/spanish or w.e. these guys were talking I get probably for some guildy.

Why make everything instanced and then introduce this weird kick system. This should be the number 1 priority and not some wardrobe system, it wont earn them money….

People have been complaining about this abuse since release. Please fix this already.

Cant join WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hayde.6350


And people who say Edge of the Mists is another option. Nobody plays it apperently on my timeframe… It’s not wvw, its pve. You capture stuff but nobody fights back… Cause no enemies are online, cause they are actually wvwing….

Cant join WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hayde.6350


So, I’m forced to reading posts on a website when playing a game?
This information should be available ingame.

I paid 100g to transfer server, then megaserver destroys the first reason I changed server (no players for events in my server). And I get punished for not reading some posts on a website by not being able to play the game I want. Everyone on Underworld left, for a reason they are last in WvW and changed to a lower grade of population. So because I’m not in 1 of the elitist guilds that saw this happening before the other players, we (players in the same situation as me) get punished.

Where is the “play the game you want” which was one of the promotion texts.

Cant join WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hayde.6350


So I transfer server, for the pve. They announce megaserver, which basically make the transfer unneeded 3/4 days later. And now I can’t even do the things I want to do?

What is this madness? I didn’t even got a warning I couldn’t play WvW.

Cant join WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hayde.6350



I recently transferred to Desolation because of the pve events. But I went to do some WvW, and happened to like it. Now I’ve been playing some WvW for a few days.

But all of a sudden I get a screen:
“You have turned your back on your previous world too recently to be welcomed into the mist war, but you may still battle in the edge of the mists”

While I transferred I think a week ago. I now get this popup.
How Come?

Party kick system

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hayde.6350


How is it possible, that after over a year of people complaining about this abusive system. It is still possible to kick players with only 2 people. And not being able to report abusive people kicking at the last boss/fractal.

I see it like every day, that a group member of mine party (me or another person) gets kicked at the last fractal/boss. Just to make room for a guildy/friend.
This makes playing dungeons and fractals so incredible toxic. I don’t even dare to join 4 french/4 german players in fractals (or 4 people of the same guild for that matter). Cause I just waste over an hour on that team, just to get kicked for a friend of theirs at the end.

We need the fixes on 2 party member kicking and kicking in dungeons/fractals after a specific moment of time (~20 minutes?).

[NULL] lf new members for pve content

in Guilds

Posted by: Hayde.6350


Nullpointerexception [NULL] is a guild for people that loves to play high lvl pve content.

We are a small guild with the ambition to join a medium sized guild for people who love doing high level pve content.

Why join us?

Do you enjoy playing with people from your guild? Or do you just want an easy way of finding people joining in on your adventures in Arah explorables/High level FotM without getting in teams that end in a failure?

Then you should definetly join us, we’ve got a high base of players that are playing high level FotM (20’s, 30’s, 40’s) on a daily basis and/or are capable of completing any dungeon.

Do you feel like ‘another one’ in the guild? Do you feel like you are in a guild with 500 people, but only know a few people? Do you love playing with guildmates, but for some reason none of the 100 people online feels like playing with guildmatest?

[NULL] is a guild aiming for a total of ~50 players who are active on a daily basis, where everyone knows each other and loves to play in groups.

Do you hate drama, racism and other childish behaviours?

[NULL] has a strict policy on guild chat, while it is allowed to talk about certain subjects. We believe that Guild Wars 2 is not the right platform to talk about subjects that could end up in a flamefest.

Who are we?

We are a small guild who all love to play high level content. We play in Underworld server (EU), but we do not mind people from other European servers. We started this guild cause we love to play with other players that like to do high level pve content in a guild where they are not 1 of the 500.

We are a small guild with ~10 players, who wants to get a steady user base of around ~50 users. We will be able to start guild missions next weekend (16 March).

What we look for in a player

We have made a profile of what we look for in a player:

You are a player who logs in on a (semi) daily basis and loves playing with guildmates to play high level pve content. You are a player who is eager to learn and try different tactics other people suggest during playing. You are always thinking how your character could be even more effective in different places with different team setups. You are capable of talking and understanding understandable English, and you are not afraid of communicating with other people through the means of communication software (Skype, TS3, Vent, etc).

Do you fit this profile? Then we are sure you will be a good fit in [NULL].


- We do not enforce people to represent, though we would love to see people representing while playing with guild members.
- We enforce the rules of the game, thus encouragement of doing exploits/sharing exploits is forbidden inside the guild.
- Treat others the way you want to be treated.
- We encourage people to log in on a (semi-) daily basis.
- Giving the guild a bad name by misbehaviour is a no-go.

If you are interested please contact Hator, or any of the officers ingame:

-Br Force
-Sito The Merciless

(edited by Hayde.6350)

Party kick system [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hayde.6350


I was in this group.

But how to report these players? Are there logs of them kicking us? Because they kicked really fast, no chance to screenshot.

And there is no option, that falls under this kind of incidents when reporting to be honest…

But its weird that we have to make a 4man team, to be ensured that we dont get any trolls in our team that are going to kick everyone. This weird party vote system is a way to disencourage play with random people.