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GW1. Error Code=013.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


seems its back


GW1. Error Code=013.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


GW1. Error Code=013.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


This problem is up too long alrdy without getting any information why it occured. If the problem cant be fixed any soon atleast tell us what the reason is.

The lack of administration is a little ridiculous.

I cannot believe that no one would monitor the environment…

GW1. Error Code=013.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


the same, apparently European players cant connect. Just bought This Hot account a while back + new trilogy +eotn linked together last week. For a replay of gw 1 and to fill the Hom (and all the delicious gw 2 rewards coming with it) . Hope the servers will be up again soon. Was planning a gw 1 play day instead of a gw 2 one. I cant imagine they shutdown gw 1 servers without a long time notice, so i guess its a server wide problem which will be fixed.

Just do yourself a massive favor and immerse yourself in the absolute brilliance that GW1 has to offer!

GW1. Error Code=013.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


Same problem for me as well…

I would honestly loose it if Anet decides to kill off this fantastic game!

Plenty of people still play it and I see new players joining all the time, while veterans also manage to find their way back.


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


80% in task manager? because that could pretty much be cpu bottleneck. afaik that number is average of all cores but it only takes 1 core thats 100% to cause bottleneck

Yes, I have the Task Manager Performance tab open on a separate screen and the usage is consistent over all 4 cores. I don’t have any other resource hungry programs running either.

Last night there was a case where a 30+ enemy group ran past at about 2,500 distance and our 30+ odd group also being close with my frames dropping from 60 to 30 straight away. When I jumped in to take out backmarkers, GW2 really started to choke up.

This has been very noticeable since the latest big update.

Btw my PC has just been freshly installed on Friday with latest drivers etc. All the necessary power options and Nvidia settings were also adjusted for max performance.


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


Can you verify that the game is using your discrete graphics card, not the integrated one?

Hi Jon

I run an i5 4670 with a GTX970 and have been noticing severe FPS drops recently while mainly playing WvW when I come close to blobs, significantly more than what have been experienced in before.

I usually run High settings but even after changing the Character Model settings to Medium it does still appear much worse than what it use to be.

It is also not a case of my CPU bottoming out, usage are around 60-80% when this happens.



The Rift in Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


Border zergs regularly reach 50 members with another 20 man guild present and people roaming/AFK in spawn. There is no way the cap is only 60. It’s around 80-90.

The border cap is not even close to 80-90, go count it.

The Rift in Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


That still leaves an entire 50 man zerg and probably a dozen more players. Plenty of space.

No, actually not!

The player cap is 60, then you will always have a fair amount of roamers, some randoms who kitten around purposelessly, and of course the usual AFKers.

This is not even to say the border is full of players, so again, where are the players going to come from to tag up and fight enemies when a guild already claims 20-30 of them for their meaningless fights?

Guilds seldom realize the effect they have on a border and a matchup with their selfish tendencies…

The Rift in Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


If you want to fight the enemy then tag up and get to work. What are you waiting for, guilds to do the work, pfff?

Please care to explain how someone just tags up to fight enemies when your guild takes up 20-30 players of space on the border.

Why is Arenanet killing our server!

in WvW

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


From an FSP perspective, I believe the true UW members and true non-drama unselfish FSP members integrated really well, players who put in the necessary effort and time to keep the score going.

At the beginning I felt quite sorry for Underworld to be linked with a bigger server, which meant tougher matchups with far more players.

I always had the impression that Underworld was where they were down in Bronze, after being at the very top at one point, because it was where you preferred to be due to the more quiet play style, roaming play and no blobbing.

TAL has been very influential in the FSP-UW relationship and contributed a lot to keep us competitive.

From a fellow roamer/scout/coordinator, I thank you for this!

It will be really sad for our relationship to be broken just to back to square one again and start over.

Good luck for the future, Emil. Let us just hope that ArenaNet will make good and sensible decisions around this matter.

The Rift in Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


Yeah I Agree with the English Wolf :P he seems to know this person very well I believe some people should just enjoy the game its not

I find it quite interesting how you say it is not “REAL LIFE” even though this particular player took things to a personal real life level, but i guess that is just how you play the game, right? RP for the win….

The Rift in Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


Can we have a tldr version?

The FSP Community is sick and tired of the BS driven by a few that has been going on.

The Rift in Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


World vs World is life for many people.

Match Making Ratings are Frozen

in PvP

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


wow you clearly dont understand the system. Im not even gonna try harder to explain to you because i honestly dont think you will understand :/

And btw to answer the op question, they spread the range of the ladder in the matchup thats why you maybe experience more losses or more wins bc you might face/get teamed up with better or worse players.

It is quite obvious that you are trying really hard to be very clear here, but Ill be very honest with you, your explanations make zero sense, in fact, it appears to some extent contradictory. It must be a language barrier issue….

Match Making Ratings are Frozen

in PvP

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


The thing is, moving up in the rankings could explain losing more 1v1 scenarios, but it shouldn’t completely destroy your W/L ratio. I mean, if you were doing well before, like a 5-1 average, then you shouldn’t drop to a 0-12 record over night. Even if the players on the other team are much better than you are and you lose every 1v1 you end up in, the players added to your team should be just as good as those on the other team, and you should still win matches occasionally just from them dragging you across the finish line.

Even if you just camp the starting area AFK you should win more matches than a lot of people are reporting.

This guy gets it!

Match Making Ratings are Frozen

in PvP

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


What im saying is, its not accurate for people who dont belong in top 1000 or higher percentile to have high spots on the leaderboards during seasons. If a person have high mmr but has 66% on the leaderboard thats highly inaccurate in general meanwhile a person who fights low mmr can still be put into the 95+ percentile on leaderboards because its based on points gained during season. So that means, you cant keep track of your friends on the leaderboard. They might belong to a higher mmr and have alot harder fights, or they belong to lower mmr and have easier fights and end of the day both have 95% on the current leaderboards because its all based on points gained aka wins/losses.

If you look at the leaderboards and it says you have 93% but you fight lower mmr, and then you have your friend who has to fight esl players and have alot harder matches than you who gained less points because of that during season and therefore belong to 90%. Based on the leaderboards that would mean you are a better player than your friend bc of the difference in percentile, while in reality thats not the case hence its not accurate the way its built right now.

That is where the points section comes in, it is very clear, the better you are, the more you progress, the higher the points.

I definitely do not agree with the high MMR low ranking perception.

It was very easy to keep track of your friends, simply just log into the official site, under the leaderboard you can filter according to friends or guilds.

Match Making Ratings are Frozen

in PvP

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


No it didnt. A leaderboard should reflect all matches played in my oppinion and not just matches played from 1-2 seasons combined together. The leaderboard was ONLY based on the matches played from league and last season before that. They who played the most matches would automaticly have more points than people who wouldnt have so much time to play. To mention one example…a guy i know in the game, belong to top tier mmr where he gets matched with top players, yet his percentile from this league season & last season shows 66% because he didnt play many matches during those seasons. If he enters pvp he will still face high mmr players from esl. This is how the leaderboard is so far from accurate its not even funny…good they removed it.

However it would be nice to see our winrate…

That is not the leaderboard, that is the matchmaking system.

Match Making Ratings are Frozen

in PvP

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


I would still really like to know in which way the website had inaccurate reflections…?

The website was using the beta ladder numbers, didn’t get reset with the season, wasn’t using the same formula as the actual season, and was likely bugged as we stopped maintaining the beta algorithm.

I personally never played in the ladder.

From my point of view the leaderboard was functioning just fine when analyzing my results and that of my friends and guildies. The ranking adjusted as matches were won or lost, points improved as progress was gained and of course the win ratio percentage was self explanatory.

Perhaps it may not have been 100% accurate relative to the league formulas, but it gave a reasonable reflection of results and progress through the league.

I do understand that legendary players with low win ratios sheds a bad image on the integrity of the tournament and the dream of many to get into eSports, but instead of just cementing over the flaws, the issue should have been dealt with, because currently there are a great many inept players stuck in ruby and diamond in particular that greatly affect the matches for others due to being carried by some for reduced MMR and easier matchups.

Match Making Ratings are Frozen

in PvP

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


I haven’t won a single game since switching from my Guard to my Necro, nor were any of the matches remotely close in terms of player skill. I think something must be up.

I have encountered various players who speculate that class rating is still active….

They would queue on a brand new character for an easy matchup and then change to their main in the match.

If this is the case then it is very shady business indeed since it was very clearly confirmed to be disabled for the league, but with various resources working on processes of different builds and the matchmaking constantly being configured, who knows what is active and inactive.

Match Making Ratings are Frozen

in PvP

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


I’m assuming people think it happened because the website’s PvP leaderboards are no longer available.

That could be. The website wasn’t accurate and shouldn’t have been visible anyways.

I would still really like to know in which way the website had inaccurate reflections…?

What I do know is that when I teamed with friends or guildies who were in a similar points range as I was the matchups were more even and results came down to skill and mistake limitation. When I teamed with players who had significantly higher points the matchups were mostly horrific against very strong opponents.

One thing is certain and that is players who reached legendary with 30-40% win rates which of course reflects poorly for a formal tournament.

I still very strongly feel that players who exploited the system for easier matchups and to avoid pip loss should have been punished nu stripping their wins, but I guess to look into each case of thousands would have been too much work.

Match Making Ratings are Frozen

in PvP

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


Why can’t we see our MMR? We should be able to.

I completely agree!

Match Making Ratings are Frozen

in PvP

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


Hmm. It doesn’t explain the huge streaks some people are experiencing. Also, average ranked queue times are significantly longer since Friday. Is the search range upwardly skewed – does it look for players above your division more than for players below your division ? or vice versa ?

I’ve been getting less then 1 minute queue times in Ruby the last few days as solo queue so no, I don’t think it’s skewed at all.

What’s your source?

Post-patch matchmaking makes NO SENSE

in PvP

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


There is something seriously broken with the matchmaking right now! Its even worse than before!

I was in a duo team with another ruby, we had 3 random sapphires in our team and we were up against 4 rubies and 1 sapphire!

Where is sPvP Leaderboard ?

in PvP

Posted by: Hellbound.5610


The web-based leaderboard did not work with the current league system, so we’ve disabled it for the time being.

Can we get some more detail regarding this view? I have been monitoring the leaderboard consistently for the last couple of weeks to reflect my personal progress and that of friends and guildies, and to me the leaderboard appeared to be functioning fine…

(edited by Hellbound.5610)