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Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hemogoblin.6801


Server: Northern Shiverpeaks
Guild: The Bad News Bearowls

Issue: Cashed in Tome of Influence for 1,000 guild influence which was added to the 700 or so already accumulated.

In the evening (PST) of September 12th, I queued up the Politics Level 1 (500 pts), and Architecture Level 1 (500 pts). A short while later, I logged off for the night.

Logged in morning of September 13th (today), Politics Level 1 was completed, Architecture Level 1 had 10 hours left to go. Queued up the Guild Emblem Template (100pts). After doing so, Architecture Level 1 was wiped from the queue completely, and despite having paid the 100pts for the Guild Emblem Template, it also was not in the queue.

The last thing to appear in my History was that the Politics Research had been completed.

If I could please have the Architecture Level 1 and the Guild Emblem Template unlocked, that would be great. Otherwise, I think it goes without saying that I would at least appreciate the 600 influence spent being reimbursed.

Thank you very much for your time!