Showing Posts For Highness.9061:

ANET please nerf HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Highness.9061


HoT maps should all be soloable

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

ANET please nerf HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Highness.9061


You guys forgot that we are fighting lvl 81+ mobs some have red names ? while we didn’t get any level cap increase ?

i honestly didn’t understand this part, what were they thinking ?
all i got was a new off weapon that is useless and an f2 skill that is also useless >.>

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

ANET please nerf HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Highness.9061


I totally agree with this . Anet need to do something .

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

Darkweather Rise JP No-glide zone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highness.9061


Just a reminder to the devs or whoever’s in charge, please could you guys make the Darkweather Rise JP a no-glide zone? It seems to have been left out since I am able to glide in there. Thanks.

LOL are you serious ? after they made it easy for ppl you trying to ruin it

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

Anet Please add 8-bit musical instrument

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highness.9061


There are boomboxes, but I’m disappointed there aren’t any tribulation mode cloud themes he has some of the best music in the game


Actually, someone has suggested players be allowed to keep the Shard of Duskk and use it with the existed Super Boom Boxes to play the metal covers. I think it’s kind of a clever idea.

To get back on topic, I definitely support this idea. A little digital holographic Super Adventure Keyboard would be killer.

A little digital holographic Super Adventure Keyboard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just the sound of that makes me excited lol

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

Anet Please add 8-bit musical instrument

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highness.9061


There are boomboxes, but I’m disappointed there aren’t any tribulation mode cloud themes he has some of the best music in the game

Maybe a third boombox with his themes are in order? And a SAB assassin (the ones who wear karate gis and throw shurikens) mini while where at it.

boomboxes play only SAB music , i wan an instrument that makes me play anything i want just like the harp..etc

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

Anet Please add 8-bit musical instrument

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highness.9061


So i can buy it and play all the old school music and celebrate SAB with a blast kthnxbai.

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

HoT needs to be nerfed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Highness.9061


Yes , the maps are empty and its very difficult to solo events . i mean on my warrior its not that bad but when i change to mesmer omg its like playing on hard mode . So when i started HOT it was fun at first getting the glider and all then BOOM i kept dying and dying and dying to the mobs . then i realised even with my legendary weapon and full ascended gear its pointless . HoT is against solo players , it was made that way .

i mean in other games when they add new content and more powerful mobs and events they raise the level cap ? here im still lvl 80 fighting lvl 83 mobs who 3 shot me .

It’s doable , but it’s annoying , please ANET do something about this . i log in the game to have fun not to be frustrated .

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

Please add item to unlock all wp's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highness.9061


Its a good idea. If people don’t wanna use it because they think it is lazy, then don’t use it. I can see why a player would ask for this. It unlocks WP, not points of interest or heart quests or vista’s.


Strike while the iron is hot ????????

Please add item to unlock all wp's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highness.9061


people who are saying that this is pay to win ?
how is it pay to win when im not getting any more powerful that you are by opening these way points im just saving time and energy that i payed for .

this should be Anet next priority either add this item or make way-points account-wide unlock . i spoke with many of the people in the community and most agree with this .

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

Please add item to unlock all wp's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highness.9061


Please add item in the gem store to unlock all waypoints . I’ve done 100% map on 2 characters now and it keeps getting boring and feels like a chore , right now i can only do dailies and guild events with these 2 characters only cuz i already have all the waypoints unlocked .

why do i have to run the entire map again with every alt just to be able to do events with my guild ??? right now for example i feel like playing my warrior and i just have to go run all over the map unlocking wp’s just incase i need them for the future .This i call waste of time and just going back to places i dont feel like going to . why not just add that item in the gem store maybe for people who already have 100% ? or maybe for everyone ?

i dont mind buying it even for 50$ , make my life much easier .

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

[suggestion] include Islamic celebrations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highness.9061


I guess you’re not an American, OP. So you don’t know.

Thanksgiving is not a Christian celebration, it’s a U.S. celebration imbedded in the culture. The early European settlers in this land were so thankful to have survived a year that they threw a party and this party has come down through the years since then. There is absolutely nothing in it that says it one religion or another. Any American of any religion, or none, can celebrate Thanksgiving and give thanks to their own God as they please. Or just watch TV, whichever comes first.

I’m American but unlike you many haters on this thread , I do understand that I’m sharing this earth with people that has different beliefs and cultures . The world does not revolve around you my friend .

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

[suggestion] include Islamic celebrations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highness.9061


Yes why is there no events whatsoever related to Islamic celebrations . I see all kind of Christian celebrations from thanksgiving to Halloween and Buddhist celebrations included in the game but nothing for the Muslims ?

You do realize that guild wars is a global game that means people from all over the world are playing . It is even a great idea for the company to include such activities because the middle Eastern customers are the highest paying ones anyway . You see 30% or more of the world population are Muslims making it a very big number of 1.5billion people .

So I really don’t understand why would you not include Islamic events . This game should respect everyone’s belief like we do respect and celebrate every event out there .


Strike while the iron is hot ????????

Anniversary outfit promoting Christianity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highness.9061


It’s a cross it comes in every shape and size . Why would you say it’s a clover cuz it’s not . Also if this game has fictional gods what does they have to do with the crossfcation?? Why are there crosses on this outfit , they could’ve added a million other costumes that would’ve been much better and doesn’t prompt anything ?

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

Anniversary outfit promoting Christianity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highness.9061


Yes , with all the crosses on it I was like wow wtf ?
I thought this game had nothing to do with real life religions , a clown outfit or anything that represent the game would’ve been good and fun .

I’m not a Christian and I’m really offended by this Anet . Please do something about it , can’t I enjoy a new free outfit without a religious reference ???

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highness.9061


Arenanet already apologised that the April Fool’s offended the sensibilities of players. It was not intended.

Where did they apologize though?

If they already apologized then what’s the big deal lol

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highness.9061


No Vykoz it’s just your guild of oversensitive players. A lot of people play right now. Just did a little dungeon tour and found people to play with very easily.

You’re just waisting your time complaining over and over again.

Get over it or just gtfo and do something else that you won’t find offensive.


megaservers lets you happy people find each other so you can run dungeons hands in hands.

The megaserver algorithm doesn’t know how to separate “Happy” players from “Non-happy” players. Unless you’re suggesting A-Net has created Skynet and it’s become self aware. Which honestly is a little more worrying than an April Fools thing….

no it cant, but the unhappy players are not playing or a lot of them arent, so you have a good time in game and it feels like everyone is loving it for you, enjoy, while the rest of us suffer.

Dude I still don’t understand HOW ARE YOU SUFFERING ? You are chilling in gw2 forums replying to threads that’s not suffering , just enjoy your time man and forget about it .

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highness.9061


My guild is fine we have 121 people online right now , everyone is enjoying this . I think people just chose to be emo about random stuff

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highness.9061


With the plane crash story lol I mean ok it was a tragedy and we know that a lot of people died and some players relatives was there . I’m really sorry you have all my sympathy . But seriously why does it matter if gw2 did an April’s fool about planes and stuff I mean I work in an aircraft I travel a lot and I’m really loving this plane thing please don’t ruin it for the rest of us . We all had relatives die in different ways does that mean playing necro is offensive because he’s raising the dead ?
This logic is just invalid I’m sorry .

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

In game beliefs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highness.9061


yup m y brother didn’t roll a human cuz he had to believe in one of their gods and he didn’t want to

Strike while the iron is hot ????????

Praising God in chat offends me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highness.9061


i find this thread offensive

Strike while the iron is hot ????????