Showing Posts For Hills.6894:

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Hills.6894


The big fail in Hill’s logic heh.

Also 5th place isn’t winning. 1st is.

Do you understand the rating system?

Yes completely do you? Anyways, I wasn’t referring to the rating system with the second part of my comment.

Also, I was referring to the silliness and general inaccuracy of your whine/rant post in the first.

Enough clarification for you, or do I need to get elementary?

Please do get elementary. I have some time. Enlighten me.

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Hills.6894


You guys have missed the point of my post. Bandwagon has a definition. Good reasons or not if you choose to go to a matchup and pick the side with more points, that is bandwagoning.

Words… and their silly meanings. No one is saying it is bad or not. It is a word. It has a universally accepted meaning in our (gamers) community.


Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Hills.6894


The big fail in Hill’s logic heh.

Also 5th place isn’t winning. 1st is.

Do you understand the rating system?

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Hills.6894


I have to tell you all, we came from IOJ, a server thats taking its last breath. We had offers to go to kaening, BG and others. We have a rep from being formally Totn. sanc etc.

We selected SoR because of the community on this server. They approached us to come over, we didnt approach them. They made a great pitch, we sat here on the server for a day with 2nd accounts watching the communication, the TS servers etc.

We put the vote to our guild, with all the offers we had and the guild vote was 100% to come here. It had nothing to do with placement or score. It was the best choice and best offer to us.

Bandwagon fans per say are those who just make a leap because someone or a team is winning, there is no thought behind it. We made a decision after emails and long talks with SoR.

We have made the best decision for us, sadly not so much for the rest of you

Be warned Hel is coming.

Bandwagons join the winning team, period. If you did not like or join them before they were winning then you are on their bandwagon. So if you joined this week, you are a bandwagon hopper. Dont confuse it with flowery justifications. Words have meanings and wanting to not be a certain word does not mean you are not.


When someone adopts a popular point of view for the primary purpose of recognition and/or acceptance by others.
Man, Nanlawon has been posting on our forums forever and everyone hates him. Then this new chick, Toolesbabe, joins the forum and just hops on the bandwagon ripping on him, even though she’d never even read a single post by him. WTF?!


To follow the group as it has the majority or a vast number of followers
jenny jumped on the bandwagon for fear of appearing the outcast of the group


What people will “ride” or get on when they want to be accepted, espescially in the NFL. People will get on the (Colts) bandwagon and suddenly become their fans because they are doing really good or because they have a large number of fans so they can be accepted.

People will ride a bandwagon even if they dont give a kitten about football or whatever the bandwagon is.
This kid at my school wears a Cincinnati Bengals shirt to school when he is a Denver fan.

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Hills.6894


ughh, so Sor just got a guild in it with 9 commanders. Why dont you guys transfer over to 2nd or 3rd place servers -_-

Wait, there are guilds in SoR besides Choo? jk. I do give Choo props for having the best guild name I’ve seen.

We take alot of pride in it. We even /shout Choo Choo! when charging into battle

Don’t forget my famous phrase I say everytime we go into battle… " Hurry up and rez we are close to our WP"



lol word

SoS vs JQ vs SBI 1/4/13

in WvW

Posted by: Hills.6894


Bandwagon 3 way!!

How will you be able to tell who is ally from foe? Everyone was on the same guild at one time?

Awesome competition.

I predict there will be 3-8hour sessions each day where each will take their time slot and pvd door race and see at the end of the week who can pvdoor faster.

We all know the 3 BW servers like to run in open world.


FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hills.6894


Ticket number 120911-005576 Can not purchase more gems.

For about a week. Please take my money.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hills.6894


I can not purchase gems, credit card failure. That is impossible. Ticket number 120911-005576

This has been going on for some time.