Showing Posts For Himitsu.3285:

Blacktide/Vizunah/Desolation 11/16/12

in WvW

Posted by: Himitsu.3285


GoD did not and never left our server, we did skip a few days of WvW however

Did GoD transfer to Blacktide too?

[GoD] Gatekeepers of Desolation

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Himitsu.3285


@ Snort

Haha nice to see the battle from your side aswell and i spotted myself and some of our guys a couple of times there
And yes we did notice ( and felt ) your mesmer portal tactics quite well, props to your mesmer(s).

On a sidenote does anyone know what helmet that thief is wearing in the video above?

[GoD] Gatekeepers of Desolation

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Himitsu.3285


@ Syndic


Himitsu from GoD here, after fighting on the Blacktide borderlands from start to yesterday and having our claimed keep up for a few days we switched to Augury Rock borderlands to help out there.
And i just want to say Blacktide did an awsome job defending AB yesterday on Augury Rock borderlands.
You guys held us off for 4 hours after we took AB and you took it back from us imidiatly while our group and Augury were fighting you for 4 hours! most of wich took place in your keep lord room.
I have never had a fight over a keep come so close and take place in the keep lord room that long and you guys held it like champs!
Specialy CIR CIF and Thun you guys were doing an awesome job and i look forward to knocking on your doors again today

[GoD] Gatekeepers of Desolation

(edited by Himitsu.3285)