Showing Posts For Hmm.7902:

My political hopes for HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hmm.7902


5 minutes into this thread and this popped right into my head:

Last time on Guild Wars 2…

option to toggle off wings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hmm.7902


You know a game is aesthetically dead when its cash shop is getting way over board with cosmetics and players are totally ok with it.

Big black angel wings are definitely enough of a reason to abandon the style ship once and for all since more ridiculous stuff is bound to be introduced to the shop. Better start not to care anymore about what you loved about this game’s aesthetics since you will only get heartbroken.

Also see TF2 for a similarly tragic fate of a once aesthetically pleasing and coherent game.

Guild wars 2 moving towards the holy trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hmm.7902


My point isn’t moot, because Guild Wars 2 is designed with the idea in mind that everyone can fill all three roles. Also, there is people in this thread that do want a hard trinity in guild wars 2, don’t pretend they don’t exist.

He, weird, and I thought there isn’t a (holy) trinity in GW2.

Also don’t put words in my mouth. I’m well aware there are people that want tank/heal/dps, yet as quite a neutral observer I more often see people attacking everyone in sight that isn’t 110% satisfied with what we got.

Guild wars 2 moving towards the holy trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hmm.7902


I get the feeling that lots of people here are instantly spitting out “holy trinity holy trinity” whenever someone’s not satisfied with the status quo. The thing is though that this isn’t about holy trinity, it’s about almost every other build but damage, being it via boons, conditions or just pure dps being not viable enough, to a point were skilling that way would be detriment to your team and yourself in every major aspect of the game and it makes you wonder why certain attribute combinations on items are even there when Arena.Net seemingly doesn’t want dedicated “healers” or “tanks” – not even in the classical way, but in the GW2 sense.

And Lazaar, while it’s true that the meta right now is called support/control/damage there is no dedicated support/control/damage in the sense that someone skills fully into control or fully into damage. All three categories are hybrids of damage dealers + team utility. So your point’s really moot.

Unpopular Opinions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hmm.7902


And I’m not going to repeatedly mention that everyone but me cares about getting more hunter pets. Really I’m not.

Polar opposite here, I think the ranger class shouldn’t have a pet at all, like in every other darn MMO, it should just be that lone wolf bowman/woodman class, and leave the companion thing to the necros. The pet literally is the only reason why I don’t have a ranger.

Options! What is this?!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hmm.7902


You do less damage and qq when it take longer?
Ofcourse it takes longer the point is you can still do it. clearly a l2p issue

And clearly, you didn’t get the point of my post. So instead of blabbering l2p l2p everytime someone has the slightest issue with the status quo you should start improving your reading comprehension.

Here, I’ll write it out for you in an easy to understand language:

You no skill at least 4 points in power trait, you no good in dungeon.

I play warrior, tank. Need 3 hours to clear path instead of 30 minutes. Baaaaad.

It doesn’t make sense the vast majority of the time to invest 6 points in one of the defensive branches. Skilling anything that isn’t at least “supportive damage” will make you suffer through hours of trash clearing and three-digit damage numbers.

The thing is I don’t get anything back for skilling super defensive. Investing more time should go hand in hand with advantages (pure) damage builds shouldn’t have, yet there are none, since mobs deal that much damage anyway, and my survival isn’t tied to my attribute bonuses most of the time and rather to my utility skills that I could use with a damage build, too, making defensive builds obsolete.

Because no one is willing to invest exorbitant amounts of extra time without getting any real advantage over damage builds, and they are right to do so. Which gets me back to my analogy at the end of my first post: Are you really saying that I should chop of an arm and a leg voluntarely because hey, I’m still able to ride the bycicle with one of each?

Options! What is this?!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hmm.7902


Really though, I was running Arah for the last few weeks on my warrior to get the awesome set. I thought to myself, hey, maybe I can bring out the shield, some nice banners and go be the tanky boon kind of guy, that’ll probably help a lot. Brought a lot of disables, too with mace/shield + longbow for special encounters and tar elemental. Crafted exotic gear with +power, +thoughness and +vitality, skilled accordingly.

Nope, it didn’t work out. Every path was a major chore because mobs didn’t go down as fast as it was needed, resulting in massive group damage. Lupi? still being a major pain in the kitten , still one-shotting me with my 26k health and absurd amounts of armour. The only thing that kept me alive were the utility skills, and those aren’t necessarely tied to my decision to go tank, I could pick them with zerker and would be just fine as well.

So after about 10 runs I switched to my zerker ele. My god Arah was a cake walk all of the sudden. Lupi still kittening with me but whatever, he’s nearly impossible anyway, especially when you have bad luck with being downed and him deciding to fire a whole barrage of missiles onto your position. Or when he puts you into that poison/shadow dome 3 times in a row.

Next experiment will be a healer, maybe engi or my ele. If that fails, too, I call diversity in gw2 PvE total bullkitten. Because as it stands now your only real choice is to play damage, one way or the other. It doesn’t have to be pure damage, but it has to be damage. And no, “being able” to do content in a certain way is not a real argument when it turns out to be a chore. That’s like saying “hey I can still ride my bycicle when I chop off one of my arms and one of my legs”.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hmm.7902


And here I was, thinking that this thread was about rangers being hated as the flavour of the month. God was I wrong.

Unpopular Opinions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hmm.7902


- Tybalt is not the only memorable character in the personal story (kittening Shieran).

But .. but .. Trahearne ..

Please don’t, I’m trying to block out those memories.


Unpopular Opinions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hmm.7902


- Tybalt is not the only memorable character in the personal story (kittening Shieran).
- armour design is underwhelming 90% of the time and most legendary weapons are too clowny (looking at you, Quip, Dreamer and Moot).
- legendary weapons should not be farmable and not be sellable.
- the colouring system is awesome but players have no artistic sense (seriously, everytime I see someone in pure black & white because those are “the most expensive colours” or unicoloured -pink comes to mind- the need to strangle something living increases drastically).
- mobs in dungeons should never lose aggro and rush runs are a blight.

Not sure if unpopular:

- while the premise for the elder dragon story is very well layed out the actual story line and lore is a borefest and illogical or downright childish sometimes. They missed thousands of interesting opportunities here just to take the safest and most boring road (“dragons and all their minions are >>undeniably and irreversibly evil ™<< and try to destroy us all, let’s unite and never mention our eon-long grudges again”).
- that said, the story around Destiny’s Edge is actually well thought out. Too bad you only see that one advance in the dungeons really (which are pretty bad when compared to other RPG’s -bar the path system, it’s cool and refreshing).
- sPvP is bullkitten, all people do is running straight for the points for capture, no real fight, always flight (maybe because noob tier pubs).

Separate PvE and WvW servers

in WvW

Posted by: Hmm.7902


@Hmm.7902 your idea would be nice for Megaserver guilds. But it could make Matches really imbalanced.
Can you think of a 500man megaserver guild to rep the lowest server and play wvw for 4hours a day for 1 week. how wierd thats gone be if the match-up after that those people aren’t there enymore and they gained to much points that week. so they got into an other tier. that would destroy 2 weeks match-ups.

That’s why I said it should factor in where the mercenaries come from, especially when (big) guilds are involved…

Because when a 500 man mega server guild would start standing in for a “low level” server suddenly it wouldn’t be “low level” anymore for that week.

(edited by Hmm.7902)

Separate PvE and WvW servers

in WvW

Posted by: Hmm.7902


Why not just make it possible for players to stand in as mercenaries for other servers, bar the ones that your home server is competing against? Make it so that you have to decide before the reset which server you want to choose (not choosing results in representing the home server) and you’re bound to that choice until the next reset. Extra points if the system weighs in your home server’s standing in the boards to decide which server will compete against each other, especially when a guild decides to commit to a world.

This rigidness seriously bums me and my guild out since we come from different servers. Especially since so many guild things are tied to WvW we can never experience without paying extraordinate amounts of gems (=money), since every European server is either rated high or very high population wise.