(edited by Holo the Wise.4179)
Showing Posts For Holo the Wise.4179:
Ahh, I see where I made the mistake. I read the following:
“Transmutation Crystals can be directly converted into charges, and Transmutation Stones can be converted at a three-to-one rate.”
and mixed up crystals and stones in my head. This could have been worded a bit clearer, but oh well. Guess i just get to destroy the last stone :-/.
They are up now, the trading post update followed a bit after the big feature patch.
What I’m curious about is why my transmutation stones converted at a FAR lesser rate than expected. I’m stuck with one transmutation stone that does nothing and have far fewer charges than I was expecting. I thought they were supposed to convert at 1 charge per regular stone and 3 charges per blue/80 stone. Instead it was 3 regular stones per 1 charge and 1 blue/80 stone per 1 charge.
Was this intended? Did I just misinterpret? If so, I’m stuck with 1 transmutation stone that does nothing, since you need 3 per charge.
I kind of like this bug.
I couldn’t talk in guild chat just now, but I did see people talking using /emotes …
I loved the old login screen too. While waiting for betas to start, I would sometimes load up the screen to listen to the music and stare >.>.
Sylvari British accents.
They’re awesome!
I know we aren’t supposed to complain in this thread, but every time Trahearne pronounces “Claw Island” as “Clowr Island” I have a little eye-twitch. Other than that, I like the accents, even if they don’t make sense ^^;.
More on topic: I love the depth of lore in Guild Wars. A good story and good characters are some of my favorite things.
You have to soulbind or salvage the item to unlock the skin. Would Eternity be unbound after you merged Sunrise and Twilight?
I believe Twitter is just their way of getting out a quick shout out when something unexpected and emergency-like happens. More official updates/responses takes time, as does reading and responding to forum threads.
If you can fire off up to 140 characters in one place, you can fire the exact same message off in another.
Well, I suppose that the moderators are gathering the various threads that have popped up on this topic, so that they can make replies in one place.
Edit: This is exactly what happened as I was typing my reply, so I guess the point is unavailing.
I believe Twitter is just their way of getting out a quick shout out when something unexpected and emergency-like happens. More official updates/responses takes time, as does reading and responding to forum threads.
The teleporting champs aren’t only a problem in lane 5, but I think it is most pronounced in lane 5 because of the length of the lane. I assumed it was actually a lag issue. On any lane that I am in, I experience the twisted champs suddenly being as far as two-thirds up the lane when I had just been DPSing them right at the bottom of the lane. This only happens with the twisted champs, none of the other mobs or players teleports like this. I think it has something to do with the barricades. I don’t recall this happening when there were no barricades or the barricades were down.
I was poking around and found this forum post:
I can’t vouch for the quality or anything, I’m at work and sneaking peaks at the forums in between things ^^. Also, I’d prefer to pay the creators if possible, this stuff is awesome, I’m not sure if this is just free floating or what :-/.
I’d have to assume it’s because 250 is the max stack for almost everything else in Guild Wars 2.
I was also hoping to find information on this today. If nothing else, I’d at least like a ringtone!
Thanks for sharing. I keep giggling here at work >.>.
Somewhat related: My significant other has that same tattoo pattern on his norn. The nipple circles are quite distracting. Their distraction level during cut scenes even trumps the queen’s bosom when wearing the right armor sets. It’s like everyone in ventrilo has a rare form of tourettes that makes them use the word “nipples” at every opportunity … >.>
The trebuchet is getting bigger!. Okay, it’s probably not a trebuchet, but that laser thing mentioned in the event text. But yay! They are slow T_T.
You need three stacks of 10 for food/ingots/stuff like that. That said, my significant other was unable to donate mithril bars for some reason. Once he put mithril bars in the forge, everything else grayed out and he couldn’t package them.
I mentioned this over in the Lost Shores board, but maybe it belongs over here. I understand that you wouldn’t want players disconnecting out to Lion’s Arch to repair in between fractals, but why doesn’t a disconnected player just load right back into the dungeon wherever they disconnected at?
That said, the dungeon is awesome.
(edited by Holo the Wise.4179)
Okay, I understand that they didn’t want people walking out of the instance to repair before the third fractal of a set. It’s part of the mechanic that you have to make it through each set of three before you can regroup. However, the game locked up on me while we were doing the fractal where you are all charr trying to smash through old ascalon post-searing (at least, that’s as far as I got, the “break down the gate” objective). We had a total wipe and I clicked restart from checkpoint, the game went to a load screen and became totally non-responsive. I waited for a while, then force-closed the game. When I load back in I’m booted to lion’s arch and left listening to the party mates on vent, and I’ll have to make them start all the way over because now I haven’t made it past the three set and I can’t get in. Because of some bug that caused my client to lockup. Why don’t I just load back straight into the dungeon when I disconnect? That would solve the problem of people popping out to repair.
1) 28 Female
2) A love of stories is my original reason for playing games in the first place, so I’d rank them as the highest importance in the games that I play.
3) Overall I’d have to say individual characters are more important, but a sense of depth in how these individual characters link up with each other and everything else is equally important. Having an interesting character doesn’t do much if they are isolated or apart from everything else.
4) It depends. Many times the first character I make in a game will be like me. It takes a bit of extra effort to force myself to make an unusual character that I don’t directly identify with, and generally I lost interest in such characters.
5) Generally the game will create/determine at least some measure of my character’s progression, if for no other reason than I can’t reprogram the game to do exactly what I want it to do.
6) I personally view full exploration as the ultimate goal. Seeing and doing everything and enjoying the ride along the way.
7) In Guild Wars 2, I believe that the options are varied enough to where I don’t feel so much like everyone is just like me. I did feel a bit slighted that parts of the character personalization in the beginning didn’t end up having any effect on my personal story.
8) I liked that my personal story linked up with “group story” in the game dealing with Destiny’s Edge, although I felt the link up was a bit wobbly, since most people wouldn’t be completing their personal story and doing each dungeon exactly as it became available to them. While I like the idea, it the actual relation between the two stories seems a bit fuzzy. In particular, the “group story” felt kind of like only catching every other episode of a television drama, I was interested, but didn’t feel totally informed about what was happening.