Showing Posts For Holy Ogre.6409:

Is there any Point of Communicating?

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

for some people it is

Is there any Point of Communicating?

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

know what to do = cap and hold its that simple

Is there any Point of Communicating?

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

well, yeah assign roles and positions according to classes before the match starts and then you are good to go.. talking in chat after the match starts is waste of time

Is there any Point of Communicating?

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

its just u complaining… and no there is no point in communicating if all knew how to play and did their best in every match.

Communication in game

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

I’d like to bring up one problem that always arises when we talk about these kinds of features. How would these systems work across different game modes? Either the functionality has to be generic enough for multiple game modes, or have specifics for each map type (which can be harder to learn).

Specifics for each map sound great

Dat marketing

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

ahhahah leeto <3

Dat marketing

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

Thieves make all other zerkers pointless

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

I am with you if you are suggesting to add an animation to steal.

Thieves make all other zerkers pointless

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

All i am saying is that the pvp part of the game is balanced around conquest and there is no way you can have true balance as long as different classes exist. Maybe they should make all the classes the same so people wont think the game is not balanced.

Lot’s of words but zero substance. You should become a politician.
As for this your sentence speaks for itself.

PS. Why dont you try to think what i said instead? consider it food for thought..

Thieves make all other zerkers pointless

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

First of all, I think we see things from a different angle. Secondly, dont open your mouth and say whatever comes to you first. Thirdly, when you are talking about pvp make sure you know that you talk specifically about pvp because all the pvp we got is conquest where certain roles must be filled and some classes are better than others for those specific roles. Anet has been listening to people like you for a long time(people who have wrong perception of what the game is) thats why we ll never get balance. I remember when people couldnt win mesmers cz they didnt know how to counter them or they were not familiar with mesmer’s animations but this has changed because when you put time and effort to something you get better, people dont understand that.

Thieves make all other zerkers pointless

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

This is so funny, game has been out for more than 2 years and people still talking about stuff like this. learn how to play pls

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

oh w8 they havent even buffed the most underpowered class in the game people have started complaining jesus.

Thieves/Warriors shutting down tPvP diversity

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

To kill a warrior you need sustained damage and poison. To kill a thief you need sustain. Warriors can kill all burst builds by outsustaining them. Thief can kill all burst builds by bursting them faster than they can burst back due to shadowsteps/evades with damage. Combine Warrior and Thief and you force all other classes to go either Bunker/Condi Tank specs.
Both classes are easy to kill in certain occasions so people please open your minds and stop crying about builds, when i play pvp all i see is possibilities due to the fact that this game is way more tactical and team based that you think. When you are low ask for your teammate to cc the one who attacks you or even kill him, or if you are a noob who keeps running away from the attacker try attacking others for a change. To sum up, the game is not focused for 1v1 at the moment even though it feels quite balanced when both players know what they are doing so please leave the bullkitten aside.

Champ titles in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

I wish they would add more tiers and titles though. 150 wins isn’t that difficult to get to, and more progression never hurts.

Something on the lines of:

Champion X = 150 wins
Elite X= 500 wins
Legendary X= 1000 wins

Maybe even factor in seasons and divisions when they come out.

Anyways nice job op.

That sounds quite nice but, as it comes to seasons if they dont come out with march patch i am outta here. Try to post such ideas in the collaborative development section so they can see it.

Champ titles in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

Gz bro! Time for conqueror? ROFL

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

All of you have no idea what you are talking about! balance is sorta okay even though it needs bugfixes, all i see is people asking to nerf the classes they have problems to fight against. Only thing thats really not ok with the game atm is warrior’s signet but arena shoud be careful nerfing warrior cause of the easily evadeable weapon and utility skills he has.
3.Bugfixes, Gamemodes, Build Templates, Balanced Teams, New classes, New builds, New weapons
Anet u should know better than ask the whiners

I want to point out the comment by Allie here.
“Basically, I want people to think ‘what class would I never play right now because it’s just not viable’ and list the top 3. That goes for all game types.”

Stop with that attitude dude and answer the CDI as it should be.

I answered the CDI didnt i? Thats just my opinion which i think is the truth, if u dont like it fine by me i dont have a prob. I just dont want to see the game in the wrong direction.

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

All of you have no idea what you are talking about! balance is sorta okay even though it needs bugfixes, all i see is people asking to nerf the classes they have problems to fight against(noobs). Only thing thats really not ok with the game atm is warrior’s signet but arena shoud be careful nerfing warrior cause of the easily evadeable weapon and utility skills he has.
3.Bugfixes, Gamemodes, Build Templates, Balanced Teams, New classes, New builds, New weapons
Anet u should know better than ask the whiners

Thief how to win..

in Mesmer

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

For shatter builds This is still my “how to” way of handle burst thiefs:


Second thief is kitten :p used thieves in 1v1 hahah

5,754steal 2,826cloak-dagger 11,267backstab

in Mesmer

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

hahaha it is a whine thread.

If you played thief you will realize there is no need of anythign else than group of thieves.
Team with good team play and thieves only will just slaughter anything:/ so be prepared to see more thief only sPvps :<

Anet just make a new program or something where whiners can always win, then you can have your balance.. The class that shouldnt cry about thieves, >mesmers are stil crying, u already have so much stealth even equal to us now if u play with some specific builds. U have invulnerabilities ranged weapons and clones to do dmg for u and u stil cry?just die pls. Time your skills against a thief and u can win. And seriously dont lie about the perfect team being 4 thieves only because u suck kitten and u cant win them and u want anet to nerf them for the fourth time. Only thing that could help this game atm would be if a net could come up with some restrictions whether 2 or more of one class can be in the same team. Have u guys ever played a d/p thief? not that easy, especially in pet-ranged-condi wars 2

(edited by Holy Ogre.6409)

Basic Tips for tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

Nice tips but they are honestly a bit more on the advanced side. Someone who has just stumbled into Heart Of The Mists won’t even know what “far point” or “bunker” means, or what roles even are. All those are terms are created by the community but aren’t officially mentioned anywhere in the game.

One of the biggest barricades to learning ANY game, and I know this from experience (ironically) is figuring out what the hell all community-created terms/abbreviations mean.

For example when I was a Street Fighter IV newbie and started reading guides, I came across a whole ton of terms and then had to poke around the internet figuring out what the hell those words meant. Their definitions almost got “lost” in the countless threads/discussions surrounding the game where everyone brings it up, but everyone already knows what it means except for the poor newbie who wandered in :S

lol advanced side? what about explaining combos, class mechanics, tricks, counters etc to new players? Nice newbie guide!

Thief instant burst skills?

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

Uri, the usual rotation for a thief, if the target is paying absolutely no attention that a thief is around, is to blackpowder, heartseeker + steal into backstab. Then usually the thief will switch to shortbow and use a few point blank clusterbombs to overload any late blinds, stealth, clones, aegis, etc. that get thrown up.

It is a lot harder to pull off blackpowder -> heartseeker + steal if the target is actually paying attention to what is going on. So they might blackpower into heartseeker, sit in stealth (and maybe apply bassi venom while in stealth), then backstab+steal or port signet. It does less damage, but is more unpredictable. If they sit in refuge for a while, they usually follow up with a bassi’ed backstab.

Keep in mind, this is all assuming backstab plays. There are many plays that a trickery thief can use that require shortbow. Depending on the situation, a thief might weapon switch to shortbow while in stealth.

Also as a side: To those necros out there, if you’re against a good thief, don’t place all your staff skills on one spot and sit in them. A good thief will dodge + steal into it to remove them.

Thieves don’t just steal for the mug.

Heh nice one.. didnt say so bro.. sorry

"PvP Glory and Rank Rewards Revised"

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

Nobody will ever reach 80… Get ready for some out manned situations in hotjoins: guilds vs randoms and more zerg fights.